HU Travellers Meeting Germany-Summer 2018 Archive
Horizons Unlimited 20th Deutschland Travellers Meeting
Thursday 31 May - Sunday 3 Jun, 2018
Campingplatz Pfrimmtal, Deutschland
It's All About Overland Adventure
You missed it! Go here for current event!
Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...
Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
Inspiring, Informing & Connecting
Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.
Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.
Horizons Unlimited Germany Summer Event Schedule
The event is taking place from Thursday, 31 May to Sunday, 3 June, 2018. Presentations will start Thursday night. Rideouts will start Friday morning. Organizers will be there most of Wednesday, hopefully Wednesday evening, if anyone wishes to arrive early and just hang out or go for a ride in the area. Please LET US KNOW you will be arriving early.
The schedule is subject to change - stuff happens! Check the latest schedule to be posted at the meeting on the day.
Presenters at HU Germany Summer 2018 so far...
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Birgit & Rainer Knabe, Bembel On TourNext Exit: Afrika |
Im Wohnzimmer werden mitten im Winter die beiden Motorräder startklar gemacht: Afrika. Gnadenlose Stürze, permanenter Kühlwasserverlust und unerwartete Pannenhilfe in Marokko, staubige Pisten, Nigeria gibt uns kein Visum, Reparatur der Maschinen in Südafrika, Sturz am Sani-Pass, wir verlieren aber unser Herz in der kargen namibischen Einsamkeit, erleben die roten Dünen im Morgenlicht und schauen tief in die goldenen Augen des Leoparden in der Etosha. Ein Seil reißt Birgit von der Maschine, fette LKW drängen uns aufs Schotterband, freundliche Locals versorgen suns am Strassenrand, das strahlende Lächeln der Kinder, Afrika hat uns gepackt ... Wir zeigen den letzten Teil unserer Next-Exit-Afrika-Trilogie quer über die schwitzend-faszinierende Ostroute bis zum heimisch-kühlen Äppelwoi!
BIRGIT & RAINER KNABE: In Deutschland mit dem chromglitzernden Softchopper und silbernem Roller herumgetourt. Die SR500, schicke japanische Joghurtbecher und das Traumduo F650GS/Africa Twin zeigten uns Europa. Mit den beiden XChallenge folgten wir unserem Lebenstraum über staubige Pisten quer durch Afrika.
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Noortje Nijkamp & Johannes Weissborn, Adventurism TVBeginner Mistakes: A Comedy Story |
Beginner Mistakes: A Comedy Story
Without any experience, Nora and Jojo (Johannes) were beginner travellers who left on an overland adventure. Without taking themselves too seriously, they share their embarrassing packing lists and the mistakes they made. Now with some experience under their belts, they are ambassadors for traveling lighter by leaving some things behind. Find out more about their packing tips and guidelines for travel preparations.
Adventurism Mindset
We all do it: over-prepare and overpack! In this reflective talk, Nora offers compelling tips to pack less by bringing the right mindset. She shares stories about her first overland adventure. Without any experience she packed her bags and left. She talks about how to deal with the daily challenges on the road and how to grow with the experience. In the end, she learned that it doesn't matter how you prepare or pack, the most important thing you can bring is the right mindset.
NORA and JOJO are a couple brought together by the adventure of motorcycle overland travel. They have plenty of stories to share from their individual solo travels and from exploring the world together. They are a happy couple with a shared passion: Adventure.
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Joris JooreAround The World On Two Wheels |
Joris traveled all around the world and is back with storie to share about his motorcycle, adjustments he's made, and what he packed. Find out what it's like to go off-roading in Mongolia (with video footage), experience Tokyo, big-city New York, and riding along the historic and famous U.S. Route 66. Even coming home on a container ship from Philadelphia, U.S.A. to Antwerp was an adventure itself.
JORIS JOORE has done several trips already, from North Cape to Naples. Last year, he went around the world, starting in his hometown Utrecht and kept heading east until he was back home again. He has visited over 25 countries and 22 states on that trip, covering over 50.000 kilometres and two oceans. He and his bike returned from New York on a container ship. He has written a book about his RTW trip.
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Alexander ConradNorthern North America |
After shipping his motorcycle to the United States, Alexander started out from New York City to explore the wild and remote parts of North America. During five months of his journey, he rode up north along the historic "Alaska Highway" where he discovered the wilderness of Alberta, the Yukon Territory, and Klondike by also driving the lonely "Top of the World Highway". When he got to Alaska, he made it all the way to the northern end of the continent by reaching Deadhorse and Prudhoe Bay after accomplishing the remote stretch of the "Dalton Highway". Escaping the quick approaching winter, he then headed south along the "Stewart-Cassiar Highway", crossing British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains back into the US.
He will share his experiences and encounters from the northern parts of North America and will give you some ideas of how to behave and what to do if you encounter a bear or other wildlife, which gear to choose and what the best time might be to explore Canada and Alaska. Join in for some great pictures and stories from America's north.
ALEXANDER CONRAD has traveled more than 180,000 km over the last seven years, across numerous countries in Europe, western Asia and, lately, North America. Born and raised in Germany, he is now living in California and giving "home" a short visit.
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Martin Brucker, Auf dem WegOn The Way (Auf dem Weg): Part 01 |
After 9.5 years as a woodwork intructor in Ethiopia, I gave myself a break (12-18 months) to find similar work in South East Asia (a.k.a. travel) and a bit further to Australia to visit my cousin near Brisbane. After 20 months, I reached in Australia after having ridden through many countries (Iran, Syria, Sudan, Jemen, Tibet, China, Vietnam), including some job interviews in Laos and Vietnam. When I learned I got the job in Laos, I had been in Australia for four months and now needed to make a decision: take the job or continue my journey.
To be honest, it was an easy decision - I kept going. And kept going I did, to South America, Cuba, and waiting for the spring season again. At one point, it came to mind that it would be really cool to return to the Black Forest in Germany on the very same motorcycle I first left with. After crossing six continents, about 70 countries, and covering about 255,067 km, I came full-circle to the very same spot I left 6.5 years ago... at the doorstep of my mother's house in Welschensteinach.
From Germany's Black Forest, MARTIN BRUCKER traveled from March 2010 to October 2016 around the world on his trusty BMW G650 Xchallenge. He covered about 255,067 km crossing about 70 countries "On The Way".
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Werner ZwickHawaii |
Palm trees, sandy beaches, surfers, hula dancers and detective Magnum P.I. with his Ford Mustang. These stereotypes come to mind when the tropical archipelago is mentioned. Apart from Magnum, everything else is true, but there is so much more. Big mountains, active volcanoes, great roads and fantastic vistas characterize the enchanting islands of Hawaii.
WERNER ZWICK has travelled between Alaska and Patagonia, in parts of Asia, the southern part of Africa, and in many parts of Europe.
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Till Göldner & Caro Mittnacht, Welt-erfahrenWelt-erfahren |
We decided to do it! We took a year off to see parts of the world we had never seen. We did the minimum planning, prepared our good old Africa Twin a little, and left Germany in August 2016. We returned in September 2017. Going to India was the first part we planned... and then where to after?? An amazing year of unexpected adventures.
TILL GÖLDNER and his partner CARO MITTNACHT rode 2-up on an Africa Twin from Germany to India, Korea, Vladivostok, and then back to Germany, passing through Mongolia and the "Stans".
Educational Sessions
Because Horizons Unlimited events are about informing, not just inspiring, we also have a great lineup of educational sessions for you...
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Sonja Ritter & Claudio Gnypek, PegasoreiseWorkshop: Abenteuer Vorbereitung / Adventure Preparation |
Je mehr wir reisen, um so weniger planen wir. Früher machten wir uns Gedanken über Probleme, die auf der Tour auftauchen können. Mittlerweile wissen wir: Vor der Reise ahnten wir oft nicht, welche simplen Lösungen wir unterwegs fanden. Wir erzählen, wie wir unsere Trips planen, worauf wir achten und welche Regeln wir bewußt ignorieren. Man sollte nicht kopflos, sondern sorglos reisen. Wir sprechen über folgende Themen: Das perfekte Reisemotorrad: Mit welchen Motorrad reise ich am besten, wie rüste ich es aus und wie bekomme ich es auf einen anderen Kontinent? Routenplanung: Wie genau plane ich die Route, welche Stopps plane ich ein und wieviele Kilometer pro Tag schaffe ich? Gepäck: Nehme ich ein Zelt, Schlafsäcke und Kocher mit, wieviel Werkzeug, Ersatzteile und welche Kleidung? Auch ihr könnt eure Erfahrungen einbringen.
The more we travel, the less we plan. Previously we started thinking about problems that can occur on the tour. Now we know: Before traveling we had no idea about the simple solutions we found on the road. We talk about how we plan our trips, on what we pay attention and which rules we ignore. One should not travel careless, but carefree.
SONJA RITTER and CLAUDIO GNYPEK love to travel, mostly on a motorbike. The best thing about travelling is to get in contact with other people. That's why they started the adventure-podcast, a radio show about travelling. Once a month, they produce a podcast with stories to which you can listen while on the road.
More to come...
How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please sign up here.
Panel discussions at most HU events include...
Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!
Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.
Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.
For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!
Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!
Walk arounds / Show and tell!
Tool Kits - Show us your favorite tools. Toolkit discussion.
Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!
Farkle Walk - Take a stroll and talk about your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.
The Adventure Travel Zone
Exhibitors (To Be Confirmed)
Overland AdventureOverland Adventure is a motorcycle expedition company specializing in parts and accessories for Touring and long on and off road travel. Our passion for technical perfection and quality standards make your dream trip possible. We offer you the best you can get on the market! |
SBV International is located in Brussels, Belgium. We are young entrepreneurs and innovation passionates. Our products are designed to make any mechanical tasks easier for the end user. We offer a life time warranty on our tools. We develop tools for motorcycles, cars etc. we have more than 50 patents worldwide. We continuously develop tools by listening the needs of our customers. Thierry De Schaetzen will be here to show you Moto-PRO Tool sets and other products. |
If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them! Vendors please contact me for details.
If you'd like to secure your place in the Adventure Travel Zone, there's a pre-registration form for Authors & Film-Makers and a booking form for Exhibitors.
Horizons Unlimited Germany Ride-outs
Some folks will be going on ride-outs in this awesome riding area. You are welcome to join them! Note: These are NOT organised by Horizons Unlimited.
Ride-outs are limited to 6 or 10 people per ride, no exceptions.
All rides will be back on site at or before 5.00pm
- Road Rides - two planned, details to come.
- Off-road - we could use some help - any ideas, locations, routes, off-road tracks?
All rides are "register on the day." There will be signup sheets for each ride posted the evening before. First in best dressed.
Facilities for a Fantastic Four Days
The event will be held at:
Campingplatz Pfrimmtal
Pfrimmerhof 3
67729 Sippersfeld
Telefon (06357) 9753 -80
Jens has found a great new venue! Official Campground in beautiful surroundings features:
- Separate Camping Area for Groups
- Fireplace
- Great toilets and real showers – finally!
- German/Greek Restaurant on the spot (lunch, dinners and breakfast)
- Swimming in several lakes possible (depends on the weather!)
- Good for hiking
- Fishing possible
- Absolutely quiet – no traffic around!
- Great Barn for slide shows
- Cabins/mobilhomes and apartments are also available
Great riding in one of the best riding areas of Germany – the Pfälzer Wald! The famous Motorcycle Meeting Point "Johanniskreuz" is just around the corner... Endless turns with nearly no traffic! Plenty of attractions in the area - see list!
There will stil be the big tent!
Camping is €15 per person per night, which is a super bargain. There is lots of room for camping! Please book and pay for camping when you register.
Cabins/Mobilhomes and Apartments
Are NOT included in your registration fee. You must book soon if you want a cabin or other accommodation, as they WILL FILL UP!
Please book directly through the campground and pay them for your cabin. Telefon (06357) 9753 -80
PLEASE NOTE: Booking a cabin DOES NOT register you for the meeting, you will still have to register as usual and pay the full registration fee.
Is NOT included in your registration price. There is a Greek/German restaurant serving breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
Next HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!
ALL Dates subject to change.
2025 Confirmed Events:
Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Aug 22-24
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2
Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!
Questions about an event? Ask here