HU Quebec 2024 at La Classique

Horizons Unlimited FIRST Annual Québec
Adventure Travellers Meeting

Friday 17 May - Sunday 19 May, 2024
Lachute, Québec


In Partnership with and La Classique Motofest

It's All About Overland Adventure

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...

Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.

Inspiring, Informing & Connecting

Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.

Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

Group photo at HU South Africa.

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.

Horizons Unlimited Québec Event Schedule

The event is taking place from Friday May 17 - Sunday May 19, 2024.

The Registration Tent will open for check-ins Friday morning, with the first presentations beginning at 2 pm. Final presentations will be on Sunday. You stay overnight and leave Monday morning if you wish.

Over the course of the event there'll be plenty of talks, demonstrations, workshops and Q&A's, with some presentations being repeated so you won't miss out.

As well as hearing inspiring stories of overlanding adventure from around the world, you'll get the low-down on preparing for your journey, navigation, first-aid, photography, and a host of other essential topics. Whatever your past experience or future plans may be, there's something for everyone.

The event schedule will be available for download here approximately 1 week before the event.

PLEASE NOTE: The schedule is subject to change at any time - all the presenters are volunteers and travelling, thus they may be delayed or unable to get there. Some may have anxiety attacks and be unable to perform! ;-) And sometimes travellers show up unexpectedly with great pics and stories, so we try to fit them in! Details of changes to presentation times or other matters of note will be posted at Registration and other locations.

Presenters at HU Québec 2024 so far...

Marc Chartrand

Marc Chartrand, Trans-Quebec Trail

Conquering the Trans-Quebec Trail (TQT)
An epic motorcycle adventure

Calling all adventure motorcycle enthusiasts!

Brace yourself for a great journey as we present the Trans-Quebec Trail, a 5000-mile adventure route. Discover some of the awe-inspiring beauty of Quebec's wilderness and its hidden gems as you conquer diverse terrain, from remote forests to majestic mountains to stunning maritime views. Gear up and join us as we conquer the Trans-Quebec Trail, one epic ride at a time.

Trans-Quebec Trail map.

Also, be among the first to glimpse the upcoming Trans-Ontario Trail. We'll unveil even more thrilling possibilities for your future adventures.

MARC CHARTRAND is the Project Manager of the Trans Quebec Trail efforts and the Regional Ambassador for the Basses-Laurentides Montérégie area.

Marc Chartrand and motorcycle

Gabriel Charest

Gabriel Charest

Tournée Moto-Labo [Moto-Labo Tour]
Une tournée du Québec en moto pour soutenir la recherche sur le cancer cérébral [Motorcycle tour of Québec to support brain cancer research]

[FR] Je présenterai mon projet de tournée de moto pour soutenir la recherche sur le cancer du cerveau. Ok, ok... ça peut sembler être ennuyeux. Mais pas avec moi! Je vous invite à vous joindre à moi pour cette tournée. Pour la Classique, je vais aussi parler de science de la moto. Le refroidissement éolien vous connaissez, mais le réchauffement éolien? Le "contre-contre braquage" ... c'est quoi ça? Le centre de masse vs. le moment d'inertie. Comment bien dormir en camping.

Gabriel Charest with motorcycle.

[EN] I will present my motorcycle tour project to support brain cancer research. Ok, ok... this may seem boring. But not with me! I invite you to join me for this motorcycle tour. For the Classic, I'm also going to talk about motorcycle science. You know about wind chill, but what about wind warming? "Counter-counter-steering"... what is that? The center of mass vs. the moment of inertia. How to sleep well while camping.

GABRIEL CHAREST is a scientist working on brain cancer. He is organizing a motorcycle tour in which he gives talks about brain cancer research in many cities in the province of Québec. The aim is to collect funds to help brain cancer research. Motorcycle riders are welcome to join him.

Stephane Paquette and Julie

Julie et Stephane Paquette

How We Prepare for Our Trip /
The First Day of Our Trip /
A Couple of Days of Hell in Peru

[NOTE: Final presentations TBC.]

JULIE and STEPHANE PAQUETTE are a couple who travelled by motorcycle from Quebec to Ushuaia and did a trip around Europe.

1. How We Prepare for Our Trip

I explain how we managed to have enough money to organize our trip. how long it took us, what type of bike and equipment we chose and why we chose them. What did we do to make sure it was possible for us to travel like that? all that in French

2. The First Day of Our Trip
At the start, we were travelling like we were working.

From the first day of our trip to the day our friend died, we try to explain how we feel and how difficult it was for us to travel on a motorcycle. We were nervous, we made some errors, and we had to make a decision to save our trip. Stephane and Julie explain and compare their individual ways of thinking to let people know the different views we have of everyday event

3. A Couple of Days of Hell in Peru
A week in Peru where we were caught in demonstrations

We were caught in a demonstration in Peru and had to fight our way out of there. We had to find another route that included two days without eating and no water.

Mike Muldoon

Mike Muldoon

A Stroke of Luck /
The Real Mexico

1. A Stroke of Luck
Follow Your Heart. There are moments in one's life when things change. How you handle them will make all the difference down the road.

What happens when you get knocked down? Ye,s you get back up, but then what? Everyone is there to help, but in the end you have to listen to your heart, your gut, and your head. Is it easy? NO. Can it be scary? YES. Take that deep breath and move forward. Here is how a bike saved my life.

Mike Muldoon with his bike.

2. The Real Mexico
Getting past your fears and getting on to the back roads.

In the fall of 2021, things changed in my life and decisions had to be made. My riding partner was heading south to Mexico and she wanted to know if I was interested in going. "Yes" was the reply and the rest is history, but the gut was always in a knot as to what could possibly happen. Fear was the biggest hurdle to handle. We were to meet in southern Texas. I headed out on my own. Six months in Mexico was amazing. In the fall of 2022, a second trip was made to Mexico. It was a different trip. Also to be told.

MIKE MULDOON considers himself a late bloomer. His brother-in-law gave him a book that changed his vision of motorcycling and its enjoyment. It opened the world to him and, in many ways, it saved his life.

Patty Wong, Ky Yeh, and Keiki

Patty Wong & Ky Yeh (and Keiki)

2 Wheels, 3-Up, 4 Paws
Determined to make sure that our dog lives her best life, Keiki and Co. motocamped across Canada from London ON to Vancouver BC, and back.

2020 meant cancelled trips, opportunities, employment, and a closed border. Ky and Patty took a gamble on the adventure of a lifetime. With their cute Shiba Inu puppy, Keiki, in tow on a heavily overloaded bike, wholly unsuited for long distance touring, they set out for Vancouver, while motocamping there and back again. Adventure begins when things start going wrong and, for them, it began early and often, but they never anticipated things like sleeping in a trailer in a race paddock, or a sandstorm at the top of a cliff. Their steed was a "modified" 2014 Yamaha Bolt. With 2.6 gallons of fuel, there were MANY gas stops that were full of laughs, questions and photo-ops. All three inches of plush suspension travel meant that these stops were often.

Patty Wong and Ky Yeh

PATTY WONG and KY YEH have been motorcycling together for over 11 years, but the last four years have been with Keiki, a 4-year-old Shiba Inu. Ever since picking up Keiki at two months old, she has been riding on the motorcycle and loving it!

Joanne Morra

Joanne Morra

Leave Room for Magic
Life not going as planned, despite all your efforts? What happens instead is often so much better. Leave room for magic.

Ever hit a bottom in your life and felt like you could no longer control outcomes? Ever just wanted to quit? I have, a few times, in fact, but the most disheartening was a few years ago. A perfect storm of grief, PTSD, infertility, hormonal shifts, and a concussion brought me to my knees. My lovely doctor, at her wits end, asked me what I thought I needed most. My answer? I need to *#$@ off BY MYSELF on my bike.

Joanne Morra riding her motorcycle. Credit: Scott Gullion, The Rolling Barrage.
[Photo credit: Scott Gullion, The Rolling Barrage.]

In this edition of Leave Room for Magic, I will share with you how my desire to be alone on the road with my grief did not go according to plan. Instead, I ended up on the TCAT with a bud, then got adopted by 100 leather clad angels who called me "Coleslaw", and mended a part of my broken heart. I hope to inspire you with my tales of what happens when you let go of the reins and leave room for magic to occur in your life. I'm still crying by the way, albeit less.

Joanne Morra

JOANNE MORRA is a high school teacher and singer from Toronto. She has ridden to Nova Scotia on a Triumph, to Vancouver on a KTM, and to New York on a Rebel. This summer she hits the United States. Unplanned routes, meeting new folk, and leaving lots of room for magic is how she rolls.

Jamie Smallwood

Jamie Smallwood

My Motorcycle Trip 1964/65
An experience that changed a life, as only a motorcycle trip can do.

In 1964, at the age of 19 years old, I had just graduated from high school and was very much unsure of what the world expected of me and what my place in it was to be. I needed time. I needed space. That was when the idea of a motorcycle trip took hold. My aged Vespa 125 was certainly not up to the task. I needed a real motorcycle!

That spring, I presented my idea to my parents and my dad agreed to help me buy a motorcycle. The final father/son choice was a brand-new red Honda 305 Super Hawk. There was no real itinerary, except to head south from Montreal into the United States. I had this naïve idea that I could make a big square around North America. I would have to work on the way to bolster my meagre travel budget, but where? Where would I stay? Would I be accepted? I had a lot of fears. I left on October 19, 1964, with the promise that I would write a lot of letters and call home.

Jamie Smallwood

At the age of 79, JAMIE SMALLWOOD is content with the memories of his motorcycle travels: a five-month, 4,800-mile trip taken in 1964 through a pre-hippie America riding a Honda 305 Super Hawk and, in 1970, a summer in Europe with his wife aboard a BSA 500 Royal Star. Wheeled adventures after that included cross-country trips in a VW van.

C. Jane Taylor

C. Jane Taylor

Spirit Traffic: Share Your Adventure
Jane reads from her new motomemoir about learning to ride at 50 on a 10,000-mile trip, and invites listeners to share their own stories.

Everyone has a story. Come and share yours! Join author C. Jane Taylor in a presentation of adventure storytelling. Jane will start by reading from Spirit Traffic, her new adventure memoir about learning to ride a motorcycle at age 50 on a seven-week, 10,000-mile cross-country trip with her husband and son; they were all new riders on BMW 650s. She'll also discuss the 97-day, 13,000-mile national book tour she did on her bike in 2022. Afterward, listeners are invited to share their own stories on the theme "Adventure as I see it". Each story should illustrate a lesson learned and be limited to five-minutes.

C. JANE TAYLOR learned to ride at age 50 during a 10,000-mile cross-country trip. Her book Spirit Traffic tells of that adventure and was the subject of a national book tour by motorcycle. Her current book, Riding the Line, is being released serially on Substack; excerpts have been featured in Rider Magazine.

C. Jane Taylor, Spirit Traffic book cover

C. Jane Taylor

Louise Mitchell

Louise Mitchell

All I Need to Know I Learned ADV Riding (Some parts in French)
Just like kindergarten, riding teaches us everything we need; life is beautiful, but when adventure riding, it's beautifuller - until it's not.

[FR] Moto Adventours semble bien se traduire dans toutes les langues. Avec le sens de l'humour d'un garçon de 12 ans et beaucoup d'enthousiasme, j'ai plongé dans le fond de la piscine de la moto d'aventure: apportez du papier toilette; ne perdez pas votre 14 mm; sachez où se trouve la batterie de la moto; gardez de l'argent dans votre poche. Osez venir écouter quelques anecdotes amusantes sur mes différents voyages et mes leçons apprises.

Louise Mitchell

[EN] With the sense of humour of a 12-year-old boy and much enthusiasm, I jumped into the deep end of the adventure riding pool and it's taken over my life. I've learned more lessons than I can count riding all over the world: bring toilet paper; don't lose your 14mm; know where the battery is; keep some cash in your pocket. Dare to listen to some amusing stories and my lessons learned.

Louise Mitchell

LOUISE MITCHELL is an avid adventure riding enthusiast. After watching "Long Way Round", she took the plunge and attended rallies across Canada and the U.S., including BMW trophy events. Retired from teaching 13-year-olds, she works at SMART Programs (Horseshoe) and fulfills her dreams by adventure riding anywhere and everywhere.

Jeff Dodge

Jeff Dodge

The "Don't Look Down Tour" - Peru 2024
21 days riding in rural Peru from the high Andes to the Amazon River basin

Four somewhat retired riders and two more old guys in an SUV explore areas of northern Peru where tourists are seldom seen. On rented "adventure" bikes, they travel through high mountain passes and plateaus, jungles and desert. A lot of time is spent above 10,000 feet in altitude and in temperatures ranging from just above freezing to +30°C. This was an unguided and only generally planned adventure which created many opportunities to interact with local people and to experience some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. This presentation is a highly visual tour of their trip, covering everything from the local food to the road conditions experienced along the way and, of course, the scenery.

Huascaran switchback mountain road.

JEFF DODGE is a late bloomer when it comes to adventure travel, having started riding in his early 50s. He has ridden 6,000 km across the Australian outback, has tackled parts of the Trans Canada Trail, and is recently back from 21 days' riding in Peru. In addition to riding, he is an avid sailor and has traveled extensively.

Jillian Henderson and Walter Romanowski

Jillian Henderson and Walter Romanowski

Costa Rica: Pure Riding, Pura Vida
Riding around this beautiful, safe Central American country

On our first adventure to Costa Rica, which started on Christmas Day 2022, we fell in love with this country. We returned three additional times in the next year to enjoy and explore on two KTM Adventure 390 motorcycles rented out of San Jose. In this presentation, you will see curvy roads, beach towns, rainforests, and waterfalls. We discuss and show you the good, the bad, and the ugly of riding around Costa Rica. Hone your skills because the roads here will challenge you, and it's so worth it.

Jillian Henderson and Walter Romanowski, motorcycles at Lake Arenal.

JILLIAN HENDERSON and WALTER ROMANOWSKI have travelled in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and, most recently, extensively through Costa Rica.

Oliver Solaro

Oliver Solaro

Ice Dog
A BMW 850GSA... on the sea ice?

OLIVER "BROKENTOOTH" SOLARO at your service. My nutty little shtick is to incessantly force the spirit in my machine to cry uncle while being tasked to go places and do things it was never designed for. Feel free to point and mock at will.

For decades, my cranial "voices" have whispered many a scheme to facilitate my ongoing teenage rebellion against societal expectations of what travel on a motorcycle should be. This past winter has taken this philosophy and cranked it up to 11 with a little sojourn that I guarantee will leave you scratching your head. With any luck, this may be just an engineering exercise for something even more, um...frosty coming down the pipe.

Oliver Solaro, rusted ship abandoned on the snow. Gertrude snow bike in foreground.

Michelle Solaro

Michelle Solaro

Himalayan Histerics
A first-time account of riding a clapped-out Royal Enfield in Nepal from a woman's point-of-view

Years later, a "Plenty of Fish" promise turns into a Christmas gift of plane tickets to Kathmandu where Michelle falls in love with exotic, intoxicating Nepal. Upon acquiring her leaky, rattle-can 350 Enfield, she dodges the butt-clenching madness of Kathmandu traffic for the serenity of the Kali Gandaki Gorge before heading west to the earthquake-ravaged Jiri region. From the snow capped Annapurna mountains to the steam of Sauraha's jungles, she clatters her way around a country where neither she nor her mate can read the signs or speak the language. At the end of it all, one brilliant shining moment in a home that fosters children of women in Nepali prisons tattoos a mark on her heart. One day she is told, in no uncertain terms, why you don't see much of women riding motorcycles in Nepal: "Because it's too hard." That's when things get interesting.....

Trading in her shiny road bike for a rough-and-tumble ready KLR 650 has opened up a world of possibilities for MICHELLE SOLARO as she chases the vanishing point just over the horizon.

Michelle riding cliffside road in Nepal

LOTS of presentations to come! As people register to present we'll list them here.

How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please contact us here to volunteer.

Panel discussions at most HU events include...

Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!

Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.

Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.

For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!

Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!

Walk arounds / Show and tell!

Tool Kits - Show us your favorite tools. Toolkit discussion.

Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!

Farkle Walk - Take a stroll and talk about your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.

I've already registered - I just want to pay!


Includes admission to all presentations, seminars, group discussions and demonstrations,
AND access to the La Classique features such as vendor booths, demo bikes etc.
Organized rides are NOT included. Camping is NOT included (prices below).

Pre-Register & Pay
before May 11

Event Price

(all presentations and workshops)

Full Weekend Pass (includes tax)



Pay Cash or Credit card on Arrival

Full Weekend Pass (includes tax)



Tent Camping is 49 (including tax) per person for the whole event Friday afternoon through to Monday morning (out by 10am.)

Trailer UNDER 24', Jeep, Van, Overland = 55 (including tax)

Trailer-Camper OVER 24'= 67 (including tax)

Parking ONLY if NOT CAMPING, = 11 for the weekend (including tax) PREPAID, or 20 on the weekend including tax!

There are plenty of hotels in town, but be sure to book soon!




days to go!

Horizons Unlimited
is proud to be a part of the
16th La Classique Motofest!

16th La Classique Motofest, 2024.

We will be bringing Horizons Unlimited's Inspirational and Informative presentations to get you on the road with all the information you need to travel the world on your own!
For Adventure Rides during the day
sign up with La Classique.

In the evenings you can Connect with the HU Presenters and other travellers around the fire and plan YOUR next trip!

Join the discussion:

On the HUBB!
On Facebook!

You can help!

If you have a few minutes, please download the poster (Adobe pdf format) or postcard and print off a few and hand them round your club or your local bike shop or anywhere seems like a good place.

Poster in pdf format, English (1.5MB) full colour Event poster:

HU Quebec 2024 meeting poster, English.


Postcard in pdf format, English (464kb) full colour Event postcard, can be printed 4 to a page!

HU Quebec 2024 meeting postcard.

You may need to right click and choose "save target as..."

Tu peux aider!

Si vous disposez de quelques minutes, veuillez télécharger l'affiche (format Adobe pdf) ou une carte postale et imprimer quelques exemplaires et les remettre autour de votre club ou votre magasin local de vélo ou n'importe où semble être un bon endroit.

Affiche en pdf format, Francais (1.5MB) tout en couleur Événement affiche:

HU Quebec 2024 meeting poster.


CARTES POSTALES en pdf format, Francais (684kb) tout en couleur Événement cartes postales, peut être imprimé 4 par page:

HU France 2024 meeting postcard.


Join the Volunteer Crew

From welcoming travellers at the gate, to taking care of the campsite and making sure all the presentations run smoothly, the success of every HU event relies on the enthusiasm of its volunteer crew.

Dee Masters, volunteer extraordinaire!

"What a wonderful bunch of people. I had no idea how much fun I'd have by helping out!"

"It was my absolute pleasure to be able to give something back to the HU community and working with such great folks really made the event special."

Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, get more involved with Horizons Unlimited and have loads of fun! You can sign up to volunteer when you register for the meeting, OR click here if you have already registered and want to add volunteering.

Be a Presenter

We're inviting submissions for presentations, so whether you're attending the event or exploring a distant continent, if you've got a story to tell or expertise to share we'd like to hear from you.

We love to hear stories about your travel adventures, especially if you have great pics! Also, practical how-to sessions such as roadside cooking, navigation / GPS, trip prep and planning, adventure motorcycling medicine, packing light, setting your bike up, communications / blogging from the road, self-publishing your story, yoga for bikers, bodging / bike maintenance, self-defense, photography, videography, tire repair, safe riding techniques, how to pick up your bike, off-road riding, all are of interest.

There are 45 minute and 100 minute sessions available for talks, workshops, demos and live web chats.

Click here to submit your ideas


Submitting a Presenter registration DOES NOT mean you will automatically be included in the schedule, as we can have more presenters than available presentation slots. We will confirm one way or the other as soon as we can (but not immediately!)

Advertise at HU Québec

Run a business that serves the overland adventure travel market? Want to spread the word at HU Québec but can't take a Trade Stand? Send us a vinyl or roller banner and we'll display it in a prominent position.

Click here to arrange advertising

HU Québec Venue Location

Located at the base of the Laurentian Mountains and a short distance from the Ottawa River, Lachute is conveniently situated about an hour away from both Ottawa, the Nation's Capital, and Montreal. Join us at the towns' agricultural fairgrounds for a fantastic weekend!

Getting There
Distance from:

Montreal: 95 km
Ottawa: 128 km
Québec City: 325 km
Toronto: 532 km
New York: 523 miles

Information about the area


Camping is available on site and can be booked with your registration. Hotels are available in town, but book soon!


Food trucks will be available on site. Restaurants are available in town.


Things to do in Lachute -

Come Explore Canada - Lachute

Wikipedia - Lachute

Local Hosts

Oliver Solaro, HU Québec event organizer.

oliver Solaro, Ice road Biker

We are proud to announce that your host for the 1st HU Travelers Meeting in Québec will be Oliver Solaro.

'Oliver Solaro, an intrepid adventurer, defies the icy grip of winter with daring feats that would make even the hardiest souls shiver.' We agree! Oliver's adventures have included riding more than 8,000 km in two weeks to the ice roads of Fort Severn on the western shore of Hudson's Bay, and hauling nearly 2000 lbs of supplies, kibble and hay to the dogs and horses of "Polar Bear Town" after floods knocked out the only rail connection to the rest of Canada. Check out the Brokentooth Project video here.

Big thanks to Oliver and the team for stepping up and making this event happen! We can always use help on the day - please volunteer to help out for a couple of hours when you register!

Next HU Eventscalendar

HU Event and other updates on the HUBB Forum "Traveller's Advisories" thread.
ALL Dates subject to change.


Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!

Questions about an event? Ask here

HUBBUK: info

See all event details