HU Travellers Meeting Switzerland 2025

Help us celebrate 25 years of Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings!
7th Annual Horizons Unlimited Overland Adventure Travel Event
Thursday, August 14 to Sunday, August 17 2025 - Meierskappel, Switzerland
It's All About Overland Adventure
Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
Inspiring, Informing & Connecting
Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.
Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.
Below is a short (1:45) video from the 2022 event: (or you can see the full version - 6min 43s)
Horizons Unlimited Switzerland Event Schedule
The event is taking place from Thursday, August 14 to Sunday, August 17 2025.
The plan is simple. Show up on Thursday afternoon, meet people and setup. Ride-outs (depending on weather) and workshops will take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Organizers will be there on Wednesday afternoon, if anyone wishes to arrive early and just hang out or go for a ride in the area.
Event schedule will be posted here approximately 1 week before the event.
PLEASE NOTE: The schedule is subject to change at any time - all the presenters are volunteers and travelling, thus they may be delayed or unable to get there. Some may have anxiety attacks and be unable to perform! ;-) And sometimes travellers show up unexpectedly with great pics and stories, so we try to fit them in! Details of changes to presentation times or other matters of note will be posted at the meeting on the day.
Presenters at HU Switzerland 2025 - So Far
Xenia and Tinu, XT AdventuresRiding the Beautiful Silk Road / |
Riding the Beautiful Silk Road
Year 1 of a 3.5-year world trip along the famous Silk Road through Iran, the Stans, China, Pakistan, India, and Nepal
We are a Swiss couple that is on the road since 2017 and we would like to take you guys on a trip with us along the famous Silk Road which we travelled on our two XT660 Yamahas. We spent one year in incredible countries, crossed many borders, went up the Himalayas and rode the famous Pamir Highway. You will hear some funny and weird stories from the road and get some info about our bikes and the gear.
1.5 Years in New Zealand and Australia
Year 2 of our 3.5-year world trip
After spending the first year on the famous Silk Route, it was time to head over to New Zealand and Australia where we spent 1.5 years. We rode on both Islands of New Zealand and circumnavigated Australia including some very remote dirt roads, loads of river crossings and interesting wild life. We will also talk a little bit about our trip planning and budget.
About the presenters: "XENIA and TINU are the new hosts of HU Switzerland! Self described as a travel-bug-infected couple from Switzerland who are on the road as often as possible. Even before they met, they have been travelling and living abroad. Now greater than the sum of their parts, this team has become even crazier with adventures!"
Educational Sessions
Because Horizons Unlimited events are about informing, not just inspiring, we also have a great line-up of educational sessions for you... Further information will follow.
Xenia and Tinu, XT AdventuresGear and Tools for Your Trip |
Welcome to our gear-up session where we're all about sharing the knowledge to fuel your two-wheeled adventures! Whether you're dreaming of a globe-trotting expedition or a leisurely ride into the unknown, we've got the lowdown on essential camping gear and motorbike tools to make your journey a breeze.
When it comes to camping gear, think lightweight, durable, and packable. We're talking about tents that can weather any storm and sleeping bags that'll keep you snug under the stars. And let's not forget about the joy of cooking al fresco with portable stoves and utensils designed for life on the road.
Now, onto motorbike tools because every rider should know how to handle basic repairs on the fly. So bring your tool rolls and we'll talk about all the essential tools you will need to get you around the globe. So grab a seat, bring a beer and lets talk gear and tools!
About the presenters: XENIA and TINU are the new hosts of HU Switzerland! The couple travelled around the world for a bit more than three years with their XT Yamaha motorbikes. Mostly spending the nights in their tent and cooking their own food.
More to come...
How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please sign up here.
Presenters at HU Switzerland in the past have included...
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Martin Brucker, Auf dem WegOn The Way (Auf dem Weg): Part 01 |
After 9.5 years as a woodwork intructor in Ethiopia, I gave myself a break (12-18 months) to find similar work in South East Asia (a.k.a. travel) and a bit further to Australia to visit my cousin near Brisbane. After 20 months, I reached in Australia after having ridden through many countries (Iran, Syria, Sudan, Jemen, Tibet, China, Vietnam), including some job interviews in Laos and Vietnam. When I learned I got the job in Laos, I had been in Australia for four months and now needed to make a decision: take the job or continue my journey.
To be honest, it was an easy decision - I kept going. And kept going I did, to South America, Cuba, and waiting for the spring season again. At one point, it came to mind that it would be really cool to return to the Black Forest in Germany on the very same motorcycle I first left with. After crossing six continents, about 70 countries, and covering about 255,067 km, I came full-circle to the very same spot I left 6.5 years ago... at the doorstep of my mother's house in Welschensteinach.
From Germany's Black Forest, MARTIN BRUCKER traveled from March 2010 to October 2016 around the world on his trusty BMW G650 Xchallenge. He covered about 255,067 km crossing about 70 countries "On The Way".
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Dylan SamarawickramaWhen the road ends - Beating the Darien Gap on a Boatercycle |
Then you arrive at a point where there is no road to continue. Between Panama and Colombia, there is one of the most dense jungles of this planet: The Darien! Stretching from the Pacific coast from the West to the Atlantic coast on the East, the Darien is home to many different groups of guerrilla fighters, drug smugglers and randomly scattered but notorious tribal groups which makes it to one of the most isolated and dangerous regions on Earth.
A perfect challenge for Dylan! As the first man ever he sails, solo, 650km around Darien, on the Pacific Ocean from Panama into Colombia on a self-built raft propelled by a motorcycle and experiences one of a kind adventure! A journey that is not only takes him across country borders but also tests his personal limits.
Constant break downs, storms, currents and zero sailing experience were some of the challenges of his incredible journey. When things go from bad to worse, dolphins come to his rescue! Watch the video excerpt of his trip.
Dylan Samarawickrama has travelled around the world for three and half years and modestly says he has 'done some interesting adventures'.
Dylan's book 'Am Ende der Strasse' has now been published in German and English 'When the Road Ends'! Ask him to autograph your copy at the meeting!
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Josh Priestley, Travelling EntHow to Travel When You're a Donkey |
In 2017, I left on a 60,000-km solo trip from the UK to Australia. I was woefully underprepared, despite spending 12 months preparing. I'll share some stories and lessons from my experiences so that you, too, can learn vital skills.
- How to spend three months selecting the correct seat cover only to lose it three weeks into your trip;
- Which mechanical skills to brush up on that you will never use;
- How to carefully plan and select a route you will never stick to;
- How to take a break from your trip to do another trip within your trip.
JOSH PRIESTLY bought his first motorbike in 2015 and travelled overland to Italy, fell in love with the travelling style, and left on a UK-to-NZ trip from 2017-2018. Since then, he's been travelling on-and-off around Europe.
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Sabine Krauss and Uwe Eisenmann, #followtheblueskyHow Do You Prepare Your Life For Travel |
We share our experiences to find the right idea to get more time for travelling. How to find the best job arrangement. What about the travel budget, tax, costs, long-term travels versus stop-and-go trips, leave your vehicle in a foreign country, go back home for work and restart your trip? In this workshop, you'll find the best idea for you to go travelling. The only borders are mostly in your mind - now we start the border crossing!
SABINE KRAUSS and UWE EISENMANN travel on two and four wheels to some beautiful countries of the world. Looking always for the "bright side of life", making new friends on the road, and following the blue sky. Our favorite areas are Africa, Middle East, and Europe. We start with a long-term ride over 19 months from our hometown to Cape Town. Now we're spending six months per year for travel and we don't want to wait for retirement.
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Mirjam GrunwaldM&M: From India to NL by motorbike |
For years I wanted to travel beyond the European borders but there was always something coming in between. And then suddenly all came together. I had time, money and someone to come with me. Within 3 months Marika and I planned our trip riding from India back to the Netherlands. We shipped our BMW 1150 GSses to Calcutta and started an adventure on a continent mainly ruled by men. 14.000 km over the highest summits, through desserts, and crowded cities. A story about special encounters, changing emotions, beautiful places, but also of hardships and exciting events. An experience that changed my life forever.
About Mirjam
Since I bought my first motorbike (1997) my holidays were planned: gear up my bike and drive. I've seen most of the EU and longed for more. In 2012 I finally fulfilled my dream and made my first trip outside the EU: riding from India to NL. Since then I only wanted to go again. The encounters of people with other cultures inspires me and by telling about my adventures I hope to show a different perspective. My experiences on the spot. Check out Mirjam's website!
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Elspeth BeardFirst British woman to motorcycle around the world |
Elspeth Beard is a motorcyclist and award-winning architect. In 1982, at the age of just twenty-three, Elspeth Beard left London and set off on a 35,000 mile solo adventure around the world on her 1974 BMW R60/6 and became the first British woman to motorcycle around the world.
"Although I had ridden bikes since my teens and was already well-traveled, setting off on my own with no sponsorship or support, in an age before email, internet, cell phones and satnavs certainly made this journey a real adventure and was the toughest thing I'd ever done.
During my two-and-a-half year journey I rode through deserts and mountain ranges and war-ravaged countries and along the way I had to fake documents, witnessed riots and civil uprisings, fended off physical threats, sexual attacks, biker gangs and corrupt police convinced I was trafficking drugs. I survived two crashes and life-threatening illnesses and fell in love twice. It was not until 2008 that I discovered that I had become the first British woman to ride a motorcycle around the world.
I now run my own architectural practice, specialising in creating and remodelling interesting and unusual buildings. I live in a converted Victorian water tower in the southeast of England and still enjoy riding motorcycles, including my trusty BMW R60/6 which carried me around the world."
Elspeth Beard - Riding into History from Culture Trip on Vimeo.
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Maxime BerberatFrom the Alps to the Himalayas |
Leaving Switzerland in April 2022, I had one goal: riding my bike in Ladakh, northern India, on the highest passes on Earth. In reality, I realized a few months into the trip that I was getting at least as much stimulation and satisfaction from living on the road. When daily life becomes interesting again, faraway goals lose their importance. You just begin to let yourself flow. Encounters with locals and other travellers, magnificent landscapes, struggles to get the right documentation, and dealing with loneliness: all these experiences distorted the significance of the ultimate goal of reaching Ladakh, altering my vision of what the purpose of this journey was. Between mountains and sea, snow and scorching hot deserts, sun and monsoon, hugs and firearms, join me on a solo journey from Switzerland to India via the southern route (Turkey, Caucasus, Iran, Pakistan).
MAXIME BERBERAT has always been riding motorcycles, but he only recently started travelling with them. Before discovering Horizons Unlimited in 2019, he had not at all been aware of the existence of long-term overland travel. In 2022, the opportunity to ride across half the world arose, and he took it.
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Heike & Filippo Fania, 2 Live the DreamFrom Europe to the Himalayas and beyond! |
2 years and 81.000 km on the road
Favorite pics and some great stories from 2 years on the road... due to the limited time, further stories will follow at the campfire...
About Heike & Filippo
Heike & Filippo met 2011 at a Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meeting in Germany. Soon they realized that they share the same dreams of changing our lives – and so they decided that they both are not going to continue dreaming, but instead to live their dream together. So they gave up their lives at home in Germany and Switzerland, packed everything they need on their motorcycles, and hit the road to discover the world and its people. In 2014, they returned from their 2-year world trip, and settled down in the north of Switzerland, in the beautiful Jura region, where they continue to live the dream.
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Christian SchlatterFollow your destiny against the current |
... or how a baby doesn't change your travel
After a certain point in my life I decided that I have to do something different in my life: Traveling around the world by motorcycle I started 4 ½ years ago to Central Asia, I crossed Iraq, Iran and Pakistan. Then I met a beautiful Italian Girl and for sure we felt in love. We decided to continue on my motorcycle together and so we crossed South East Asia and stranded in Australia. There we were surprised, because Francesca told me that she is pregnant! After some discussion we continue the travel, got our baby and in Canada we found a nice compromise to continue with all three: we bought a sidecar! Slowly we traveled the Americas and the last continent (Africa) I crossed solo and in a couple of days I will finish my travel in Switzerland. An epic story who changed my whole life.
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Andrew DysartLessons Learned Crossing Africa |
How to survive overlanding Africa, develop mental strength, deal with officials and bribes, health and how to read and hustle situation.
How physically and mentally strong do you think you are? Presented will be lessons learned from circumnavigating Africa. From hunting animal poachers in Namibia to police escorts in Egypt. Andi will show you the gear you'll need, keeping a healthy mindset and dealing with all types of situations from bandits, corrupt officials or animal encounters. By the end, you'll want to pack your gear and get face to face with one of the wildest untamed and most beautiful continents and people in the world.
About Andrew
Andi is a serial traveler, circumnavigating Africa on a motorbike, rode horses through Patagonia and traveled to over 80 countries on with 6 of 7 continents. He is a kiwi that lives in a rustic off-the-grid alpine hut in the Swiss alps and currently traveling for over two years. Check out Andrew's Facebook page!
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Michael "Maikel" HohSiberia the most insane ride of my life |
Riding the BAM on high water an absolute insane offroad trip. Physically and mentally challenging trip, rewarded with awesome hospitality.
4 Riders planned to ride the BAM, 3 started, 2 accomplished the Mission. Start and End in Mongolia. The first Offroad chapter led us to Gussinojesee to check out the skills of the motley new team. Some technical issued slowed us down but where fixed still fast. From Irkutsk we made our way to North of Lake Baikal via the boring Schigalowo Road. Our team was reduced again in Sewerobaikalsk before we entered the interesting part of the BAM Road. Dirt, Water, Mosquitos waited for us there but also a unique challenge. The few people we meet were the kindest people ever. We made our way on everything a bike can drive on or drive through before we finally were spit out to civilization again in Tynda.
About Maikel
I'm Maikel and since I started motorcycle travelling 2013 I did several more or less big journeys through Europe, Siberia and Central Asia. My preferred way is travelling with a light bike and far from tourists. If people don't call it a road anymore my heart starts to beat faster. I'm an absolutely passionate Enduro driver. Check out Maikel's webpage!
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Toshi Meier-BrookBarging Barriers in the Balkans |
Turning travel into adventure using a motorbike and a wheelchair
We went to the Balkans on our leaner sidecar combination this year. One goal was to attend the Montenegro HU meeting, which (in contrast to us and our bike) is highly off-road oriented. Seeing where the road would take us during the day, we carried a tent which we didn't use (too many low priced cabins), and a kitchen which we didn't use (too good local food). Apart from admiring some truly amazing landscapes, we didn't really do much sightseeing, and rather tried to get in contact with local people and their culture as much as possible. Despite the title, don't expect our presentation to be mainly about the peculiarities of motorcycle travel with a wheelchair. But, of course, since using a wheelchair can add some spice to many situations, we will loose some words on that. And we will gladly answer any questions concerning travelling to places that are not barrier-free using a wheelchair.
About Toshi
Heike and Toshi have a travel companionship reaching back more than 25 years. Heike is using a wheelchair and needs assistance for most activities. Despite Heike's handicap, together we have explored many parts of the world. Since 2012 we are reaching out for more adventures on a BMW R1200GS with a leaner sidecar. We try to make contact with local people, as much as we can, as our travel is more about the people than about sightseeing.
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Hans-Ueli FlückigerFrom Cancún via Cuba to Panama |
Last year the schedule for the certain my journey. This 113-year-old sailing ship with six sails drove me in 2013 from Colombia to Panama. The Stahlratte provides the only way Cuba to travel with your own bike. About 4'000 km in five weeks give new impressions and contacts. Jamaica and Providencia, a Colombian island, are quite different. Another highlight are the many wonderful snorkeling dives at different locations. I am happy when I can show you this journey with enthusiasm!
About Hans Ueli
I am 66 years old and travel since 2008 with my Africa Twin through Latin America, total 87'000 km. Part 8 of my journey brought me last year from Cancun with the via Cuba, Jamaica, Providencia to Panama. From there I drove the Africa Twin back to Cancun. Check out his website!
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Tom VandenbosscheDown To Africa |
A 100-day motorcycle trip through Africa
A 100 day roundtrip through the southern region of Africa. Starting from Capetown up to Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho and South-Africa. Riding 24.000 km, sleeping for about 76 days in our tent, living and eating in a basic comfort and discovering the countries and their people... A picture / storytelling about the (original) setup, my experiences in living & riding and sharing the must see's and must do's of each country.
About Tom
BMW Certified Offroad Instructor & adventure traveller. Travelled for 100 days through Africa, crossed the northern region of Australia and Discovered the Rockies in Canada by motorbike. Next to travelling I'm also giving offroad training and travel courses. Still a lot to learn and to discover though so that's why I'm attending this unique event. Check out Tom's website!
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Celine Dubois, Break-A-WayOutdoor Emergency Medicine & First Aid / |
1. Outdoor Emergency Medicine & First Aid
Injuries and illnesses in the middle of nowhere: possibilities, limits, and being prepared!
Handling medical emergencies is a challenge, even in countries with good medical standards. What do you do with an injured travelmate after an accicent or your fever infection is getting worse and worse? Are you prepared? In this workshop, we help you learn how to size up the situation, to overcome the stress, and to react appropriately. You learn how to check your patient, do the recovery position in bike gear, when and how to remove a helmet (or not!), do a body check, fix broken limbs, and stop bleeding. In the end, you get a chance to provide your new skills and knowledge in a scenario from a real case study.
2. First Aid Kit On-The-Go: What to Pack?
A huge list of essential items and so little space - what do you really need to pack for your travels
Are you prepared to provide immediate and proper attention using the first aid kit in your panniers, even if you're in a country with good medical standards? How do you treat persistent diarrhea or the bite of a strange insect? In this workshop, we go through the whole range of emergency possibilities and discuss what to pack in to your personal first aid kit. We learn to recognize severe illnesses and how to treat them appropriately. We talk about the possibilities and the limits, how to avoid and to treat bites and stings, and how to handle medical problems before they turn in to serious emergencies.
CELINE DUBOIS has been exploring the world for over 30 years with her partner and for 10 years now with a Toyota Landruiser - adventurous roads and a wildcamp away from it all, that's all they need. As a passionate paramedic with more than 15 years' experience, Cel teaches First Aid and Outdoor Medicine and prepares people for their own travel adventures.
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Filippo FaniaSolving Mechanical and electrical problems on the Road |
No need to worry about mechanical or electrical problems - all you need is a little basic knowledge and lots of creativity, Filippo "McGyver" will show you
This will be an interactive workshop, where we will focus on what people are interested in. Bring your questions and problems, and together will try to find a solution - in particular for electrical and electronical issues.. Bring your bike and show us also your modifications and special fixes. Filippo will also explain and present some modifications that have proven very helpful during his world-trip with his wife Heike, 2 Live the Dream
Filippo has extensively travelled the world by motorcycle, truck, 4x4 - he has huge experience in motorcycle mechanics and in particular the electrics and electronics. He now runs a business specialised in motorcycle and automobile electrics and electronics.
The Adventure Travel Zone
Exhibitors - TBC
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If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them!
Exhibitors, more details and registration here. Please contact us if you have more questions.
Panel discussions at most HU events include...
Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!
Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.
Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.
For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!
Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!
Walk arounds / Show and tell!
Tool Kits - Show us your favorite tools. Toolkit discussion.
Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!
Farkle Walk - Take a stroll and talk about your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.
Facilities for a great weekend!
We have a great venue for our Horizons Unlimited Switzerland Travellers Meeting!
Erlebnisbauernhof Gerbe
6344 Meierskappel
Central Switzerland
+41 417903534
- Official campsite with showers and toilets. 19 CHF per person per night.
- Fireplace
- Bar and catering on-site, small shop with local farm products
- Great barn for workshops and presentations
- Free Wi-Fi
- Swimming in nearby lakes and small pool at campsite
- Beautiful surrounding in the heart of Switzerland
- Great motorcycling roads nearby and the Alps at your doorstep, with the famous Furka, Grimsel, Susten or Klausen Pass roads only few kilometres away. Check out Best Biking Roads.
Camping fees are not included in registration. The fees must be paid on-site.
Cost is 19CHF per person per night (special rate only during HU Switzerland)
(incl.water, hot showers, wifi).
Other accommodation on site
Tipi tents are available for rent at campsite (please contact them directly via their website: OR phone +41 417903534)
Meals are not included in registration fee, but can be bought on-site.
Campground Map (click for larger version)
I've already registered - I just want to pay!
PRE-REGISTRATION PRICING FOR FULL PASSESIncludes admission to all slide shows, workshops and demos on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Camping fees are NOT included in registration. The fees have to be paid on-site. Meals are NOT included. |
Pre-Register & Pay before: |
Event Price |
1 May, 2025 |
€35 (saves €20) |
8 Aug, 2025 |
€45 (saves €10) |
Full Pass |
€55 |
Weekend Pass (arrive Friday after 6 pm) |
€45 |
Day Pass (Saturday only) |
€30 |
days to go!
Join the discussion:
On the HUBB!
On Facebook!
HU Switzerland Unofficial Video (28 minutes!)
Thanks to KiwiMCVideos for this video of the HU Switzerland 2018 Travellers Meeting (and some gorgeous scenery along the way to remind you of why this country is so popular with motorcyclists)!
What happens at HU events?
Comments about
HU Switzerland
"Thanks everyone for a wonderful weekend, from the the organisers, to presenters to attendees. What a super bunch of people. I will certainly be attending again."
"Some of the speakers were truly inspirational and meeting Ted Simon was a real privilege."
"Just want to say a big thanks to Heike & Filippo and everyone who helped make the weekend so good. This was my first Hubb meet and I will be coming to the next one. I met some really great people and the atmosphere was amazing. I enjoyed all the talks and even had some one on one time with the Great Ted simon. So I look forward to seeing everyone again next year."
"For a first meeting it was a very nice weekend without a cloud and everything was professionally prepared. A great thank you to the organization team and specially to Heike & Fillipo. I'm sure we all hope and waiting for the announcement of the next HU Switzerland meeting. Great atmosphere, great people and nice interesting presentations, everything was there. Thanks again and see you next year."
Be a Presenter
We're inviting submissions for presentations, so whether you're attending the event or exploring a distant continent, if you've got a story to tell or expertise to share we'd like to hear from you.
We love to hear stories about your travel adventures, especially if you have great pics! Also, practical how-to sessions such as roadside cooking, navigation / GPS, trip prep and planning, adventure motorcycling medicine, packing light, setting your bike up, communications / blogging from the road, self-publishing your story, yoga for bikers, bodging / bike maintenance, self-defense, photography, videography, tire repair, safe riding techniques, how to pick up your bike, off-road riding, all are of interest.
There are 45 minute and 100 minute sessions available for talks, workshops, demos and live web chats.
Click here to submit your ideas
Submitting a Presenter registration DOES NOT mean you will automatically be included in the schedule, as we can have more presenters than available presentation slots. We will confirm one way or the other as soon as we can (but not immediately!)
Book your Exhibitor Stand space
Over the course of the event, this Horizons Unlimited travellers Meeting offers a unique opportunity to build awareness of your brand and talk directly to potential customers.
The Adventure Travel Zone occupies a central position at the event site and is exclusive to trade stands representing the overland adventure travel market.
Choose between our Premium and Standard packages, both of which include on-site advertising and can include a presentation about your products and services. If you would also like to do a presentation, be sure to tick the Presentation box when you register.
You can help!
If you have a few minutes, please download the poster (Adobe pdf format) and print off a few and hand them round your club or your local bike shop or anywhere seems like a good place.
Poster in pdf format, English (715 kb) full colour Event poster:
Postcard in pdf format, English (349 kb) full colour postcard:
Poster in pdf format, German (715 kb) full colour Event poster:
Postcard in pdf format, German (349 kb) full colour postcard:
You may need to right click and choose "save target as, or similar..."
Join the Volunteer Crew
From welcoming travellers at the gate, to taking care of the campsite and making sure all the presentations run smoothly, the success of every HU event relies on the enthusiasm of its volunteer crew.
"What a wonderful bunch of people. I had no idea how much fun I'd have by helping out!"
"It was my absolute pleasure to be able to give something back to the HU community and working with such great folks really made the event special."
Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, get more involved with Horizons Unlimited and have loads of fun! You can sign up to volunteer when you register for the meeting, OR click here if you have already registered and want to add volunteering.
Departing or Returning?
If you're planning an expedition, why not make the Horizons Unlimited meeting your official start point? Or maybe you're nearing the completion of a journey and would like a very public welcome home? Of course you might just be passing through and fancy marking a key stage of your travels?
We'd love to make you a big part of the meeting, so feel free to get in touch and tell us your plans.
Switzerland Venue Location
Erlebnisbauernhof Gerbe
6344 Meierskappel
Other Accommodation
B&B / Hotels available in nearby villages (be sure to check reviews!):
Hotel Waldheim in Risch
Bahnhöfli in Küssnacht
Hotel zum Hirschen in Küssnacht
Local Hosts
Thanks go to Heike and Filippo and their helpers for bringing Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings to Switzerland!
5 years later, they have passed the torch to Xenia Sägesser and Martin (Tinu) Strebel, two 'travel bug infected people' who fell in love in Cusco, Peru! After trips together to the Balkans, Oman, Iceland, Philippines, Indonesia, Morocco and Tanzania, they decided to 'do something big'! The resulting 3-year trip around the world is chronicled on their XT Adventures website.
While travelling the world, Xenia and Tinu have told their stories at HU meetings in Australia and South Africa, and closer to home, they have been to Germany and Switzerland events, so they are well-qualified to host this event. Welcome Xenia and Tinu!
Please contact Xenia with vendor, venue and speakers questions.
We can always use help on the day - please volunteer to help out for a couple of hours when you register (above)!
HU Events Refund Policy
Like adventures, life can throw surprises our way. Stuff happens. While we would love for you to join the fun and connect with everyone at our events, we understand that you (and the funds) may be needed elsewhere. We'll catch up later!
On our side, we know you appreciate that we have financial commitments to venues and caterers!
The best way to let us know that you're unable to attend an event is to reply to the Registration Confirmation Email you got from us when you first signed up.
Up to 30 days prior to event start, we will refund all fees in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration and all fees to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year.
Up to 15 days prior to event start, we will refund only the camping/accommodation and food packages in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU Event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.
Within 15 days of the event start, there will be no refunds. At your request, we can apply your registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.
If WE cancel an event:
We are constantly evaluating the situation for every event, and very much err on the side of caution. We will endeavour to announce "Final" decision one month or more before the event, but the situation COULD change closer to time, and we could be required by law to cancel.
If we are forced to cancel for COVID or natural disaster, we will roll your registration over to next year automatically.
If you want to transfer your existing registration to any other HU event in the world, just let us know.
Need a full refund? PLEASE REPLY to your original Registration Confirmation email to make it easier for us to find. If you can't find it, please email a request to: events-c (AT) horizonsunlimited(-)com with the subject line: "Refund event-name event-year"
Next HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!
ALL Dates subject to change.
2025 Confirmed Events:
Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Aug 22-24
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2
Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!
Questions about an event? Ask here
New to Horizons Unlimited?
Horizons Unlimited was founded in 1997 by Grant and Susan Johnson following their journey around the world on a BMW R80 G/S motorcycle. The website, HUBB forum and regular events across the globe have inspired thousands of people to follow their dreams and take the road less travelled.

Membership - Show you're proud to be a Horizons Unlimited Traveller!
Horizons Unlimited is not a big multi-national company, just two people who love overland adventure travel and have grown what started as a hobby in 1997 into a full time job (usually 8-10 hours per day and 7 days a week) and a labour of love. To keep it going and a roof over our heads, we run events such as this one (18 this year!); we sell inspirational and informative DVDs; we have a few selected advertisers; and we make a small amount from memberships.
You don't have to be a Member to come to an HU meeting, access the website, the HUBB or to receive the e-zine. What you get for your membership contribution is our sincere gratitude, good karma and knowing that you're helping to keep the motorcycle travel dream alive. Contributing Members and Gold Members do get additional features on the HUBB. Here's a list of all the Member benefits on the HUBB.
You can join at a reduced rate as part of your meeting registration. Note that new Memberships with your Meeting Registration are applied as of the Meeting date or as soon as possible thereafter, not earlier, unless you make a special request in the Comments box when you register.
I wish everybody a beautiful HU Meeting in Meierskappel. Enjoy your time and greetings from Albania on the way to Asia.
Thanks everyone for a wonderful weekend, from the the organisers, to presenters to attendees. What a super bunch of people. I will certainly be attending again.
Some of the speakers were truely inspirational and meeting Ted Simon was a real priviledge.
Do I have to register my two underage kids if I bring them along?
Hi, bring your kids along - that's no problem. Even though there is no special programme for them, I am sure they will like it. Grant already commented about registration and the waiver form. If you stay on the camp site you will have to pay the campsite fees for the kids as listed above. See you next week!
Not sure what age "underage" is, but here you go:
Under 16 no, and free entry for them, but you need to sign a waiver for them as we don't want to be responsible. Over 16 yes, they're of riding age so they're just like everyone else, must register.
Remember we have nothing specific for younger (under 16) kids to do as we get very few of them, the event is primarily adults.
Hope that works for you, and you all have fun!
I am aware that to use Swiss roads, you need to buy a yearly vignette, the current price being 38,00€. Is there a possibility to reach the campsite from Germany without using the concerned roads? On another hand, will Grant and Susan attend this particular HU meeting? Thanks for your time guys...
You need to buy a vignette only for the motorways. Normal roads are free, and much nicer anyway. But it will take much longer for you to get there. I already posted two route suggestions on the HUBB
Looking forward to meeting you soon...
I was wondering what the main language for the presentations will be?
Presentations will all be in English. Some workshops will be in German. But we will make sure that there is somebody doing on the go translations.
See you soon...
Sorry for the late reply, we missed it!
Most of our events are primarily in English as the language most people will know. Where needed, there is a translator who does "on the go" translations for those who struggle with English, or if the speakers main language is something else, to English. Language is rarely an issue, so whatever you speak go and you'll be fine!