Computer Translation of  Emilio Scotto story on Arto Rasimus's web page.

I articulate in wage "the Moto" in Februari 1994. Pages 86-95
Writing in Sucre, bad photocopy Bolivia 12/98.
(Excuse algos small errors:) Arto Rasimus.

The Greater Trip of History
For seven years aparecio by our writing, the one of
Motociclismo, an Argentinean with a Gold Wing that said
to be giving the return to the world.

Since then, the reality of its incomparable trip
it has filled hundreds of pages in our magazines,
and it has caused the admiration of million people.
The passage covered by Emilio Scotto in these nine years
he is the greater one of the history of the humanity. Nobody visited
so many places nor crossed so many kilometers by countries
Now, in the ninth anniversary of its game of Buenos Aires,
Emilio is I aim to leave to cover his last stage,
but we did not let pass the opportunity to review with
he its extraordinary adventure.

A million years man does began his trip towards the DES
well-known, leaving behind the security and the heat of the caves.
Even in its primitive universe, its natural inclination by
to travel and to discover clearly were showed. And thanks to it,
from that remote opportunity, singulars personalities
of our history they have contributed to the universal dream of
human imagination: the search of new horizons.

Marco Polo, Ulises, Anibal, Cólon, Balboa, Cook, Magallanes,
Meneses, Tasman, Galileo, Scott, Armstrong, Lafayette, Vespucci,
Mesner, Sabine, Cousteau...

All of them and many others venturing itself in the black holes
of the curiosity, crossing the oceans, climbing mountains, trying
to arrive at stars. All of them were called crazy.

In January of 1985 I began by means of my own resources
careful and studied trip around the world with only and
characteristic individuals and a challenge that never before habia

To visit in five years all the continents of the planet (5),
all the countries (172), territories, dependencies and islands
possible; this had to be fulfilled in a same motorcycle,
without interruption of constant trip under any circumstance.
Practically the same distance between the Earth and the Moon,
roundtrip (770.000 km.).

I must recognize before continuing counting my history that I happened
great part at my time of student planning this trip.
From the 13 years to the 30, age in which I started off finally,
I did not scrimp time nor efforts in relating to me to the world
that some day would discover.
I studied Geography and History, Sociology, theory of the evolution
of the species, adaptation of the human being to the medio.ambiente,
I followed courses of submarinismo, sobreexperience in the sea, coasts and
desert, first aid, rescues and until reflotamiento of

And the day that I started off was sure that all my predictions
they would be fulfilled exactitude.
They were fulfilled, if, but only almost with exactitude. Cuado finalized
the five years of uninterrupted trip I was to half of
way. Still I needed the other face of the vast world.

The planet had been more wonderful from which my imagination
it had created, but difficult and also much more complicated.
It was not question to arrive at a new nation and to happen through her,
adding only a number for the record. It had to know it, auque
not outside more than crossing it of one to another end. And thus it was
as the fantastic adventure had to change the number of five years
by most logical of 10.

Now I have been nine years of trip already and have visited 172 countries, in
five continents through 565.000 kilometers. At the moment of
game to me also called crazy person to me.

Ten years of life put in the routes. Ten years of vacations?
Of shortages, learning, madness, vagacia, work...?
Who can say to me what mean?, what is, what it tries to be,
this larguísima adventure?

Why I did it? Because I am a man for whom the limits no
they are obstaculo to my freedom, but border to explore, I put
to surpass, or to lose..., but always to confront. It was not heroísmo,
only one irresistible curiosity, and much madness.

I left to the thirty years, and will finalize to the forty. All one
decade. The special program to the Moon, Apolo, lasted almost the same.
The wars of El Salvador and Nicaragua finished. It exploded
Challenger. They assassinated to prime minister of Sweden. Greece, Portugal
and Spain entered the European Community. The wall collapsed
Berlin. The two were united Alemanias. The communist system fell,
the old Soviet Union was dismantled in almost 20 pieces. They died
Ceaucescu of Rumania, Marks of the Philippines, Doe of Liberia, EE.UU.
Libya attacked. There was a war of nations in the Persian Gulf. They happened
two world-wide championships of soccer. It left in freedom Nelson Mandela.
the blockade of 20 years against Africa of the South was finished. It appeared
an European unitary currency, the ECU. The borders dissolved
in the Europe of the West. A Dantesque war in Yugoslavia exploded.
Czechoslovakia was divided. The fanatical regime of Albania fell.
They were united Yemen both. They became independent the island from Marshall
and the States of the Micronesia. The dictatura of Pinochet finalized
in Chile. It was carried out second and recognized burial of
Pablo Neruda.

Festejó the bicentennial of the discovery of Australia. They die
Hirohito, Andropov, Homeini. They execute to Bocasa in Centroáfrica.
The sandinistas fall. They pass three presidents of the EE.UU.
Audrey Hepburn, David Niven, Mike Rooney Die. It is opened definitively
all China. The Olympic Games of Seoul and Barcelona are carried out.
And the Expo de Brisbane and Seville. The 500 years are commemorated of
discovery of America. They divide carabelas. Arthur Ashe Dies.
Wonder retires Johnson, die Duke Ellington. Nureyev and
Chiang-Kai-Chek. The hurricane of the century, Gilberto, whips the Caribbean.
The Hugo, the coasts of EE.UU., while the Snowed one of Ruiz enters
eruption and makes disappear a town of Colombia. In Mexico
earthquake leaves more than 25.000 dead ones. The Haley comet returns
to clear the Earth. It falls Abimael Guzmán, head of the Shining Path.
General Noriega is kidnapped and the invasion is carried out
of Panama. It loses the power the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher.
It leaves the power in Singapur Li Kuan Yen. They put in prison in Burma
to the Nobel prize of La Paz.

Student massacre in Tiananmen, Beijing. A rebellion explodes in
Bangkok and another one in Timor, begin querra in Somalia. They assassinate
to Gandi. The substitution of Collor de Melo is carried out like
president of Brazil, only case in history. The fall occurs
of Pablo Field of broom, head of the Colombian drug. Pan Am goes to
bankruptcy. Bankruptcy the Commerce and Credit union BCCA. They kidnap
the Achille Lauro. The city of Los Angeles burns. Vietnam leaves
Cambodia, the USSR of Afghanistan. Part in two the Exxon Valdéz in
Canada. The Helvetic confederation festeja its 700 years (Swiss).
Querra of the Polisario in the ex- Spanish Sahara finalizes.
Soviets demolish a passenger airplane of the Korean Air.
Americans, another one of the Iran Air. Dynamite a Boeing of Pan Am
on Scotland. They kill to judge Falcone in Italy. It is begun
tunnel to unite France with Great Britain. China loses before Australia
the seat for the Olympic Games of the 2000.
And this only I name some few facts yet happened from
1985 until 1993.
In the meantime I, Emilio Scotto, followed and still I follow raised one moto
competing with strict rules, invented and imposed by anybody,
in a race without track nor competing, in a rally without compass
nor timekeepers, but with the strange flavor of to have found
the absolute happiness, and with the pride of to have carried out
a considered task impossible; a lost cause. It could criticize to me
certain failures of calculation.

Let us be sincere. The five initial years now are ten. The 172
countries that were in the world in 1985 now are 215.
The original motor of moto, that had to fulfill all the trip, was
changed in Spain. And to top it all, already not even I am single.
Now I take with me to Joy (my woman), of that I do not have the value of
to take off to me nor by two hours.

That yes, I follow put in the 770.000 km. and 215 countries, discounted one
for one and day per the day, as if most sacred and outside most important
of this world. I have narrowed the hand of 560.000 people. Million me
they have seen in newspapers, magazines and television. I must so much, there am pro
put as much, I have received from all as much, that if it had to pay
the same, and it could not fulfill it, it would have to go to the jail with one
it condemns of 112.000 years without freedom on bail.

No, he is not comedian. God knows that it is not it. The world is crazy. And I
also. And that I like.

But we put something in clear:
Ten years of life put in the routes.
Who can say to me what they mean?
What is this adventure?

If Europe or Africa or Asia continues growing, if new countries follow
arising, I will happen to try to visit them.
This trip will fulfill its program, and for half-full of 1995 it will finalize
happen what happens.
You know how thought to begin these notes? In fact it was as it follows.
Ten in account that I finish finalizing a return to the complete world
and I am giving second:
Considering the subject as a whole, after so many years, I include/understand
that all the subject was product of the luck, that element outside
it reaches of any human calculation.

In order to begin, my bold trip through all the planet was not something
as crazy as it could seem. Certain that any attempt of encon-
to trar economic or logistic aid in those days of December of 1984
the credibility indicator was already discarded, simply because
of all whatever they were never interrogated happened of absolute the zero.
Including friends and relatives.

Just by three hundred dollars in the pocket, the prudent thing had been
to stay but remote the possible thing of those strange dreams of with
quista and those showy visions of remote places. But...
the horizon was every day in the same place, broken by is
carpados tips, curvilinear rivers, mysterious forests, luxurious hotels,
historical cities, bleeding wars, and as if it offered little, po-
blado of innumerable races of beings.

From the first moment it had been a crazy adventure, a trip that,
reason why I knew, nobody had made to date. Without embar-
go, to the thirty years, with the still new sap and already with a little
of experience, a man tends to feel able of any thing,
and Japan, after all, was only 500.000 km. of distance, and
other just by 200.000 surely to little would be of return in house,
with endorsement in shoulders of to have visited all the countries of the world.

Something to remember
In this trip a passage card has been used never for moto.
the driver's license international lasted only a year, 1985. From 1986
to date the extenciones them I have been practiced i myself.
it could say, somehow, that the license is falcificada.
Like moto fué given of loss in Argentina in 1986, by not to have returned
to the country in the year of validity of its documentation, matriculation 138020
it has been annulled. In other words, I have given almost two returns to the world without
card and with one moto that does not exist.

Shortly I will go again on a trip. As you can see in the map mundi, to-
davía lacks a small part to cover. I will publish a pair of books and
three atlases of photographies. I will mount a film with the material that there am
idi recording years in the last. And... infinitivos projects. I have
clear that, despues of these nine years of trip, no longer I will be able to return a
to take the life of a normal person, neither for the good thing nor for the bad thing.

But my last trip reune an endless ones of memories: In the beginning between
gué letters of peace to Reagan, Gorbachov, Cosiga, Pertini, Gadafi, To the Sabah
and to the Pope.
Two critical moments of the trip fuerón the ocaciones in which me dispa-
rarón, in Nicaragua and Somalia. Also I was arrested five times, is
by accusations the espionage, others not to take documentation in in
glés and the last one by drug contraband suspicion, in EE.UU.

I passed very disagreeable moments with a cannibal tribe in Africa, in
freight-carrying boat that casí sinks and in my only own accident, in
Tanzania (one week of hospital cost to me). The wind na has been a good one
friend: Storm in Texas, hurricane in Florida, another one in the islands Meeting
the hurricane "the boy" in Brazil and a typhoon in India.
Other many memories are happy. The treatment of the garimpeiros in
I kill Grosso, the stroll of honor in a stage of soccer in Libya,
decoration of the Indians cherokees in the United States, the house
I lie with Joy (Mónica) in India, and over everything, the women
that I knew and with that I shared moments of sweet romanticism and of
crazy sex, learned to know the culture erótica each region of

He was excellent to be first in entering moto in Libya in that
time, in crossing the Mekong in moto and obtaining permission of transit in

Me dispararón in two ocaciones, I greeted the Pope, I spent 60.000.000
ptas., I married in India and, mainly, I learned what moto is one.

To know the Pope, Maradona, Alfonsin, Cosiga, To the Sabah, Alfredo Alcón,
Casius Clay, xxx Van Dike, Robert Stack, Mario xxxx Llosa, Norm
Leandro, The Chalchaleros, Inti Iliman, Calderón, Valdano, Butragueño,
Ardiles, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Insipid Mercedes, Illie Nastace, the president
of Micronesia, the one of Guinea Bissau, jexxx of Qatar, the governor of
Named Fuí honorable member (mascot) of the swarm 4/30 Vexinxxx
vikingos of the Red Sea, French Mirage airplanes. The Extrangera legion
it honored to him with a small course for xxx tanks military.

In the nine last years I spent about sixty million pesetas. In I gave
metallic nero the rest will not have been more despues I have received it in
form of gratuitous passages for boats and airplanes, invitations in
hotels, photographic equipment and clothes. The collaboration of companies and parti-
culares has been always impresindible to be able to continue the trip.
My articles, published in magazines worldwide, and sponsorships
they covered other half. Now, with a small part of the trip by
to finish, like always, I look for patrocinadores, great or small, me
you can locate on telephone (91) 347 xxx. In so many diverse sites
I have had to eat all type of alimentosm, the majority eatable and
some not as much: or of cockroaches and cienpiés in Thailandia until caviar
Iranian of the Caspian Sea. Nobody forced to me and everything turned out to be very flavorful.
I have learned much. Once I have attended a great university, the one of
the life. And, which is better, I have learned what moto is one.

So I decided to run the risk and I let myself absorb through
enigmatic breach that was opened already like a door in my rumiante life,
and that me conduciria to the insecurity of the stranger, and
uncertainty of every new day, or if it is wanted, each new one to wake up.

To narrate what happened as of that first day of trip was part
of the contract acquired with duendes of history. This and so many
other notes already published treat about that trip, that not yet I have
finished, and that perhaps manages to paint, although it is briefly,

They will not serve to you surely as guide as trips, but possibly
they amuse to you, they transport to you and they approach you a world that we called
ours, from a very small island in the South Pacific, to the pluses
populated avenue with Paris, ofreciéndote something that you possibly have
also dreamed, or that you are already preparing.

It is well, but it exceeds romanticism, and him to him lack reality. By
example: moto walks very well, is pretty like always. I am very
well. But with more confuciones than before. The Moon is full and has
an elephant in my soup.

...I mean that there are two ways to travel. One is putting in
nothing and with anybody; ergo, not metiéndote in problems. The other is
putting in everything and with all, that is running risks and desemba-
lando problems. Both are valid. Each one chooses the one that more it likes
or it agrees to him. In my case I was by second from the beginning.

In 1492 a aventuroso called man Cristóbal Cólon convinced to
monarchs of Spain of which they were his official patrocinadores. Clear
that that has nothing to do with me, nor with the elephant.

It was January of 1985 and I began to raise towards the North. Uruguay, Brazil
and the garimpeiros of the Amazon, comehombres BR81 and Venezuela.
Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and the war. Honduras,
Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, EE.UU. and Canada.

It was already December of 1986, Frankfurt, Germany of the West, Switzerland,
Italy and Maradona in Naples, San Marino, the Vatican, Monaco,
France and Spain by Catalonia. Javier and Mike in the old building
of MOTOCICLISMO of the Isaac street Pear tree, 12. I capitulate nº 1 decia:
"weeks ago it surprised in the writing the visit to us of
unusual personage, mounted in one moto that raised more sense of expectancy
between the passers-by who Kawasaki GPX 750 that we were proving.
The language that uses distant earth speech." ¡Poneos in atmosphere!
Nº 994 was the MOTOCICLISMO.

"Them gustaria that to them continued writing from others paises?"
I asked timid. "Sure man, if you animate yourself to escribinos histories
they will be welcomes."What happened already you know it... chapter 58 and I follow.
Portugal, Morocco, vielta to Spain, France. Great Britain, Ireland,
Scotland and return to France. Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, Germany of
The west, Denmark, Sweden, the North Norway and Cabo, Finland and not me
they let enter the Soviet Union. Ferry to Poland, East Germany,
the crossing of the wall of Berlin with a special permission of eight hours,
Germany of the West by third time, Switzerland again, Liechtenstein,
Italy, Austria, Hungaría, Yugoslavia, and a spectacular fall, Rumania,
Bulgaria and does not let to me enter Albania, Turkey, Greece and return a

There are two ways to travel. One is not to put in anything or with anybody,
the other supposes to run risks. The two are valid, but I elegi

The interview with the Pope, the preparation of the crossing of the Sahara. Ferry
to Tunisia, Libya and Gadafi, Tunisia of return, Algeria and I release to me to traverse
of loa oasis. Niger, Burkina Ditch, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia,
Guinea Bissau. A day of rain and the rest pours. Guinea-Conakry,
Mountain range Lioness and the canibales, Liberia to forget. The Ivory Coast,
Desire, Togo, Benin and fetiches, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroun. Guinea Ecuato-
rial and Macias were God, Gabon, Zaire and, by the way, Mobutu. They do not leave me
to pass by Angola and is then the turn of Namibia, South Africa, Vesoto,
Suazilandia, Mozambique,they do not shoot! Return to South Africa, Bostwana,
without forgetting to me Bandage. Traskey, Ciskey and Boputhswana. Zimbabue, Zambia,
Malawi and Tanzania. Then my first one and until now great accident.
Arrival to Madagascar, Meeting, Mauricio, Rwanda and Burundi and return back
to Kenya. Somalia and I become Muslim, I am called Khalid Sagal Yumali now.
The United Gowein and Emirates Arabes, Qatar, Bahrein, Kuwait and Arabia
Saudi, Yemen of the North and the South, Djibuti, Etiopia, Sudan, Egypt, the Sinaí,
Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Jordan again, Lebanon, the Sinaí of return,
Israel, the Sinaí once again, Egypt again, Libya for the second time,
Tunicia and ferry to Italy two years and a day later.

It is the March of 1990. I return to Spain, save "the Princess",
circuit of Albacete and the Spanish patrocinadores. Let us continue traveling:
I leave for France after Andorra, Monaco, Italy and to 30 km. of
Rome operates the motor. Return to Madrid, change by a propellent
new. I return to France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Italy, Greece, Turkey,
Cyprus, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and I cannot enter Afghanistan more
there of kilometers, India, Nepal, Tíbet, Nepal, India, Sikin,
Bangladesh, India, Singapur, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia,
Singapur, Brunei, Singapur, Srilanka, Maldivas, Singapur. Indonesia,
Australia, Papúa, New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand. New
Caledonia, Vanautu, Salomón, Mauru, Kiribati, Fiji, Tuvalu, Fiji, Layer,
American Samoa,

Who is Emilio Scotto?

It was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 27 of September of 1954. By
as much it is now 39 years old, and it began its long trip does now
nine, the 14 of January of 1985.

Son of very young parents, who ended up themselves divorcing, was
young pendenciero and rebel, although good student. Very sport,
it successfully practiced soccer, basketball, handball, rugby, sub-
marinismo..., but something did not work in its life and, after
attempt of suicide, got ready with 20 years in the Brigade of Infantry
of Mountain, one of the hardest bodies of the Argentine Army.

From return to house it followed obsessed with the same illusion of when it was
boy: a great trip throughout everybody. In 1980, accompanying
a friend, it enters a store of motos for the first time. It crossed
all premises watching those machines without the smaller emotion nor
interest until it saw, under a display cabinet, fotografia of a model
that not habia still arrived at pais. "What is this?", it asked. "One moto",
the salesman responded to him sarcastically knowing full well that had
it faces the remotest being of the world motorcyclist who never had

It passed one hour with the eyes nailed in the GoldWing Sling 1100 Interstate
in order to end up saying itself to itself. "There it is the world."Two months
later it left the same agency with its "Princess Negra". Fifty
and five thousand kilometers later, next to its maps and their illusiones,
it left to the North.

But we leave is he himself who responds to the question. Who
he is today Emilio Scotto? "question Goes. It is not, of course, that of
1985, neither either the one that arrived at MOTOCICLISMO in 1987, nor so at least
he is the same one of two minutes ago. I learned to speak and to write in five
languages, and could defend to me in other so many badly.

Aprendi not to write more letters of peace. I believe that nobody knows to science
certain what is that, and I less than nobody. But I believe in the Amazon,
in the forests of Sumatra, in the whales and the seals. In all
the places that I have visited I have put in policy, sociology and
religion, three subjects that before did not exist in my previous life.
And I have liked so much that does not go away of the head the idea to me to try
to be, someday, president of Argentina.

After to have known almost all the towns the Earth, my
opinions make me seem racist to eyes of some. For others I am
realist. I believe that, is not question of races, but of cultures. By
example, I prefer thousands vezes to the Chinese that to the Japanese.

Scotto, "Bubby". Young assets
and rebel, a medical visitador that
its dream made reality: to give the return
to the world. "I have learned five languages.
Nonstrange to my pais nor to my family.
To me it does returned little tolerant. I am
a pariah? If he is asi, it does not bother to me...,
something will be necessary to be."

It wanted to do citizen Spanish to me and nonstrange Argentina, because
alive in "my pais" permanently,the world! Either strange to my
family, because I have "family everywhere". I have adopted several
religions, that is to say, I have embraced several Gods. I have lost
notion of the time so and as we accustomed to measure it, in hours,
days and months. I have learned, however, to live based on days
and nights... and kilometers.

And where better I feel, where more to gustoestoy, it is on moto, in
a track with 10.000 km. ahead.

In these nine years, and than more average million kilometers, I have found it
everything. And everything is a thing: happiness."

Samoa of the West, Fiji, Rarotonga and Tahití. It is 1992 already July and I am
in an airplane flying towards the American continent that I left in 1986.
When arriving at Los Angeles (Californian) it will be completed, will be closed,
it will unite the circle, the roller, the ring of route of trip around
world. The first circumvallation of the planet Earth in moto is
it completes.

Uelta to the world begins seguunda. The return, passage by the Pacifico
north and I arrive at Japan. "the Princess" visits her home. We are in June
of 1993 and I send towards the west crossing the great China and the desert
of Gobi, Mongolia, Uzbequistán, Turkestán...

In November of the year 1993 arrival to a point already visited in years
previous: Helsinki, Finland. Aqui I put the brake, a small one
necessary and forced parenthesis and also, why not to recognize it,

Flight with moto to Madrid. Tens of people hope in the airport
of You lower with welcome placards and a beautiful song my
oidos. ¡Emilio...Scotto... you do not lower of moto!
The celebrations and you arrive passage in Spain. Spain, that I want so much to you,
with your successes and deceits, your unique spirit,

When you read these pages I
I will already be in route towards Finland.
The worse moment and vehicle it stops
the mistaken place. Like always.

and your eternal desire of being always a happy country. Although with your
crisis, in which I do not create just a little bit nor. It lacks a year of trip and
some patrocinadores decide that they will be with me. Others still
I hope. When you read this history I am from way to Finland,
in order to retake my route in the direction of Iceland, Greenland, Alaska,
paises of the Caribbean and South America.

Yes already I know it, is winter. But thus it is my trip, is not interrupted.
Rain, you roar or the Universe collapses. They lack 40 countries, 170.000 km.
In addition, already I am in the mistaken place, the momentoequivocado one and with
the mistaken vehicle.

Perhaps when you begin to read these pages I am beginning a
to write a new chapter of this adventure. Something like... "February of
1994-Nüuk-Greenland... below cero 20..."

Parti of Argentina with an initial capital of 42.000 ptas. A camera
Kodak Instantamatic. Six spools of 24 exhibitions. Four spark plugs
of spare part. A clutch cable. A map of South America and another one of
Europe. A compass. A knife of anti-submarine ship. A stock market with
clothes of winter and another one with summer clothes. A plate, glass and places setting.
Passport. An international permission to lead valid by a year.
A coat to sleep. Vaccines against the rage, typhus, yellow fever,
smallpox and malaria.

My personal indumentaria era rather of pain. With the exception of the helmet
it did not have anything of equipment. Neither gloves, nor monkey, nor dull, nor
idea of what moto was one. The only thing that clear tapeworm was what what
it wanted to do and where it wanted to go. My mechanical knowledge were
absolutely null. It lacked card of international passage for
moto. Nobody believed neither supported my project, nor companies, nor clubs, nor
public or deprived organizations.

From 1980 to 1984 I did 55.000 km. within Argentina without greater newness.
In November of that year general unarevisión was made before initiating
the trip. The exit occurs in January of 1985. The speedometers
it places to zero. In Venezuela the carburetors are cleaned. Change of
battery in Panama. General overhaul in California. Gripa a piston
in Washington, to the 66.000 km (plus the 55.000 km. of before beginning
the trip). The repair carries out Sling in New York.

I arrive at Europe, I cross 31 countries without newness. France sling replaces
for the first time the shock absorbers, the front wheel and the seat.
Italy sling carries out a general overhaul and takes advantage of to change
cardan joint and the right side of the bracket. The mechanics warn to me that
moto will not resist the African adventure, and they do to me for the second time
to notice that it is necessary to change the motor. I refuse although the supply is
gratuitous. Childbirth towards Africa with four bujíasy a clutch cable
of spare part. A screw of the alternator loosen in the Ivory Coast.
In South Africa one becomes a general overhaul and reemplazael alternator.

The only serious accident of the trip I have it in Tanzania. I fall a
130 km/h and to moto is made pieces: fairing, suitcases, manetas,
et cetera. "the Princess" is repaired by the son of the ambassador Italian
in Tanzania. I arrive at Spain in April of 1990, two years and a day
after to have started off for Africa.

Montesa-Honda offers to change the motor to me, but I refuse. They have opened it
and they have been scared, but I continue denying to me. Moto has 386 already.000 km
of trip (plus the 55.000 original ones). They change
many pieces of the motor. The cardan joint is replaced again, in addition to
the right part of the bracket, the seat and the shock absorbers.
In Moto Diseño they fix to the fairing and the suitcases.

I leave course to Asia, I cross Spain, France and to puetras of Rome
motor explodes when it took 387.500 km. They remuelcan to me until Spain.
Montesa-Honda opens the motor and is totally appears fused.
¡Good bye, nobleman animal! You have given more than what nobody hoped, the sky
it is your place. Montesa-Honda places a new motor, constructed eb
same year that the previous one, and that had been only used to train
to mechanics. Sling considers that this propellent is very "toqueteado"
and the best thing is to hope to than they send one new one from Japan. I do not have
time that to lose, I insist and in the end they mount the motor in " Princess ",
that in addition it was disarmed. I leave for Asia, is November of 1990.

The indented gears of the gimballing transmission, and I are broken
they fix in miraculous plan. In Indonesia they become to spoil,
they change of sense and nuts are used extra to rivet
I grasp. I arrive at Australia, want to receive to change the cardan joint to me, no
acceptance, and cruzco the country saying so that it holds. 14.000 km later
arrival to Melbourne and is broken to the entrance of parking of Sling, I push

They change to the seat and the cardan joint, besides to carry out a general overhaul.
I arrive at the United States, finalized therefore the first return to the world.
moto sum 515.000 km. (plus the 55.000 km. original). They replace
front disc, that seems a leaf to shave, and carries out a revision

I arrive at Japan, Sling changes the cardan joint, speedometers, carburetors,
bracket, rims, embraque, tilted, escapes, starting and some
pieces more. Great revision. They want to change to the chassis perone I deny, then
it has been welded by the man of the steel and the tower in the helmet.

When entering Helsinki (Finland) the cardan joint becomes to break. I open it,
I put it the other way around and I arrive at Sling. They say to me that the pieces will take
two weeks in arriving, but I must go to the Pingüinos.

The greater disadvantage than I have had in this means million kilometers
it has been the pinions of the cardan joint. Although also it is necessary to consider
that they have not taken a very easy life that we say, because they have had
to arastrar the 400 kilos of moto, plus those of the pilot, by places where
an Africa Twin would have had it complicated.

Conclusion: Never, never never, "the Princess" has left wire drawing me.

"Princess Negra" first and only moto of Scotto. It has be
reconstructed in two occasions (Madrid and Tokyo).