Guestbook Comments on Horizons Unlimited
Horizons Unlimited Guestbook to 2006
Thank you for visiting. I hope the comments below give you an idea of what others think of what we're doing.
If you have a question please go to the HU Bulletin Board to ask everyone your question (the best and fastest way to get an answer!) or the Feedback Form to contact us. Thanks!
Add your comments to this Guestbook below (2012 on comments at bottom of page).
Entries 2006 - 2000:
Name: Paul Abbott
Location: Isle of Wight, England
Date: Saturday, March 18, 2006 at 15:13:43 (GMT-5 hrs.)
brill site iv put it in my favorites
Name: Mark
Location: NY, NY US
Date: Monday, March 13, 2006 at 04:00:04 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hello susan and grant managed to cross the alps and are now in unesco heritage city of dubrovnik (croatia) now we have to hurry up to get our ship to haifa from piraeus (greece) next time more via email cheers ps reorg of your page is great Best search site
Name: Rick Coleman
Location: Mapua, New Zealand
Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2006 at 17:45:57 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I just read your technical advice on breaking tyre beads. On BMW's I have used and recommend using the centre stand! A two person exercise, with bike on centre stand one person leans the bike over on one side of the stand while the other person places the wheel under the other. Its then gently lowered and the weight on the bike pushes down one side of the stand onto the tyre popping it off the rim. Perform the operation a couple of times while the wheel handler turns it around a bit. It's so simple and effective I've used it in Moroccan deserts, Turkish roadsides and just outside Leh, Ladakh having travelled over the secoond highest pass in the world.
Name: Elle
Location: auckland and new plymouth, n island godzone
Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 13:51:57 (GMT-5 hrs.)
can't for the life of me understand why you disliked new plymouth. next time you're in godzone let me know and i'll show you a beautiful place...elle
Name: Marc and Judy
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Date: Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 18:53:55 (GMT-5 hrs.)
This is an amazing resource, I don't know how we would begin to plan our trip around the world if it wasn't for this site! Thank you so much for this wealth of information! :)
Name: Jim Yarrington
Location: Lafayette, Colorado USA
Date: Friday, February 10, 2006 at 10:13:30 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Ran across the site and am now a frequent visitor and enjoy it greatly. Ride a 1200 RT. Thanx.
Name: Louis de Jager
Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 08:40:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Very interesting, got my mind wandering! Wish I could do it sometime. Louis
Ed. Comment: You can - just stop wishing and decide to do it! We all started out wishing - but some decided to DO it - and once you make that decision, it's amazing how all the things that prevented you, suddenly become less of a stopper, and more of a simple difficulty to be sorted out.
Name: P.G. Reitsma
Location: Maple Ridge, B.C. CANADA
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 01:58:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Found the site today at work, while not technically working. Have been faithfully watching Ewen and Charley every Tuesday night, and now have a greater interest in trading my litre class sport touring bike in for something more suitable. You've got so much info here, I don't know where to start. Really impressed! It will make the off-season so much better. All the best, Glen.
Name: Santos Aviles
Location: Los Angeles, Calfornia USA
Date: Sunday, November 27, 2005 at 18:12:24 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thank so much for helping change the law in Ecuador regarding temporary importation of vehicles. I will receive my pick up tomorrow here in Puerto Cabello and will finish in Cartagena, Colombia after driving to Ushuaia. I shipped it from California with Wallenius Wilhelmsen ($2500 for 31 cubic meters). They have quoted me roughly $500 to ship from Cartagena to Panama. I am very grateful because I was going to stop in Caracas just to acquire the libreta de paso. Just noticed the warning regarding ads. I hope that naming the shipping company does not violate rule.
Name: calvin meir
Location: vancouver, b.c. canada
Date: Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 15:26:34 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello to all and was cruising around and found your site AND those comments by Heiko Neumann concerning the hostel guy of the Dawson City Hostel, Yukon. I was there the same time as Heiko and that other fellow he was mentioning (and he might not remember me since I normally stay away from arrogant buggers like him)............but have to say this: A) the hostel is just fine. B)The owner struck me as a nice helpful fellow. C) It seems some people have a hard time adjusting to "Rustic" - like the bath house and the old wood stove and the ides of having to split wood.......and NOT washing clothes in the bath house buckets :) D) I remember that Heiko fellow as a over-bearing know-all dripping with sarcasm as his only intellectual tool he knows how to use. All of you have a nice day, Calv.
Name: Sergej
Location: New York, NY USA
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 19:34:02 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Very good site! I like it! I just wanted to pass on a note to let you know what a great job you have done with this site. Thanks!
Name: bob foley
Location: novato, ca usa
Date: Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 13:31:47 (GMT-5 hrs.)
How did you locate road knights mc panama/could you e-mail it to me, I am a former charter member and am looking for former members for a possible reunion.
Ed. comment - to contact Bob, send me a note via the contact us form at the bottom of the page.
Name: Mavridis Stephanos
Location: Bristol, England
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 18:25:35 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Name: Duke Sheppard
Location: Salida, CO USA
Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 17:48:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hey, Grant! Nice meeting you in Creel, and thanks for inspiring my buddy Jasen Mommer. He has finally shut up about Harleys! Duke Sheppard
Name: Harrier
Location: Niaga, al Alb
Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 08:07:40 (GMT-5 hrs.)
A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never sure.
Location: caterham, surrey uk
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 21:21:51 (GMT-5 hrs.)
found this site by mistake I'm planing a trip to kazakhstan in 2008 poss beyond great site is a great help and has only push my resolve to do this trip. following in the tyre tracks of Mondo enduro and Terra circa also Ewan Macgregor and Charlie Boorman.
Name: Jasen Mommer
Location: florissant/ salida, colorado usa
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 21:12:20 (GMT-5 hrs.)
grant, i was just at the meeting in creel, and it was the most eyeopening experience of my life. I came down on my virago 750, and we made it back last night (after tami experincing a broken leg in silver city, nv on the way to the gila cliff dwellings riding 2-up on duke's st1100, stupid sandy roads on a road bike!) anyway i have spent my whole first day back home searching for some kind of dual-sport bike that i can whitewater rafting guide in the fall. but your meeting has opened a whole new world to me, and i am hoping to get the bike and pratice to do "the trip" someday. because i felt that by creel mexico i was only just getting into the rythym, and want MORE! thanks grant, and everyone in creel that made a motorcycle meet more about life than the "scene"... Thanks MOMMER
Name: Grant, HU Webmaster
Location: ? on the road...
Date: Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 18:06:58 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Welcome to Horizons Unlimited!
To answer your question, start reading to get inspired!
Check out the ezine:
Travellers Stories from the road:
Trip planning - tons of answers to your questions:
and of course the HUBB: - the source of up-to-date travel information.
Always remember to do a little looking around before asking a question - it may already have been answered many times!
Use the Search engine at the top right of every page - it works very well.
Also have a look for the latest Rider magazine, October 2005 - great story about Horizons Unlimited that will tell you all about us.
Finally, get your self to an HU Meeting next year!
see you on the road someday, somewhere...
Grant Johnson
Name: eddie Denfip
Location: gilbertsville, kentucky usa
Date: Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 04:47:58 (GMT-5 hrs.)
how do i get started? have v-strom now what?
Name: Adalberto Tostes
Location: Porto Alegre, RS Brasil
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2005 at 14:53:53 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site. Congratulations! See our pictures of a travel to Ushuaia in: ?album=9 best wishes Adalberto
Name: Brian
Location: Lanark, Scotland
Date: Saturday, October 1, 2005 at 08:10:55 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site love the forum, done a couple of europe trips this year but I'm now thinking RWT very inspirational site keep up the good work Brian
Name: Goracy
Location: faer, al AL
Date: Saturday, October 1, 2005 at 02:51:17 (GMT-5 hrs.)
All is fair in love and war ! Water Filter
Name: Garry Peterson
Location: Loveland, Colorado USA
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 00:02:11 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Mike & John, Hope your trip is going well and hope to see you soon in Colorado. Kent finally relinquished your website information to me. It was great visiting/drinking with you guys in Seward. Have a safe trip! GEP
Name: Wilco Vonk
Location: Amsterdam, Holland Europe
Date: Monday, September 26, 2005 at 14:58:23 (GMT-5 hrs.)
G'day all Travellers We are going Down Under this friday the 30th of september.Our 3 Triumph Tigers 955 have been shipped to Adelaide by boat and we will drive up to Darwin through the Kimberley to Broome,along the coast to Perth and back again to Adelaide.About 15.000 km in 8 weeks ! Visit our website Sorry it's in Dutch but we have a guestbook and some nice pics.The site will be updated while we are travelling.Drive safely.Cheers, The Dutch TigerRaid team.
Name: master maga
Date: Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 12:47:38 (GMT-5 hrs.)
i love your site
Name: Gunther Breuer
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Date: Friday, September 16, 2005 at 19:59:00 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I think this web page is great. I work on a oil RIG (we are in Mauritania at the moment), and I'm planning my world sounds crazy, but I still don't have my driving license.Any way...I'm really enjoiging all the information and comments in this web p. and I'm sure is gonna help me a lot to organice my trip.Thank you and kind regards to everyone out there Gunther
Name: sorcerer
Location: chablais city, valais switzerland
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 10:27:05 (GMT-5 hrs.)
danke f¨r das! Merci pour votre site! the vespa gang is happy to see your website!!! see you the sorcerer
Name: king
Location: swindon, england
Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 08:37:43 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hi, just thought id say what a great site this is, its been real helpful recently. im currently planning a trip through the himalayas but am having problems, mainly funding and ( im only 20 with 2-3 years riding experience) with enough patience im sure i can break them, lol. keep up the good work
Name: Allan
Location: Sunshine Coast , Queensland Australia
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 07:59:37 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I can't believe it!!! About 3 months ago i bought Ewan & Charlie's "the long way round" and that started me looking at net sites, i now have just got ted simmon's "jupiters travels". I found HU when i was surfin' and i can't believe how many people are travelling around the world on bikes. I have a 1985 Harley electra glide (striped of bat wings and crome bits) and i have done a few trips out from the Sunshine coast. My question is how do so many people get the money to keep travelling? do you have normal jobs? do you have your own business so you can take time off? and how do i convince my wife and three young kids that i need to go for a bike ride for 6 months. Does anyone want to be a temp husband and father for a while.
Name: Turby
Location: makawao, hawaii u.s.a.
Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 11:09:49 (GMT-5 hrs.)
aloha from franci and turb from maui hi great site keep up the good work
Name: seagull
Location: JAPAN
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 08:23:50 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello, I hope you can understand my English.I'm traveling Africa with motorcycle. In my web site there are much information about Africa (GPS, hotel, Visa, road and so on...). I hope it makes your trip comfortable... access the following; and click 'Library', then in 'Africa' folder there are much information. excuse me, some documents are Japanese. Continually I renewal them. Thank you for kind reading.
Name: Grant Johnson, HU Webmaster
Location: Surrey, BC Canada
Date: Sunday, August 8, 2005 at 14:23:10 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thanks Mike - and good to hear we've inspired you, thanks! Enjoy the ride, and I hope to see you at one of our Travellers Meetings someday - telling your story! :)
Name: Mike Morrissey
Location: Little Falls, NY USA
Date: Monday, August 8, 2005 at 02:01:02 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hey I love your site. I've been inspired and last week I did a 500 to 600 mile trip from my home in upstate New York to Rhode Island and back solo on my stock 125cc 1979 Vespa. It was my biggest trip yet, and i love the looks when people say "you rode to Rhode Island on that?" It certainly won't be my last big trip. Perhaps a bigger bike is in my future, but you can't beat the gas milage on the 125cc! Every time I stopped to fill it up it was less than a third empty. Thanks!
Name: Grant Johnson, HU Webmaster
Location: Surrey, BC Canada
Date: Sunday, July 31, 2005 at 19:47:50 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Nope, not us! There seems to be a lot of British Columbians / Canadians on the road these days. We'd love to get back to the Lofotens one day.
Name: Artur
Location: Warsaw, Warsaw Poland
Date: Sunday, July 31, 2005 at 16:48:59 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello,my friend and I (XJR 1300) met a couple on Pan European who were coming from British Columbia (Canada). It was in mid July at Lofoten islands, Norway. Were these YOU, Grant and Suzan?Stay fine, Artur/Strangers Poland
Name: Scott Jungle
Location: New Orleans, New York America
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 15:58:53 (GMT-5 hrs.)
This is "The Godfather" of the websites. Masterpiece! Scott
Name: Alec Brocklehurst
Location: York, Yorkshire UK
Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 13:03:26 (GMT-5 hrs.)
If you havent been to one of the HU Travellers meetings dont miss out on next years.Ripley, UK was my first time and it was well worth it. I met some really interesting people who had been to some really great places. Everyone there has a story to tell or a trip planned. The talks given over the weekend were really inspirational and informative and the beer and food were good too! Well done to the organizers.I am really looking forward to visiting Morocco later this year.Alec
Name: dharmachic
Location: silver city , nm usa
Date: Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 21:01:22 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I just looked at your top 31 pics from your travels and the statement that comes to mind is how ridiculously wonderful! It's almost absurd that you or anyone would actually follow through on such journey. good job! Someday I'll cross the border but until then traveling the u.s still has a lot of sites to see.peace and loveshelly
Name: les
Location: perth, W.A australia.
Date: Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 09:44:39 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Pics are great and it reminds me of our trip but we did it in a 4x4.I just have one thing though and that is the pic of the two red roos as you have said,well these two marsupials are actually Euros.How do I know this??well I am a wildlife carer and I currently have one of these little blokes in care.Even so your pics are great and I really enjoyed looking at them.
Name: Pheter
Location: New York, New York USA
Date: Monday, June 20, 2005 at 14:38:58 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Congratulations! Keep up the good work.
Name: Clay Canfield
Location: Mukilteo, WA USA
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 09:44:19 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Looks like there is a lot of information here. It's somewhat intimidating or confusing figuring out how to work it or submit blogs.
Editors comment - no surprise - there's 14,500 pages at last count! And Clay did figure it all out - his blog is soon to be listed on the Travellers Stories section.
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2005 at 11:19:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Name: Brian Fortune
Location: Dublin, Dublin Ireland
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 13:10:08 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Just browsing thru my BMW Club Journal and saw mention of this website. Spent all afternoon browsing it. Really think its great. Made me feel confident and comfortable about considering an RTW trip. A trip which has been in my head ever since I first read Ted Simons book Jupiters Travels some 30 years ago. Now slighly older some think I'm mad others sad. This afternoon was not a wasted day. I know now the day has come to be on my way. Thanks to you all. Brian
Name: Joe Lillie
Location: York, Yorkshire England
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2005 at 15:53:22 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Brilliant website. Im currently in Schleiden in Germany. My rear tyre is practically dead from the Nurburg Ring, and i was panicing because i couldnt find information on tyre fitting places around here. Stumbled across the site, and got some useful information, as well as some names and telephone numbers of people who may be able to help. Giving them a call shortly. This site is potentially my saviour! Thanks for the information, and keep up the good work. "These are the days that must happen to us... absolutely!" Feel free to email me if anyone is in Yorkshire travelling - baby_blade_tourer ((a--t}} yahoo dotttcom if you need any help - immore than prepared to help out. Joe
Name: *****
Lincolnshire England
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 05:57:03 (GMT-5 hrs.)
What a fantasic web site,had a ZZR250 after passing my bike test in 1991 and did 28000 miles in 18 months,except winter months. this also included doing the shopping, going to work and basic U.K. travel. I went to Berlin, fully "tented" up etc on it, slept in shop door ways, petrol stations, woods and motorway and park bench`s and two night`s at the Ritz in Paris (with the wife). What a wonderful way to live, while on your holidays. (beats staying in the pub all your life wacthing crappy football on Sky Sport`s). Then i got after that a GPZ500s, XT600e, F650gs, R1150r and now a TT600Re.Stay Safe one and All. :)
Name: mehmet yaran
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 13:35:37 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I live in the Black Sea Coasts of TURKEY.I like bike and bikers.I just wanted to say HELLO to all.Also I want to help ang give info to all bikers who want to visit Turkey.I see that lots of bikers fallow the road of black sea to reah georgia or Iran. I will be happy to help people who fallow the road of black sea to reach georgia or iran.Even they can stay at my home.
Name: Jelena
Location: D¨lmen, Germany
Date: Friday, April 8, 2005 at 05:43:56 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi,you have a nice Page ! Best wishesJelena
Name: Grant Johnson, HU Webmaster
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 15:03:39 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Correct, handguns are illegal to bring across the border or to carry in Canada. Don't need one here anyway! :) Have a great trip!
Name: Harold W. Scheffler
Location: Fort Worth, TX USA
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 09:10:22 (GMT-5 hrs.)
A small group of us will be traveling from to Alaska starting July 1, 2005. We plan to go to Prudoe Bay. Any suggestions on carrying fire arms (hand guns) through Canada. Sounds like it will be impossible to carry a handgun through.
Name: Jörg Becker
Location: Beienrode, Niedersachsen Germany
Date: Monday, February 28, 2005 at 00:04:24 (GMT-5 hrs.)
It is again and again more interesting to visit this web site. indescribable what you can find in this page. greetings from germanyJoerg,
Name: DonC
Location: St. Louis, Missouri USA
Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 18:46:50 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Good site! DonC
Name: Daniel Sempeho
Location: Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 04:18:33 (GMT-5 hrs.)
great work, great stories, great achievements.I think keep it up so that I can post my story, round trip in Tanzania.
Name: Niklaus Fux
Location: Silver Star Mountain, BC
Date: Saturday, December 25, 2004 at 16:52:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I wish You and the whole HU community happy holidays and lots of safe miles or km's on the roadSee you at the next HU meetingNik
Name: Klaus D. Orth
Location: Toon City , Ehime-ken Japan
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2004 at 01:54:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Folks I tell you.....thanks, first of all, for the direct information pass-on!!! And to everyone else - if you have a website, put a link to Susan and Grant's page on it - they deserve it!! Klaus (
Name: Mark Cox
Location: Bristol, - England
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2004 at 11:32:20 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Carnet de passage and were issued at the borders of Turkey, Syria and Jordan for a small fee!!
Name: Mark Cox
Location: Bristol, N/A England
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2004 at 11:29:07 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I was able to get temporary Carnets and for the Africa Twin at the borders of Turkey, Syria and Jordan for a small fee!!
Name: Helen & Sandy Glennie
Location: Vernon, B.C. Canada
Date: Saturday, December 4, 2004 at 22:52:57 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great web site - plan on joining and will try to get to next years meeting near here - did not know about Revelstoke or would have been there.Came back this spring 2004 from 4 months 2 up on a Suzuki Vstrom 1000 - went from Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatamala - Belize - and back - exhilarating.Planning to go to Alaska in 2005 - any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Name: Glen R J ORTH
Location: Kurtzville, Ontario Canada
Date: Thursday, December 2, 2004 at 03:40:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Very interesting site , searching and lucked into your site. Seen a guestbook reply from Klaus Orth in Japan . I would like to talk futher , please contact. Thanks GO
Name: ed baker
Location: boulder, CO USA
Date: Sunday, November 28, 2004 at 14:46:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Nice site. Found it looking for a pic of a 2003 Triumph tiger, like my latest bike. We do a lot of long distance stuff out here in CO and a bunch of mountain riding and dirt riding in the national forest across from my house... All the folks seem like nice people on your site, doing what I'd love to if I had more than 3 weeks vacation a year. Well, tell em they can camp out here at 8,200' behind Boulder when passing through. Later, Ed
Name: Anthony
Location: Newman, WA Australia
Date: Sunday, November 14, 2004 at 23:09:52 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Folks, I happened upon your HU site quite by accident and am impressed. Most of all I like the ability to update one's own travel tips whilst on the road. This is great!Am in the process of getting another bike and intend to ride out into the Great Sandy Desert (on a track, not willy-nilly) for a test run.Keep you posted. -cheers!
Name: Adam, Mel & baby Amber
Location: beach, west coast Barbados, W.I.
Date: Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 15:59:19 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Guys, great to see the website's still rolling, we have a baby girl,"Amber" now so bikes are out for a bit. Good to see all the stories and dream though!! We now subscribe to the " One world,Two hulls" as we could'nt ride our bikes we bought a catamaran. Gotta keep moving one way or another. Maybe we will see you in Canada again one day, keep it kick'in, All the best from, The Bajan crew.
Congratulations Adam and Mel!! Grant and Susan
Name: Klaus D. Orth
Location: Shigenobu-cho (Toon-shi starting 20 Sept!), Ehime-ken Japan
Date: Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 02:56:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi there Susan and Grant, (ladies first again!) Well, I finally made it to your guestbook - and I finally have to say - the best site concerning bikes I have seen so far on the net. All the info I need right at the fingertip. And - maybe, one of these days my dream will also come true - riding, riding, riding - whereever the road will take me. But until then it is still quite a way to go - security comes first. Anyway, thanks for adding my page to your link list. And as I can see, you haven't been to Japan so far - at least not by bike. You are invited, whenever you come over here, stop by - the least I can offer you is some food, drinks and a place to sleep. Take care, safe riding and looking forward to hearing from you!
Name: Denis Moreau
Location: Edmonton, AB Canada
Date: Friday, October 22, 2004 at 18:32:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
What a great site!Thank you Susan & Grant.One year to go before retirement. I got my passport, I got my motorcycle & some gear, I got my first destination: South, South, andSouth. And now I know, with this web-site, I got friends. I itch so much to go, I can hardly focus on my work.
See you all down there, if not at the next H. U. meeting.
Denis M.
Name: Wyatt
Date: Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 16:18:24 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great website!Greetings from Poland for trevellers!Our plan-RTW (low-budget)
Name: Sterling Page
Location: Sunset Beach, North Carolina United States
Date: Monday, September 27, 2004 at 21:39:46 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I was just informed about your site yesterday on 9-26-04 as I was camping at TWO(Two Wheels Only) campground in Suches,Georgia. I have taken numerous cross country trips here in the U.S., have traveled accross Canada and Alaska. My next trip will be to Copper Canyon in March 05, so I will be studying the information that you have published on the area. Wish that I could join you there in Oct. but I have other commitments. Very informative site for M.C. travelers. Thanks.
Name: Leslyrix
Location: Suffolk, Britain
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2004 at 16:50:35 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I've been visiting this site almost daily since I decided that I realy would make the trip, and have found HU 100% helpfull to my planning in every respect.HU is a success in what it aims to do and long may it coninue.Best wishes to all.Ride Sure!
Name: Des Fuller
Location: Savannakhet, Savannakhet Lao PDR
Date: Saturday, September 4, 2004 at 04:27:26 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi there folks, i'm a Brit ex-pat working and now almost living in Savannakhet, Laos. I'm in the process of getting my bike in the UK ready for shipping out here.Always happy to see other travellers passing thru, can assist with local information etc. email me first to make initial contact.
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2004 at 08:40:53 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Good site!!Good site!!
Name: bunny punia
Location:New Delhi India
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2004 at 05:25:20 (GMT-5 hrs.)
for bikers comin to india. get in touch with, indias biggest community of bikers..members in every major city of india..we will be happy to help ne biker in need and guidance..
Name: Eliott
Location: Lima, Peru
Date: Monday, August 30, 2004 at 13:27:13 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hi, I'm a surfer boy from Peru, so i can tell you the food is great we have great beaches north of lima, like mancora, chicama,pacasmayo with great waves chicama has for me the longest wave in the world, 43 kilometers south of lima you can find pico alto with waves from 8 to 10 meters.If you are interested contact me 51 1 97486790, my name is Eliott C A.
celias1 at
Name: George Ross Sharp
Location: Alness, Scotland
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 08:26:28 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello what a great m/c site with the best stories i have read in a long time very informative. Keep up the good work you have got me hooked. Best Regards Ross
Name: Pamela Holland
Location: Tulsa, OK USA
Date: Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 00:12:33 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi ... really enjoyed your site. One thing I haven't tried as of yet is camping with a bike. My family loves all outdoor activities, especially camping, backpacking, hiking, etc.All the best ... Pam
Name: Ruby Graham-Altmann
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Date: Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 13:41:00 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Grant & Susan, At the 2004 International BMW Rally in Spokane I attended your Friday night seminar after Chris and Erin Seminar. I have received your e-magazine for a few years. Your website is amazing. I have gotten lots of useful information of your site. I was also impressed by your seminar and the great tips received. The next day I rode beside your white elephant and it made me proud to be seen with you guys. Thanks for keeping this website going. See you guys in October in Mexico. Cheers Ruby
Name: Richard Nash
Location: London, UK
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 14:59:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Still the best RTW / motorcycling website bar none. I was planning a basic trip from London to Croatia but have now decided to ask my employer for a six months sabatical and try to ride Canada, USA, central and south America (top to bottom) in 2005. After 27 years' service (and one divorce) I figure they owe me something! I went to see GlobeBusters husband and wife team after their RTW record breaking jaunt. Your site and their talk - truly inspirational! Cheers, Richard Nash.
Name: kelley calhoun
Location: South Pittsburg, TN usa
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2004 at 11:57:14 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I am loving following your trip. I was trying to find away to get a message to you, but I am not sure this is the answer. I am so glad that Cleve is not the typist of your journey. I hope you have a blast and are very safe. Much Love!
Name: steve wass
Location: bishop auckland, county durham england
Date: Sunday, July 4, 2004 at 05:16:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I would like to attend your meeting in derbyshire but need more information on where it is being held.regardssteve
Name: Steve Treloar
Location: Dubbo, nsw Australia
Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 at 08:30:32 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi a freind put me onto your site .Therese and I rode from the Uk to Australia in 1991-92 on a reconstructed BMW R65.the only drama we had mechanical was a rear main going.[stuffed] in Iran.$25 US. had it fixed. we got home 4 months later and I believe the bike is still going.We have our trip notes, though only in a book and not on the computer.we didn't have the conivience of internet cafe much back then. will have to get onto the computer . your site has spurred me on. thanks steve and therese treloar
Name: simon howarth
Location: derby, derbyshire england
Date: Sunday, June 20, 2004 at 17:45:18 (GMT-5 hrs.)
i have just discovered your web site and thought what a good weekend out your meet would be, i was born in ripley and know lumb farm well, doh! i'm away in the alps on my new ktm 950 that weekend, no contest, your meet will have to wait till next year. ps the red lion on ripley market is the cheapest beer in the town, see you next year.
Name: Jorge Krahe
Location: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul Brazil
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2004 at 18:53:07 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Susan & Grant: what a great and pleasant surprise to discover your site. I'm an old biker (will be 60 next year) and although I'm presently bikeless (due to a hopefull momentarily and somewhat delicate financial situation), I shall return to the community sooner than my neighborhood think!!! Meanwhile I'm dedicating my weekends and spare time to bicycling, a bit too furiously according to my relatives. Susan and Grant, to make it short: I just want to make it plain that if you both should show up at my hometown (Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil), anytime, don't look for a hotel - You'll be my guests, I have room enough for a couple (and bikes!) and maybe we could have a nice glass of Cabernet while listening to a string quartet - Schubert, Beethoven - or even Roger Waters, why not? That's it. God speed, as I once heard in Zermatt. Jorge.
Name: anto
Location: dublin, leinster ireland
Date: Monday, May 31, 2004 at 10:41:13 (GMT-5 hrs.)
excellent site. its got me thinking.
Name: marco
Location: udine, italia
Date: Monday, May 31, 2004 at 05:42:33 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I've just spotted you in lonelyplanet and then i found your site.great informations and great you think is possible to do it by hitchhiking?i will start from istanbul.thanks.
Name: Rachael Renton
Location: London, UK
Date: Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 03:28:14 (GMT-5 hrs.)
My boyfriend and I are riding through Turkey and found a great place to stay in Selcuk. It is a very 'bike friendly' place called Hotel Akay. The owner is a rider and can help hook you up with parts in Izmir (close by). There are lots of nice day trips tp do around this area, and of course the ruins of Ephesus. Now off to the south coast to find some more of this great Turkish hospitality!
Name: tg 'woody' witte
Location: denver, co usa
Date: Sunday, May 23, 2004 at 23:07:02 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hi, enjoyed cruising your site and th atta boy ya gave me for being an alternative to tim in rebuilding and truing all the gs series ''unrebuildable" wire wheels wheels, you quoted $320.....not's $200+/- for lace and true plus using good partswhen we try to save the customer money by re-using his existing spokes and nipples we run into problems..trying to dismantle the wheel, frozen/rusted grub screws and nipples, spokes that do not readily come out of the rim etc... we know lot's of tricks to minimize the cost, the clock does tick at $60 hour flat rate, and we are constantly trying to find better deals and sources for these applications thanks woody, holler if i can be of further assistance
Name: S Infernov
Location: Muhosransk, qw Russia
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 07:16:55 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Good site!
Name: Robson Giovanni Parisoto
Location: Jaborá, SC Brasil
Date: Sunday, May 2, 2004 at 20:47:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Very good page, this site is very beatiful. Congratulations. Robson.
Name: Simon Fitzpatrick
Location: London, United Kingdom
Date: Friday, April 30, 2004 at 12:49:59 (GMT-5 hrs.)
This is a fantastic website. Almost every time I look something I need up using Google, I'm directed to a part of HU! (or Chris Scott's site). I'm going to be riding a Honda NX650 Dominator from London to Cape Town, down the west hopefully as far as Cameroon/Eq. Guinea and Sao Tome, then airfreighting to Kenya and down the east side to CT. I've given up my job so it doesn't matter how long it takes, but I reckon up to a year. I plan to leave London at the start of October 04. It may amuse you to know that I only passed my bike test 2 months ago. A holiday in Greece in summer 03 with hiring of 125's led to my current state of excited unemployment. Anyone doing anything similar, see you on the "road"! Thanks also to Bike Magazine's Dan Walsh for monthly inspiration...
Location: LINCOLN, UK
Date: Friday, March 26, 2004 at 08:23:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
What a great site, have read it and dreamed on and off for the last couple of years about jacking it in and doing an rtw-just like many of the other readers i suppose. Just lacking the nuts to do it but hey i can read on and respect the people who're out there living it and at least follow what they're up to and where.keep up the good work, best site on the web bar none. Ride safe & ride free.
Name: Pavel "ANGEL"
Location: Irkutsk, eastern Siberia Russia
Date: Friday, March 19, 2004 at 08:41:28 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello, friends! Greetings from Siberia!
Name: Sonia & Bernard - Montreal
Location: Montreal, Quebec Canada
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 10:29:03 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi there, we just discovered HU a week ago what a great site! Since then every free minute is dedicated going true this huge site. We are planning very seriously our own RTW in a few years when the kids will be full grown. For now we are having pleasure dreaming about it and getting organised. We are located in Montreal, CANADA. If anyone needs a little help we offer our assistance to give as much info as you could need when you plan to cross our country.
Name: Ingo
Location: so many...., Germany and the world
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2004 at 07:13:56 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Looking for Biker in Pakistan! Will soon stay in Pakistan and looking for some people on motorbikes who want to go with my back to Europa via Iran/Turkey. See you... -I-
Name: Juan Miguel Soriano Nazar
Location: Azul, Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2004 at 13:27:53 (GMT-5 hrs.)
congratulations for a very good site, I knew it by some friends. I'm almost a biker, but I feel completely one. Greetings from Argentina
Date: Monday, March 1, 2004 at 06:23:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
:// PHOTOS PARAGUAYHohenau , Itapua , PARAGUAYHello from south america Good morning all good peopleI just visited your Excelant home page Very good PAGE
Name: Alexey P. Gaidukov (Shustrik)
Location: Ussuriisk, Far East Russia
Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 at 23:44:00 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi all!I'm biker from Russia (near Vladivostok), my bike Honda Wing GL400.Nice website, everythings cool. Thanks to creators.Well... I talk hello all bikers and... and sorry for my English please. :)))))
Name: eve
Location: chemnitz, germany
Date: Friday, January 9, 2004 at 18:36:32 (GMT-5 hrs.)
first: good sitebut l'm searching for somebody who would like to go with me for a motorbike tour in new zealand or australia. l'm already in nz until the end of march. after this wanna travel to e-mail is: evelyn_ritter - web.deutschland cheers eve
Name: Pete (Bluto) Johnson
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
Date: Wednesday, January 7, 2004 at 05:37:13 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Happy New Year Just bought my first bike (GL1500 Goldwing), at 46 years old. Planning a 4000 mile trip to Spain and Portugal August 2004. Found your site today and already taking notes, thanks.
Name: George Newbury
Location: Conway, WA USA
Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2004 at 23:25:22 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site! Pity I learned about it the day before we leave for South America. Dec. 16th we shipped a R100GS with side car and an F650 to Santiago. My wife (56) son (20) and I (60) will be riding in Chile and Agentina during January and February. We leave tomorrow morning. What fun it has been preparing; now we get to enjoy the ride.
Name: umunna eze
Location: LOME TOGO, asaki togo
Date: Friday, January 2, 2004 at 11:36:16 (GMT-5 hrs.)
very good site
Name: Pieter
Location: Amsterdam, N.H. Netherlands
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2003 at 15:50:19 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello,I would like to wish you a happy new year.Pieter
Location: Asuncion, py Paraguay
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 06:12:33 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello from south america, Paraguay.I just visited your excelant homepage.Very good work.
Name: Steve
Location: FWB, FL USA
Date: Sunday, December 14, 2003 at 02:12:23 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Grant and Susan - Awesome job here. I admire your work and envy your daily adventures. I have traveled across the USA twice and am going to ride Europe and maybe North Africa early in 2004. Hope I meet up with you some day. Keep your knees in the breeze! Mark McAullay - I love the quote you posted Steve
Name: Bryan McDonald
Location: San Antonio, TX USA
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2003 at 11:10:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
By far and away the best motorcycle web site.Just so inspring that it has really rekindled my wandering sprit. Starting to day to make plans for a trip from here San Antonio to Alaska. May take a while, money and time but I will do it. Thanks.
Name: fordo
Location: Tempe, AZ USA
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 12:54:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I've been working on the Arizona bike week site and the information is starting to come in for next years event. Hope you all come out west and enjoy the rides. it should be another great time... until then Keep on Ridin! Fordo
Name: Nina
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 at 07:16:04 (GMT-5 hrs.)
HiRegards from Norway!
Name: sebastian
Location: norrtelje, Sweden
Date: Monday, November 3, 2003 at 05:04:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
good site!!!
Name: David Finlay
Location: Chengdu, Sichuan China
Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 08:29:55 (GMT-5 hrs.)
A friend has let me use his, until now new-ish, Chang Jiang 750, ( sidevalve 1937 design BMW) with sidecar, here in Chengdu (west China). I have "done" about 800kms so far, the bike 980kms. Its a little different from the Triumph Sprint ST I had back in Australia, but am enjoying the experience, and enjoying the motorbike. In fact am considering buying one and riding it to Europe, next spring. The sidecar is very stable at all speeds, seems to be built like a tractor and with only petrol and a spark to worry about, offers the simplicity that modern bikes lack. A new one here in China costs about 15,500rmb for a sidevalve, or 16,500rmb for OHV. I found your site through the Sth African importer. I have been in China 3 years, teaching "the English", the last year here in Chengdu, Sichuan. Should anyone visiting your site want info in relation to China, happy to help. If you are considering a trip to China, a good place to start is by reading the travel guides plus a few books like "River Town", "Life and Death in Shanghi", and "Wild Swans". cheers, David Finlay.
Name: Marcel and Flavia Wolf
Location: Hergiswil, NW Switzerland
Date: Monday, October 20, 2003 at 17:17:40 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello everyone ! We're travelling on our Triumph Tiger and just wanted to wish: A good ride for all the bikers around the globe ! If you want to find us, then have a look on our homepage: Happy travelsMarcel and Flavia
Name: ken Huo cj
Location: Orleans, ON Canada
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2003 at 01:01:35 (GMT-5 hrs.)
as one who flies both the Canadian & South African flags,your RTW jouneys had my umpteenth visit to your site reading browsing and awed for the past few father rode an "indian" in the thirties,i, regretably missed out,thus the yearning; at least i can do it virtually through to you both for an incredible "Leekah" www.
Name: Tim Orr
Location: Indianapolis, In. usa
Date: Thursday, October 9, 2003 at 20:38:31 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Greetings from Indiana, usa. 10-9-03M words of praise to this web site, thank you. In 1968 when I was 19 I decided to journey my way to Alaska to see the land of the midnight Sun. Well, my timing was a bit off as I went there on a 100 dirt bike 10,000 miles round trip at the wrong time of the year but, not to worry since at this age nothing realy mattered but just get there. My trip was september 1st thru november 30. Just made it home in time for the first real COLD in Indiana. I have many stories to tell about the trip as one could imagin but my real Journey was in 1996 when I returned on another Motorcycle where I could go faster and really make some time which took me 30 days and this time I went with time available to be at Prudhoe Bay Alaska on the 21 st of the June month just to see the Midnight Sun as I wanted to do the first time. And wow what an experience which I shared with a friend from England on this day. We keep in touch now as we became fast friends being interested in the very same thing. (24 hours of Sun light). Thank You for the space here and enjoy the 2003 fall of the year as I do Tim Orr, Indianapolis
Name: Dick Hautau
Location: Detroit, MI USA
Date: Monday, October 6, 2003 at 13:15:08 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Picked up one of your flyers at a motorcycle shop. I am interested in Mexico, perhaps 2004 or 5, or Alaska same time frame.
Name: Beatrice Stewart
Location: Inuvik, NT Canada
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2003 at 19:33:17 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Name: Kevin Lumley
Location: Sylvania, NSW Oz
Date: Monday, September 29, 2003 at 08:35:05 (GMT-5 hrs.)
G'day Grant & Susan. Wonderful web site.What would have once taken independant travellers weeks to find out, can now be read on your site in moments. It's worth pointing out to people, that anyone thinking of travelling by themselves, (outside of organised tours), whether by M/Cycle or not, can obtain a great deal of needed information on these pages. Again; great work. Regards: Knightro.
Name: Robyn Morgan
Location: Boulder, Colorado USA
Date: Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 11:24:07 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Your site is the BEST!!! I have a Transalp at home just waiting for me to get off my butt and get out into the big wide world.....Thanks for all your inspiration. Your poem on the "why" pushed me over the edge. Female? 55? Kids grown and gone!....No excuses, I'm soooo gone...
Name: Pat horan
Location: edmonton , ALBERTA Canada
Date: Monday, September 22, 2003 at 13:16:34 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Just learned of this site from a rtw I put up for a few days, great site and good luck to all, Pat
Name: wade
Location: fairbanks, alaska alaska
Date: Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 16:58:05 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site, lots of info.Spent most of the summer riding in Alaska and the Yukon, honkeytonk to honkeytonk.If ya get a chance i'll have a beer with ya at the Howlin' dog Saloon to the Golden Eagle Saloon,to Chicken Creek Saloon then to Dawson city at the "Pit" (Westminter Hotel) the pink building.Take 'er easy... and if ya do, take 'er twice.
Name: David Kazalunas
Location: Prospect, Ct. USA
Date: Monday, September 15, 2003 at 22:14:57 (GMT-5 hrs.)
FOUND this site just breezing thru the internet. I'm AMAZED there are people that think like I do. Just LOVE to two-wheel travel. Present ride -Y2K Concours. I will bookmark this address and come back often for help. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Name: David
Location: Victoria, BC
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 18:13:22 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Cool website!
Name: Steve Gisler
Location: Weggis, Switzerland
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 12:23:55 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I am an Englishman who has lived in Switzerland for 14 years. Was a biker in England during 1960's, 70's and 80's (lots of oily jeans etc, but good vibrations). Now taken it up again in Switzerland (Africa Twin)it's as wonderful as ever! Thanks Grant & Susan, the website is superb and VERY helpful.All best wishes, Steve.
Name: Babs Berschneider
Location: Schöffelding, Germany BAVARIA
Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 05:31:03 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Salve Ihr 2!Mein lieber schieber da könnte man glatt neidisch werden! Tja Arno - ich glaube du solltes wenn Ihr wieder nach Hause kommt, Euch ein paar neue Jacken zulegen!Freue mich schon darauf Euch beide persönlich wieder zu sehen und nicht immer nur ¨bers Netz!Hoffe Euch geht es soweit gut denke bei meiner nächsten Schbageddi säsch'n an euch.....Ich w¨nsche euch alles gute,Barilla de la Ulk (Babs B.)
Name: Sofian Omar
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 22:36:16 (GMT-5 hrs.)
a couple of weeks ago, i stumbled upon your website. few days later, i prepared for the trip of my life. i went up north starting from singapore, basically "conquering" all of Malaysia by myself on a stock xr400. took me 2 weeks but i felt it`s not enough. looking at you guys, i wonder if i`m capable of beating your record. i don`t join motorcycle clubs or any other crap like dat. everything rely on luck, luck & more luck. my next trip, i`d like to visit a special fren in Bandung, Indonesia on my bike. have you guys been there or know someone who has? i like 2 learn everything there is to know about this journey
Name: Brian Kowalik
Location: Adelaide, South Australia OZ
Date: Friday, May 9, 2003 at 14:00:31 (GMT-5 hrs.)
G'day, Just passing, saw your light on thought I'd pop in!! I went to the meeting in Ulmarra, great meeting, I'll be writing a run report for the m/c clubs of SA WA NSW, QLD, and for you guys too. read me later.
Location: USA
Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 16:53:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I just looked through your website and wanted to drop you a complement.
Name: Cristián
Location: Quillota, Quinta Región Chile
Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 14:33:55 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Excelent work.... Chile is very close to what you have wrote... I have many things to read and learn in your site.. thanks a lot
Saludos desde Chile
Name: a
Location: USA
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 17:28:13 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I happened upon this site while following the links from another site. Keep up the excellent work.
Name: kent
Location: lv, nv usa
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2003 at 11:57:05 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site. Thanks - I'll be back soon - keep it up!
Name: Travel
Location: USA
Date: Friday, April 11, 2003 at 09:12:13 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I enjoyed surfing your site - just thought I would let you know!!
Name: David Burke
Location: Galway, Galway Ireland
Date: Monday, March 31, 2003 at 21:00:24 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Congrats to all involved with this web site. It really is excellent, professional, comprehensive and thorough and I forsee myself browsing the winter hours here in anticipation of my four week R1150GS inspired holiday. At the moment four weeks is my limit as business is such. But I must say that I am tempted to go for the big one {round the world} maybe next year. In the meantime, Thank you, David Burke
Name: Carmen
Location: Miami, FL USA
Date: Friday, March 28, 2003 at 12:20:48 (GMT-5 hrs.)
amazing!!delicious!!congratulations for your endless trip!!
Location: USA
Date: Friday, March 28, 2003 at 11:38:11 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Really enjoyed visiting your site, I have added it to my bookmarks.
Name:Mary Sikora
Location: USA
Date: Friday, March 28, 2003 at 10:48:14 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I do appreciate the great work you've done. The site is easy to navigate and provides me valuable information, very impressive. Thanks a lot.
Location: Berlin,
Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 at 14:33:48 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi there, just to say "hello". You built a great site - keep it up. kaufen verkaufenMany greetings
Name:Curt H Moore
Location: Iowa City, Iowa, Iowa United States of America
Date: Sunday, March 16, 2003 at 11:01:06 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Interesting site. Will add it to our newsletter.. Anyone would be jealous of your adventures
Name: Angel Jimenez
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 09:32:32 (GMT-5 hrs.)
My brother and I have just shipped our GL1800's to Spain to spend approximately 3 months touring Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. I should have found this site a long time ago. Thanks to an article on the March 2003 issue of Motorcycle Consumer News I was able to find you. Great and helpful site!!Need to find a repair shop or Honda dealer in Barcelona to fix a small problem on my bike when we arrive there on March 24. Any help? Thank you.
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 20:50:38 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Nice page, I will come back :-)
Name: Edric
United Kingdom
Date: Thursday, March 6, 2003 at 04:12:29 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Some of the Panniers I have seen published on this website are great - strong, weatherproof, lightweight and lockeable. I would still recommend that anyone starting out fresh goes with 'soft' pannniers which are cheaper and easier to make - you can even adjust small back-packs for this purpose and these are cheap to buy these days. The problem with the aluminium (or other) boxes is that when you fall off - even at low speeds - they can damage the bike - (and passenger). My suggestion also comes with its fair share of problems but you can sew, cut, velcro, stud and clip these where it suits you.
Name: Deb and Frank Johnson
Location: Perth, WA Australia
Date: Monday, March 3, 2003 at 18:12:03 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thanks the photos are great. We took scouts from Australia to south america 3 years ago. Looking at your photos reminded me of the great time we had and what a beautiful place it is. We had 7 weeks over there saw chile argentina, bolivia, peru, brazil, patagonia and went up to Los Angeles. Would love to get back ther one day.
Name: Krzysztof Nowak
Location: Wieliczka, POLAND
Date: Friday, February 28, 2003 at 04:50:52 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello! That what are You doing is wonderful. Riding on motorcycle is something special, different from other things. I hope one day I will travel allover the world on my motocycle, just like You. Greetings!
Location: Estherville, Iowa USA
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 21:02:55 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I just found you site, the information is great. In April of 2000 I had a chance to ride atv's in Kenya about 1200 miles camping along the way. After that I was hooked I would like to try motorcycle travel like the experences I have just read about. In august I will be going to India to ride atv's in the Himalayan mountians. I will be checking out you site to get information on travel in india (motor on jeff)
Name: Alan Hardy
Location: Richmond Hill, Canada
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 20:21:15 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Susan & Grant, Came across your site by accident... two of my past interests have been travel and motor bikes. Apart from touring France and Spain by bike in 1953 I have not combined the two very much since!! I Spent most of my working life in east Africa and Arabia before moving to Canada. Sold my last bike when I was 71 years. Really enjoy your site, full of interest keep up the good work. Rgds Alan
Name: Wade Sandstrom
Location: Longville, MN US
Date: Friday, January 31, 2003 at 02:46:59 (GMT-5 hrs.)
About a year ago I stumbled onto your site. I don't know what I was looking for anymore, but you probably wern't it as I owned a k100 at the time. At any rate, your site has quickly become my favorite. It is an enormous inspiration to me, and I'm sure to many others around the world as well. You're doing a wonderful job, I just hope you still find time for your adventures. Wade
Name: mike &renee' galmukoff
Location: port townsend/chimacum, washington U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 23:34:38 (GMT-5 hrs.)
We as a riding family have been looking for a place to meet other serious riders in a more civilized setting. This place is great for the whole family! I ride an 1150GS, momma rides a F650-GSPD, daughter is on a Seca II, and son and daughter inlaw are on a 1150GS. See you on the road! The Galmukoff Family Clan
Name: phil newton
Location: branchport, , ny us
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 18:32:50 (GMT-5 hrs.)
great site with lots of information. hopefully planning a trip to s america and the site certainly has plenty of tips. thanks
Location: Yellowknife, NWT Canada
Date: Monday, January 27, 2003 at 08:15:05 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Happy New Year dudes, June 20, 2003 in Yellowknife There is the Pary of a lifetime, Harleys Hardrock Saloons 9 annual mc show&shine at Raven Mad Daze. So come visit the land of the MIDNIGHT SUN. You will come back again, thats for sure.
Name:Jobs, Stefen
Location: Europe
Date: Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 11:11:47 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I happened upon this site while following the links from another site. Thank your for the hard work you must have put in to create this wonderful facility. Keep up the excellent work. Stefen Jobs
Name: Biedermann
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 18:18:07 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Enjoyed your site very much! Thank you! Keep up a great work!
Location: Nestor Falls, Canada
Date: Friday, January 17, 2003 at 18:51:42 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Nice site. Cheers from Canada.
Name: James
Location: N. Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 02:57:26 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Grant and Susan, "HAPPY NEW YEAR" Happened to look up your name @GOOGLE and voila, there's your web page which will take many hours to review, absorb but it's (NAP-TIME)!! Can't wait to get back to Gulliver's Travels. GREAT WEB PAGE....HAPPY TRAILS Au revoir Uncle Jim
Name:Black Caviar
Location: New York, NY USA
Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 01:25:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Your site is great work! Thank you! Black Caviar
Name:Hundehlter Haftpflicht
Middle Europe
Date: Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 11:13:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Excellent website, very informative. Keep up the excellent work - - Harry.
Name: Ron Comerford
Location: Youngstown, Ohio USA
Date: Friday, January 10, 2003 at 15:53:29 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello Grant&Susan!! GRADULATIONS on a Great "PAGE". I have learned so much from reading the many articles. I can't stay away. As a newbie w/a new Goldwing I am looking forward to some long trips this summer. Maybe BC as we have been there before by car. Peggy and I did Baniff, Jasper and across the provence to Pr. George and Pr. Rupert then the ferry to Victoria. Great country!! She is not a biker so I will be coming alone. Did you get my contribution? Got to get back to more stories. So long until tomorrow!! Ron
South-West Germany
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2003 at 08:39:26 (GMT-5 hrs.)
This is super! Much faster loading. I periodically go through the pages and re-discover things that are important to me. Happy new year to everyone seeing this message! - - Bob
Name: Desislav DESO
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2003 at 05:18:08 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Happy New 2003, "with two wheels in the middle".If sombody planing to visit Bulgaria, I will be glad to help him. Thanks for a great site. Deso.
Name: John Jones
Location: Caledonia , Mi
Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2003 at 22:49:27 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thanks for all the Info you have a really helpful site . I plan to use it a lot . have a good riding season and a safe one. JJ
Name: judy
Location: Southport, UNITED KINGDOM
Date: Thursday, January 2, 2003 at 15:50:58 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Fantastic photography.Thanks
Name: Dylan
Location: Kiva, Mi USA
Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 20:27:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
May well be THE best motorcycle site going!!! May all the many Bike Riders that post here have a safe and exciting New Year, one world, two wheels , cya, Dylan
Name:Thomas Ludwig
Location: Paris, France France
Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 08:53:42 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Happy New Year
Name:Skateboard Girl
Date: Monday, December 30, 2002 at 22:50:53 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thanks for the trip planning resources.
Name:Suizi d
Date: Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 07:03:31 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site!
Location: Europe, Europe Europe
Date: Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 11:33:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
You have a very unique and interesting site, I enjoyed my visit. Greetings from Hans.
Name:Rod &Julie Powell
Location: Pasco, WA USA
Date: Friday, December 20, 2002 at 18:48:03 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Wow, what a great website! My wife and I have toured quite a bit over the years and could have used this resource lots. I just put together a website of our recent trip to Spain (I included a couple of helmet camera videos) and am in the process of setting up a link to this site with hopes that you will link back to me. I plan to visit this site often, keep up the great work!
Name: pat
Location: federal way, wa usa
Date: Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 17:42:38 (GMT-5 hrs.)
i am a co-worker of dan's in seattle wa. quite an interestingstory!
Name: Paul Narramore
Location: Aylesford, Kent United Kingdom
Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 18:01:13 (GMT-5 hrs.)
It never ceases to amaze me just how adventurous your contributors are, and what an interesting and informative this site is. If only I had the courage to drop everything and go. I rode across the US in May and June, and it was like heaven. Well there's probably Spain, Portugal and France next summer. Thank you both for brightening my week :-)
Name:Lars Nebenjob
Location: Germany
Date: Friday, December 6, 2002 at 19:36:30 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I live in Germany and like your website. Thanks for the goodinformation and entertainment. Keep up this great resource. Best greetings,Lars
Date: Monday, November 25, 2002 at 20:49:12 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Very good site. Most useful
Name:Ocean Vacations
Location: USA, All USA
Date: Monday, November 25, 2002 at 15:13:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I really liked your site, I found it when surfing around for Cruises and found this site. Go figure!!! Though you might find it interesting how people find this site.
Name: Bill Masters
Location: Kelowna, B.C.,
Date: Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 23:33:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I am enjoying your site a lot, and am only part way through it. I am also a long distance rider. Two trips to Baja, in 2000 I went down to Panama City and back, a 2 monther through Europe in '72, and innumerable trips around our beautiful Northwest. I broke dpwn and bought a Harley last year, to try one out and I quite like it, but my alltime favorite bike is a Kawasaki K.L.R. 650, simplicity, and reliability at it best. I am working on an extensive Europe, Scandanavia, North Africa trip next year, and want to do Australia and Kiwi in the future. My 24 yr. old daughter and I did a California, Grand Canyon trip in Sept. She just got her licence and a new KLR., and we had a ball. My wife doesn"t really like long distance riding, but does not hold me back. She will come to "safe Europe" though. I loved Central America absolutely. Anyway I will not bore you any more, and I will continue to work my way through your great site. If in the area you would be welcome in our house.
Location: Germany
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 10:36:43 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi, best greetings from Germany, near Berlin. I bookmark yoursite. Keep up this good work. Best regards, P. K. Victor
Date: Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 09:17:58 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello, I found you at Altavista.You have wealth of information on your site and a nice design. Greetingsfrom Germany - Paul
Name: John McGhee
Location: Garmisch, German "ALPS", Germany
Date: Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 02:15:10 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Cool site.. American living inthe "ALPS" and loving every minute of it.. Looking at traveling to Romaniain the late spring.. Ride a BMW R1100RS.. Again very cool WEB PAGE andgreat info. Keep up the GREAT work!
Name: Bob MacKay
Location: Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta Canada
Date:Date: Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 12:05:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Amazing site! I've done a lot of riding around North America and yourpage has inspired me to go further afield. Thinking about Panama nextyear, for a start. Currently ride a Honda ST1100 and a BMW K100/Championsidecar combo. I'm considering adding a dual sport to the fleet. Thanksagain for a great site.
Name: Atiq Nagi
Location: Quetta, Balochistan Pakistan
Date: Friday, October 11, 2002 at 01:24:59 (GMT-5 hrs.)
It's the first time I am visiting this page. It was an honor to me that I met the team of Horizons Unlimited here in Quetta(ULTRA NET) .They are really nice people and have great zest in traveling. About this site, it is some thing great fun and ocean of information for the people who are interested in riding. Thanks &TC.
Date: Sunday, October 6, 2002 at 17:03:33 (GMT-5 hrs.)
It's my first visit at your homepage. Your website is great and very useful. I've bookmarked it. Keep up the good resources. Best greetings from Germany - Helmut
Name: fred
Location: DERBY, UK
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2002at 21:51:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Name: polat korkmaz
Location: mula, fethiye turkey
Date:Thursday, October 3, 2002 at 11:39:46 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hi!I am a tourguide who work and live in Fethiye.An hotel owner offered me to work in his hotel.And me and one of my friend accepted this and we have got the hotel now.15 days later you will have appotunity to visit our site anyway but what I want to tell you is Our hotel is 27 room capacity,swimming pool,24 hours and 11 monts open and at near saklýkent... You can see the web pages about saklýkent gorge. Around fethiye is wonderful for biking and accomadýtion.If you plan to visit fethiye and taking the place to your organised plans one day pls. get contact with me.I send you many information about here and all around turkey as well.. Polat korkmaz Shepherd's House ph:00 90 535 438 8206 saklýkent/fethiye/turkey
Location: Germany
Date: Thursday, October 3, 2002 at 05:35:06 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Just surfing. A wise man will always change his mind . . a fool never will
Location: Atlanta, GA USA
Date: Wednesday, October 2,2002 at 17:24:18 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Oh my, this site is overwhelming. So much good stuff. 20 years ago I took a Suzuki GS400 from Boston to the Northwest Territories (amazing trip). The bike was stolen in the Yukon and I finished my trip to Inuvik on a plane, but I would love to get into motorcycling again. This site has been profoundly helpful in refining my dream. I am very grateful for all the trip narratives (keep them coming!). The equipment links have been even more helpful. Yup, gotta get me a bike and hit the road.
Name: JAN
Location: EMPIRE, MI USA
Date: Tuesday, September 17,2002 at 19:33:31 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Name: Odinn
Location: Akranes, ICELAND
Date: Thursday, August 22,2002 at 23:24:12 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors.
Name: Rajesh
Location: A.P India
Date: Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 01:32:29 (GMT-5 hrs.)
O Cornucopia of Collective Wisdom (HUBB)......I bow to thee. flotsam
Location: UK
Date: Thursday, April 4, 2002 at 09:18:23 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Just a short note to say thanks very much for the site and the great bulletin board - the info on carnets has been life changing! Great site even for a landy driver... Cheers
Name: Ken Taylor
Location: Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada
Date: Wednesday,March 27, 2002 at 11:37:37 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site, my wife stumbled across it while doing a search on Norway, we have often wished for just such a life. I have been into motorcycles since getting my first dirt bike in '71, I did a fair bit of touring in my single years, and my wife toured with me between '85 &'97, but we have a 5yr old daughter that has severely cut into my motorcycling. I ride (whenever I have a chance) a '85 FXRS Harley Davidson that currently has about 150,000 miles on it. In recient years (4) I have been lucky to get 5000 miles per year. For several years I pulled a Tinymite delux tent trailer behind my Harley but sold that once our daughter was born. I sold my wife's bike several years ago because it wasn't getting used but hope to get her another one to go touring as a family once our daughter is a bit older. For the time being since we are not touring on two wheels I have been taking our family off road in an old Jeep. Our daughter loves Jeep's &Harley's... . I have built a homepage as well (photos of jeep'n as well as one page of biking photos), nothing comercial about it. Drop in for a look at...
Name: claude
Location: Verviers, Belgium
Date: Tuesday, March 26,2002 at 09:08:39 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Excelent site. Grant &Susan's RTW saga was a superb read. As I have travelled extensively in north and central Africa, your description of Egyptian bureaucracy comes as no suprise. Places I recommend, Sharm el Sheikh and Hurghada(Egypt), Club Makokola(Malawi), Casablanca to Marakesh(Atlas mountains) as well as Agadir to Dachla(Sahara Desert)by road(Morroco). Senegal is nice, Ghana too, Cameroon has decent roads, but do not attempt Nigeria under any circumstances.
Name: David Goss
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
Date: Monday, March25, 2002 at 15:23:01 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Rider and want'ta be round the world traveler. Ride 1150GS. Good luck!
Location: Alpharetta, Georgia USA
Date: Sunday, March24, 2002 at 18:27:15 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I do search engine optimization for an internet company and ran across this page while searching to see what was on the world "wild" web about my good friend Jim Milliken, and I found your great site. It is good to see that there are places out in cyberspace for good folks to gather and share adventures.
Name: Joss
Location: lincoln, lincolnshire uk
Date: Wednesday,March 20, 2002 at 13:56:15 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thanks for the help when planning my firts over sea trip (uk switzland) on my XR600 THANKS
Name: Ulises Segovia
Location: Xalapa, Veracruz Mexico
Date: Thursday, March14, 2002 at 20:27:33 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Congratulations,this is a very good page for the international bikers.I found it very interesting and helpful for all of us. Thankyou.
Location: Denpasar, Bali indonesia
Date: Thursday, March14, 2002 at 02:29:21 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I 'm glad to sign your guestbook. I hope you visit back Nuansabalitour to get info about BALI. Thank you very much
Name: Y. Seçkin ÞAHÝN
Location: Ankara, Turkey
Date: Monday, March 4, 2002at 10:29:28 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Woww! Great site for two wheel-travellers. I found most of the answers that I was asking for. Look forward to meet any of you visitors in any lost corner of the world. Thanks to creaters and best wishes from Turkey
Name: Ana Gabriela Pantoja
Date: Wednesday,February 6, 2002 at 17:35:08 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Date: Friday, January 11,2002 at 13:10:44 (GMT-5 hrs.)
You created an impressive website with tons of information. Although I am no motorcyclist, I found it really entertaining. Great job! Best wishes from Germany, Oliver
Name:Kalli Bellou
Location: Athens, Greece
Date: Monday, January 7, 2002at 08:38:26 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Nice site!
Name: Paul Narramore
Location: Aylesford, England
Date: Friday, January 4,2002 at 17:22:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I'm planning to fly my Pan to Vancouver in May and to ride the US from Coast-to-Coast, returning via Toronto, a real holiday of a lifetime. I've found your website very interesting and informative, and shall recommend it to others.
Name: Grant Johnson
Date: Monday, December 24,2001 at 21:55:16 (GMT-5 hrs.)
due to an errant mouse driven by an empty-headed dolt (me) we lost all posts between November 11 and December 24. Sorry! Thanks for all the posts and comments, your support is much appreciated.Have a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Grant and Susan, Horizons Unlimited
Name:Road Boss
Location: Many, SoCal USA
Date: Monday, December 24,2001 at 11:10:59 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Interesting site. Thanks for all the MC tails. Road Boss Long Riders MC
Name:Thomas Paszek
Location: Marktredwitz, Bavaria Germany
Date: Sunday,November 11, 2001 at 09:27:17 (GMT-5 hrs.)
In 3 weeks I will start a Trip to South America. Thank's for the many informations!!! Thomas
Name: Bernard Voges
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Date: Wednesday, November7, 2001 at 01:33:50 (GMT-5 hrs.)
The problem with Horizons Unlimited is that it makes me sit here behind my desk at work and dream up elaborate schemes to go touring... I love it! More! More!
Name: Roy Barnes
Location: Pasco, wa usa
Date:Friday, November 2, 2001 at 23:52:11 (GMT-5 hrs.)
It is great!
Name: Paul Gladwin
Location: Manzini, Swaziland
Date: Thursday, November1, 2001 at 16:14:56 (GMT-5 hrs.)
A site worth it cyber-weight in gold! I own and ride a Suzuki DR750S, but feel humbled when reading most adventure journals!! Any body passing through Swaziland, feel free to call...
Location: USA
Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 21:22:51(GMT-5 hrs.)
excellent site. Thanks
Name:elmer green
Location: radiumhotsprings, bc canada
Date: Monday,October 29, 2001 at 15:29:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Just was told about your site today by a couple of travellers in costa rica. I am travelling south to Panama city and then planning on flying the bike into columbia and continuing on to terra de fuego. Hope to leave Panama by the 3 of Nov. Travelling with a 650 BMW, started as 2 now only as one.
Location: USA
Date: Saturday, October13, 2001 at 07:58:55 (GMT-5 hrs.)
C00L Site. Thanks
Name:MichaelWhite &Clara Bravo
Location: Trujillo, La Libertad Peru
Date: Monday, October 1, 2001 at 18:26:52 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Chris, Look us up again in Trujillo. We have comfortable accommodation, with cable TV, hot water &secure bike parking space. As tour guides, we are happy to exchange info. Cahuide 495, Santa Maria, Trujillo, Peru. 044 243347/255043/662710
Name:Willem Tijssen
Location: Africa, Africa Africa
Date: Thursday, September20, 2001 at 19:39:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
That was a great tour, traveling your website. It looks GREAT. Congratulations. If your guest would like to visit any African country, they are very welcome at by goto: Here they will get general information - country-by-country, with many links and photos. For business, travel and education.
Name: Ron
Location: Oklahoma City, Okla. USA
Date: Saturday, September15, 2001 at 15:31:26 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I love your web page...
Name: Jim N.
Location: Mehoopany, PA U.S.A.
Date: Tuesday, September4, 2001 at 18:54:37 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site, thanks to all involved. I just returned from a ride to Labrador Canada via. Rt.389 Quebec to Rt. 500 the trans Labrador Highway to Happy Vally Goose Bay.On my trusty XLH 1200 Harley Davidson Sporster.If you are planning same e-mail me for details.( It was a trip second to none) Jim
Name:darius &gitti
Location: teheran, iran
Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at 07:51:18 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hi guys! thank you for this phantastic site for motorcycle-travellers. We are on 2 F650`s of bmw in iran right now and on the way to australia. unfortunately hit a truck one of our bikes parked near the road and damaged it badly, so we had to go back from zahedan to teheran to fix it again, ofcourse by truck!!! the frame was bandet, the fork as well and the wheel completely damaged. darius got a new wheel from a rear of a 250 kawasaki and a tyre from a 175 yamaha, the guys at the only one bmw-garage in iran, nouriani-bmw, could straight the frame and the fork. we hope to reach pakistan next week without any other troubles!!! take care gitti &darius
Name: Mike
Location: Abbotsford, B.C. Canada
Date: Wednesday, August15, 2001 at 17:51:05 (GMT-5 hrs.)
This really is one fantastic site!! Congratulations to everyone involved with it. In 1967-68 I drove a Honda CB 450 from Ottawa, Canada to Buenos Aires, Argentina. 90% of the time I rode alone - mainly because people had convinced themselves that if they had the money they didn't have the time/if they had the time they didn't have the money. It is a wonderful argument that covers all eventualities. I'm glad to see from the comments/stories on this website that there are a few people who are willing to take a small risk to enjoy a trip of a lifetime. Don't even bother trying to explain to people why you want to make such a trip - they have a thousand reasons why you shouldn't. Anyway, you only end up confusing yourself. Congratulations to all of you.
Name: Den
Location: Blantyre, Malawi
Date: Sunday, August 5, 2001at 03:40:48 (GMT-5 hrs.)
What a great site !! I'm a teacher in Blantyre, Malawi and I'm planning to do some touring on a bike from there at the end of my contract in a years time. It was really fantastic to read your account of the Malawi stage of your trip. I am glad you liked Malawi so much, you abviously got under the skin of the country from your observations on the tourist facilities and the rediculous prices for the lodges. I camp where ever I go in Malawi, it is vastly cheaper than the lodges (usually 1 to 2 USD per night but more in the National Parks). You can even camp in Lilongwe at the golf club (surprisingly nice site) or Kiboko lodge iboth in the centre of town and about 100 times cheaper than the hotels. But the people.....they really make the country don't they?? It is a magic place, you are able to talk to anyone at all, I have never felt threatened by a Malawian in the three years I have been there. You also don't ever have to worry about break downs as in a country so small and with such a high pop. density you are never far from another person and you can guarentee that they will go out of there way to help you out of and mess you might be in !! Keep on tripping and keep up the good work on the site. DEN
Name: Hermalene
Location: Gardnerville, Nevada USA
Date: Friday, August3, 2001 at 14:37:47 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello; My name is Hermalene and at the end of August, first of September I will be leaving Deadhorse, Alaska for a women's record run of the Pan American Highway. My first question, is there a women's record for this highway because I cannot find one. Second question, I need to find Dr. Gregory W. Frazier's e-mail address because I have been trying to find a copy of his book Riding South. It has been very helpful to me during the planning stages of my trip and I would like to carry a copy with me. I have been unable to find one through Amazon or other book store sources. My husband Ed will be supporting me during my record attempt. Thank you for your help.
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date: Sunday, July 29,2001 at 06:10:48 (GMT-5 hrs.)
We are young couple from Slovenia and are planning to go to Morocco on 23th of August 2001 by motorbike. If there's anyone who would like to join us, contact us. If there's anyone who had been in Morocco with motorbike, your experience would be very welcome. I can help any of bikers, who plan to come to Slovenia, with informations.....
Name: victor
Location: Ulam-ude, Buryatia Russia
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 03:11:10 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Dafna and rob! I just wanted to say that I real like what you do and wish you good luck and nice roads (actual for this country :)
Date:Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 10:40:59 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hey, check out Pop the's my new homepage about travel etc.
Name: susanne heine
Location: Pusarnitz , kaernten austria
Date: Monday,July 9, 2001 at 11:26:22 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello! I found your homepage ,while I was reading the TRANSASIA Homepage of Patrick Lueth&Lorenz Kehrer. Thank you for the lot of informations about other countrys. I wish you a good trip and GOOD LUCK!! Susanne
Name:Mark Wiggs
Location: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Date: Wednesday,July 4, 2001 at 07:16:50 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Grant and Susan - congrats on this really informative site. We look forward to more members of the MC fraternity en route through Africa!
Name: David Taylor
Location: Reading, Berkshire England
Date: Sunday, July1, 2001 at 16:25:22 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Really good site. An inspiration to us all. Good luck and ride safe. Dave Taylor 1956 Panther and Surrey sidecar.
Location: Gomel, - BELARUS
Date: Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 17:40:18(GMT-5 hrs.)
Hello All! I need help and please if you have a little bit time - visit my site and then think about your decisions! Thanx!
E Location: Denpasar, Bali Indonesia
Date: Wednesday,June 6, 2001 at 23:01:47 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Your information are useful for me !!. You may visit to get information about bali. Have a nice day man...!
Name: Julio
Location: London, England
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2001at 04:38:47 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Grant &Susan Really good to meet up with you both and a few other travellers from the site, Just a short note to say a big thanks for the hospitality and taking the time and effort to help so many other travellers. Hope your next leg of your trip runs well and looking forward to seeing the piccies Thanks again Julio
Name: Ted Randall
Location: London, England
Date: Sunday, April 29, 2001at 11:48:14 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I am planning a w-wide trip next year on a Yamaha XJ900 and need any help I can get.. (all offers welcome) need more imfo on 'Carnet' At 50yrs this is my lifes ambition ...Will honestly reply to ALL ........Ted
Name:toni linn
Location: lakewood, co 80215
Date: Wednesday, April25, 2001 at 22:07:28 (GMT-5 hrs.)
i just left San Pedro Sula and Copán Ruinas in Honduras. We had to pay at the border to get out of Honduras but it was called a tip. The last president of Guatemala paved all the roads so the trip from Guatemala City to Tikal is only 8 hours. I really loved Honduras. It has such natural beauty. It also has incredible poverty. An Honduran friend told me that Casa Alianza is a good organization to donate money too. They help people in Guatemala and Honduras. I'm sure if you travel back through Guatemala and Honduras, you will find many changes for the better but more people. Honduras has a huge private security force bigger than the army.
Name:geoff walton
Location: sheffield, s.yorks England
Date: Saturday,April 21, 2001 at 10:04:10 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Grant, the newsletter simply gets better, but some time ago you were compiling a list of people who had done RTW on unusual bikes or old ones. I told you about Theo from Belgium, what happened to the rest. In 2 years my girlfriend and I intend to ride overland UK to Oz with a couple of 1970's Bonnevilles, apart from Ted Simon on his 500 Triumph, and Richard and Mopsa with thier 750 Tiger combination I don't know of anyone else, do you.
Name: phil spooner
Location: brisbane, QLD Australia
Date: Friday, April20, 2001 at 23:30:33 (GMT-5 hrs.)
My friend and I are planning a trip from Singapore to England leaving next January . We have found this site invaluable,as an aid to planning,and have based a lot of our purchases, (bikes, riding gear etc) on what we have learned from this site .
Name:dorotheaand rene
Location: bad homburg, hessonia germany
Date: Tuesday,April 17, 2001 at 04:26:47 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hello susan and grant managed to cross the alps and are now in unesco heritage city of dubrovnik (croatia) now we have to hurry up to get our ship to haifa from piraeus (greece) next time more via email cheers ps reorg of your page is great
Name:dorotheaand rene
Location: Bad Homburg, Hessonia Germany
Date: Thursday,March 22, 2001 at 02:30:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Best Info-page so far. We will contribute to it as much as possible from our trip rtw starting 13.04.2001. Especially carnet, visa and shipping info is always needed. Cheers some germans who try not to tow shopping trolleys of equipment behind their bikes. as you know we tend to do that.
Name: Mark McAullay
Location: Waikiki, Western Australia Australia
Date:Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 14:53:18 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Its been an excellent source for bike & trip preparation, I thought this little quote might sum up how I feel as I prepare for my adventure and share it with fellow adventurers: "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat".
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 18:25:12 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi Grant and Susan, thank you for your work. A great help to all of us on the road. Keep going. Gernot
Name:C Rosen
Location: Mariefred, Sweden
Date: Thursday, February8, 2001 at 02:04:40 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great initiative! Just what I have been looking for. Any contacts in Sweden?
Name: Pasi Temonen
Location: Finland
Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2001 at 13:41:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Name: Freddie HD
Location: NYC, NY USA
Date: Monday, January 29, 2001at 13:52:58 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hey Grant & Susan Great site amazing amount of info & links. I wish I had seen it when I did my trip. From 4/96-4/98 I rode my Harley around the globe 18 countries 4 continents. My adventures seem tiny to what I have been reading of your trip. Like most who take off for what ever reason it's the 1st mile & the desire to follow the dream. If you get deterred by the 1st hardship or discomfort , my advice to anyone who's thinking of the big trip is to stay on the couch because there's plenty more to come. But I am the type who likes to see for myself, solve the problem & look for the good in everything just because there is good in everyting. So like the slogan says JUST DO IT!!! Take Care, FREDDIEHD RTW 96-98
Name:Dennis Ray
Location: Bristol, TN USA
Date: Sunday, January 28,2001 at 14:36:01 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Sitting here in Tn. waiting for my new Triumph Bonnieville 2001 to arrive. It's been 30 years since I rode my 59 Bonnie. Alyhough it won't be the same, neither am I. We both have gotten better with age. My first trip will be to ride the Blue Ridge Parkway in N.C.
Name: Jim Corzette
Location: Meadville, Missouri U.S.A.
Date: Saturday,January 27, 2001 at 16:08:06 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Just found the e-zine, read the first issue,Dec. 1999. I like am looking forward to reading the remainder of issues to bring me up to date. Wish I could afford time and resourses to make such a major journey of my own.
Name: Phil Smith
Location: Hampshire United Kingdom
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2001 at06:44:22 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Really good website, so much information, there is also a lot of info at about all GS beemers, If all works out (and I have told so many people it has to) then we will be on the road next year (2002). All the best to every one out ther Phil and Kate
Name: André Sonnichsen
Location: Århus, Denmark
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001 at 12:48:32(GMT-5 hrs.)
Very cool site, especially the BB, especially when in the process of planning a long-distance trip, like me, in this case Africa. The wonders of the Net - thank you and keep it going! André
Name: Amit Pawar
Location: mumbai, maharashtra INDIA
Date: Monday, December18, 2000 at 05:39:38 (GMT-5 hrs.)
very good site keep it up Thanks byeee
Location: El Paso, Texas USA
Date: Monday, December4, 2000 at 23:34:59 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Susan & Grant - thanks for the wealth of information, and for your fascinating story. I have toured some of the USA & Canada and I have hopes to travel in Europe and Asia in the near future.
Location: roud by round, italy
Date: Tuesday, November21, 2000 at 12:50:00 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Your page and your adventures are really fantastic!!! Click on and you'll find my and Nicola's moto travels. I hope to meet you around the world. GOOD LUCK!!
Name: Geoff Sykes
Location: Lincoln , Lincolnshire England
Date: Saturday,November 18, 2000 at 17:02:25 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Good to find a site that relates to our chosen mode of travel. My long distance riding habit started in Delhi when I was 50 and needed to get back to the UK. Buying an Enfield 500 Bullit made for a very steep and interesting learning curve. The steepness was due to never having riden a motor bike before, however 37 days later after one or two drops ( abandonings, better to get off early I always say )I considered myself a biker. I then in 95,went completly mad and bought a brand new BMW, model F 650, shiped it to Hong Kong and then rode it back to good old BLIGHTY. I have used these bikes ever since for long distance work. In fact there is one at this very moment bobbing about on the high seas en route to the Falkland Islands. When I arrive there at the end of december we will be re united and fly on to Punta Arenas. My Intention is to be in Alaska by the end of June 2001. If any one wants to make contact please feel free. Thanks to you both for having the forsight to provide this superb platform for our communications. Regards Grandad Geoff (silly old fart)
Name:Kyle Preston
Location: Sydney, NSW Australia
Date: Monday, November6, 2000 at 02:01:39 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi there, I've been in and out of your site several times over the past year and get inspired each time! I really like your theory of combining travel and career as a lifestyle, I hope to do the same. I am a Canadian citizen (also an ex-motocrosser!) and have been living and working in Sydney Australia for the past 3 years. More than likely I will begin the first portion of my RTW trip by circling Oz before moving on. I got hooked a few years ago when I did a 10 day trip from Calgary to Vancouver Island (half highway/half off-road) and ever since have longed for the day when I can actually take a year or two off and do more of the same! Thanks for the inspiration. Take care.
Location: Tampabay, FL USA
Date: Wednesday, November1, 2000 at 18:51:35 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I felt compelled to drop a line and tell you how much I enjoyed your web pages. I started off just surfing and got hooked! Read the whole thing and loved it. I'm armchairing a trip! Maybe one day! Thanks.. bdog (98 Tri, Tiger)
Name: Herman
Location: Neumarkt, Germany
Date: Saturday, October28, 2000 at 12:02:40 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thank you,it´s a great site for every real biker!! Best regards, Herman
Location: North Sydney, NS Canada
Date: Monday, October23, 2000 at 23:10:30 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hey, great site!!! Missing riding abroad is much less difficult when you can enjoy such websites as yours inbetween trips. If you ever make it to Cape Breton again drop me an email. I ride a '99 650KLR which I intend to ride back to Costa Rica this time next year. My father also rides a Yamaha Venture Royale Full-Dresser. Take Care and thank you for letting me in on all of your fun - Everett
Name: Nadeem
Location: Multan, Saraikistan(punjab) Pakistan
Date:Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 07:49:32 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Helo Grant and Susan! Read about how u started all this.the little dialogue between Grant and susan tells the whole story that how two friends turn into life long partner and traveller.i love ur life and would certainly want to lead one myself.very good site indeed.much more for every one.ur site shows dedication to ur aim. well done! keep it up.i shall visit more. bye nadeem
Name: Al Peabody
Location: Carrollton , Texas US
Date: Monday, October16, 2000 at 20:01:12 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thanks! The pictures are cool. Best of luck and keep both wheels on the road.
Name: Marco Alavarez cp.
Location: San Luis Potosí, SLP México
Date:Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 16:04:02 (GMT-5 hrs.)
We are planning a trip to Ushuaia this comming November. I fond your pages very much interesting indeed. We would very much like if you could send us information about sea cargo or ferry ships that could transport our bikes from Panama City to Buenaventura, Colombia. Thanks and congratulations
Name: Math
Location: Heraklion, Crete Greece
Date: Thursday, October5, 2000 at 14:54:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site. Informations and tips that help everybody wishing to travel. And for the rest they travel through your stories. All the best for your next trip and if you come from Crete drop by for drink
Name: Crumpt
Location: Las Vegas, NV usa
Date: Wednesday, October4, 2000 at 23:43:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
You have an incredible website!!!!! Reading your stories of travel puts my 1000 mile round trip to the Moto Guzzi rally last weekend in perspective!!!!!
Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2000 at 13:23:10 (GMT-5 hrs.)
It's not motorcycle-related, but I found a web page on a couple of people who drove around southern Africa in a VW Beetle. Kinda neat:
Name: Fast Fossil
Location: northwich, cheshire england
Date: Thursday,September 21, 2000 at 19:06:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I seem to have searched for a very long time and found you at last, Eureka! Brilliant site..if anyone is interested in an overland from UK,let me know how plans are going. I'm wondering if the new generation of lighter, powerful trail bike 400's would be suitable-DRZ XR etc
Name: Guido Ziegler
Location: Pirmasens, Germany
Date: Thursday, August24, 2000 at 09:38:14 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi, I met both of you at the BMW-GS-20year-anniversary party near munich last weekend. It's really a great thing you are doing. Even this homepage is very professional. I thank you and all the other people for all these informations. Good luck and all the best!
Name: ken davis
Location: Chesterfield, Derbyshire UK
Date: Friday,August 18, 2000 at 15:33:35 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Susan / Grant quite a story you tell here. Inspiring. Next time you buy me dinner Susan you'll have to tell me where you're off to next. Ken
Name: Richard
Location: salt lake city, utah usa
Date: Sunday, August13, 2000 at 19:48:41 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Excellent site! When I can't be on the road, I enjoy armchair motorcycle adventuring by proxy, and your links are the best I've found. In my younger years I used to travel overland on a Honda 50 and later a Honda 305. Not exactly touring bikes, but there wasn't much traffic back then and often there was a love interest at the end of the line, which made freezing my tail off in central Wyoming nominally bearable. today my bike is a 1978 BMW R80/7, and I'm not so much racing toward love as I am running from Father Time. Or, in the immortal words of Andrew Marvell: "At my back I hear/time's winged chariot drawing near." It's no match for an air-cooled Beemer! - R.M.
Location: witten, nrw germany
Date: Tuesday, August8, 2000 at 08:51:45 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hi grant, last time i saw your bike at victoria-falls in zimbabwe, ouer 13 month in afrika was a great time and we thinking about to start to indie in 2002, may be we will see your bike again if you are still travelling then. greetings to all travellers, chris
Email: sorry, i´ve no computer accessat al
Location: mt.morris, michigan usa
Date: Tuesday,July 11, 2000 at 04:02:54 (GMT-5 hrs.)
hi grant, i was travelling to europe for about 3 month on a bmw r80 and i found a nice place in cologne (germany) at a guy who offered me a great hospitality and an access to your homepage too. i read your news the first time and it was a great fun. i just want to thank you for all the informations, i got. back in the states i try to subscribe your e-zine at my son. thanks again and go ahead with these helpfull pages. take care and greetings to all that bikers on the road. J.J.
Name:MichaelH Schelb
Location: Boca Raton, FL USA
Date: Friday, June 9, 2000at 18:47:34 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Thank you for your wonderful website and inspirational story. Wishing you both the very best on your continued journey. The ride is the destination... Cheers!
Name: Ilil
Location: Tel-Aviv, Israel
Date: Monday, May 8, 2000at 15:37:15 (GMT-5 hrs.)
I'm roaming around the net fishing for gooooood motorbike adventure riding sites. Well, your site is one of the best. I ride a BMW80GS, I live in Israel and been to Africa (Egypt) and Europe Germany Austria Italy) going to Croatia in july 00. your tips are very useful. I got an idea for you: open a special "tip page" in your site where adventure bike riders can share their experience. I believe it will be a hit! all the best.
Name: LC
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
Date: Monday, April 24,2000 at 02:10:31 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Hi ! I ride a Honda GL1500 SE. Someday I'd like to ship it (and me) to England and tour for a summer. My hometown is Milwaukee, Wisconsin, home of Harley-Davidson. I got a couple Knievel jump bikes in storage (collector items?). I ride the 6-cyl. 1500 to save wear and tear on my kidneys. Hope all is well. L.C.
Name: Henry E. (Hank) Harley
Location: Welland, Ontario Canada
Date: Sunday, April23, 2000 at 12:43:03 (GMT-5 hrs.)
My dream is to motorcycle "everywhere" when I retire. Hopefully after I'm 60 I'll still want to go. I have ridden from my driveway in Tillsonburg, Ontario to 10 Provinces and 48 States. My dream is to "do" Africa, and that's how I found your page, while surfing, what a great page and what great experiences you have had, although it's sinful, I envy you! I can hardly wait to follow your lead. Hank
Name: Takanori Kouchiwa
Location: Omiya, Saitama JAPAN
Date: Tuesday, March21, 2000 at 08:15:36 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Last Saturday, I met Mr.Frazier and his partner(?) near Nikko in Tochigi prefecture in Japan. They are big adventurers! The road was coverd with snow. Thank you. Takanori Kouchiwa from JAPAN HONDA XRV750 Africa Twin
Name: Bill Holmberg
Location: Tulsa,ok USA
Date: Sunday, March 19, 2000 at 20:30:46 (GMT-5 hrs.)
And on a BMW R-bike. Only a BMW R-bike, I honestly think the BMW R bikes are the very best vehicles(four wheel or two) ever built by man. :)
Name: Ghost rider
Location: Hillsdale, MI USA
Date: Sunday, March 19,2000 at 15:24:34 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Love it. Done most of the US and Canada. Touring on a bike is a great way to meet peopole and make friends. Best riding pardner is my Wife on her own machine. Keep the shiney side up and the rubber side down!
Name: Bobby Tubbs
Location: Grand Junction, CO USA
Date: Sunday, March19, 2000 at 13:25:08 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Great site! Lots of interesting information. Have been all over USA,Canada and Mexico. But I have yet to got to Europe or So. America But I hope to someday! Thanks for Site and things to dream about! Krider8
Name: Sidecar Bob
Location: Fort Sask, AB Canada
Date: Saturday, March18, 2000 at 20:19:47 (GMT-5 hrs.)
A great site! Here's wishing you many more miles!
Name: Mike Crecion
Location: Martins Ferry, OH USA
Date: Friday, March17, 2000 at 15:49:47 (GMT-5 hrs.)
If you have a E-Newsletter, please add my name to it. Thank You
Name: Ronbiker
Location: Niles, IL USA
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2000at 13:04:56 (GMT-5 hrs.)
It's reading about a dream, it is. Traveling around the US for a week or two at a time has been about all there was for me. Biking the Alps, Mexico, Costa Rico, wow! You hae good information and it's the kind of thing that makes you daydream. Enjoy! Ron biker
Location: Manchester, England
Date: Wednesday, March15, 2000 at 15:42:42 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Grant & Sue - This is a brilliant site, with excellent links, that are very useful. We're going overland UK to Oz leaving June 2001. Bought the bike, a R100GS, currently collecting as much info as possible on BMW's and overlanding. We'd love to hear from anyone that can offer advice. Thanks for the great site.
Name: wendy wheeler
Location: red deer, ab canada
Date: Sunday, March 12,2000 at 19:27:06 (GMT-5 hrs.)
Got the site from Pam am looking forward to exploring it more. I would love to do a big bike trip would like to start in Europe. Have done a few small ones!!!! Someday I will be gone!!!!!!!!! Great seeing the photos. Wendy
Name:two wheel pony
Location: CANTON, MI USA
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2000at 16:07:50 (GMT-5 hrs.)
One day i hope to experience some of these adventures on my bike. I do travel some long distances when i get the opportunity. I try to get in as much riding as possible and see as much as i can, but they are short trips in the usa and have never been longer than 10 days, and there haven't been nearly enough of them! Live free! TWOWHEELPONIE
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