R1100GS - broken clutch lever
hi guys,
on my bike the clutch lever broke - the one on the clutch - not the one on the handle bar. After 80000 Ks? A material Problem? Anyone else had that before?
I got mine welded - aluminium - and it works by now. Its not a problem to get the broken lever out ... but how to get the new (fixed) in again? Shock and weel unmounted I tried about 100 times to get in the screw at the pivotal point ... no way! I think, the official way is to remove the swingarm :-(
Well .. ;-) .. I screwed in a bold (with a imbus hole at one end) instead of the pivotal screw, moved the lever over it, fitted the pivotal bearing, screwd the bold out a bit, fit a washer and a nut.
and http://www.motorbike-web.de