We went to the Registro Civil in Iquique, they sent us to a different Registro Civil who in turn sent us to the Servicio de Impuestos Internos. They were really helpful and the queue there wasn’t as bad as the Registro Civil - we went mid-morning and waited less than 15 minutes.
We weren’t able to get a RUT there and then as we needed a Chilean ‘Representative’. We got the lady at the Servicio de Impuestos Internos to draft us a letter that we needed to re-draft filling in the X’s with our representative’s details. The lady also gave us the correct form (F4415.1) which she pre-filled with our details.
We found a Chilean girl at the hostel we are in who was willing to act as our representative and took her to a cyber cafe, we typed up the letter word for word with her details and printed the letter (we did one for each of us and printed it twice).
We took this letter to the Notaria, the Chilean girl still with us, the Notaria witnessed our signatures and thumbprints and then in turn singed it off. At this point we were confused who needed to sign, us or the girl, so we got both. We payed 6,000CLP for this.
We then got the Chilean girl to fill in her bits of the F4415.1 form and the next day we went back to the Servicio de Impuestos Internos and were seen very quickly. With the Notaria signed paper confirming our Chilean Representative, they gave us a RUT in about 20 mins.
We paid the Chilean girl 30,000CLP for her time, it took about 3 hours which she had to take off work unpaid. It’s probably quite a lot of money but well worth it for us.
Here is the letter drafted out with XXX’s instead of details, you can re-write this, find a representative and follow the same steps.
Note. Our Spanish is OK but pretty basic, and we managed in the Servicio de Impuestos Internos but were glad for the Chilean girls ability to sort out the finer details in the Notaria and read through and check all the documents for us.
Carta Poder
En Iquique, a 22 de Diciembre de 2015, comparece Don(ña) (YOUR FULL NAME), pasaporte del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte (OR YOUR COUNTRY) Nº (PASSPORT NUMBER) nacido en Inglaterra (OR YOUR COUNTRY) el ( YOUR DOB), de paso en esta ciudad. Por el Presente instrumento, viene a nombrar como su representante legal a Don(ña) (YOUR REPRESENTATIVES FULL NAME), Cedula de Identidad Nº (THEIR RUN/RUT), emitida en chile, de nacionalidad chilena y con domicilio en calle (THEIR ADDRESS), de la comuna de Iquique, Chile (OR DIFFERENT CITY).
Don(ña) (THEIR NAME), me representara en Chile, pudiendo para tal efecto efectuar las gestiones y declaraciones que sean necesarias ante el Servicio de Impuestos Internos, ser notificado y actuar en me nombre en todas las gestiones y tramites que sean necesarios tanto en las oficinas de impuestos Internos, así como en otras entidades públicas y/o privadas que correspondan, dentro del territorio nacional.
En el cumplimiento de este encargo, el representante podrá tramitar, firmar, percibir y retirar toda clase de documentos, recibos, boletas, facturas y comprobantes que le requieran; actuando tal cual lo hiciere el mandante en persona, sin restricciones ni limitaciones de ninguna clase, para el mejor desempeño de este mandato.
El presente documento, solo se extinguirá en la forma señalada en el inciso final del artículo 9º del Código Tributario.
En comprobante y previa lectura, firma el compareciente junto al Ministro de Fe que autoriza.- DOY FE.-