Cam Timing
Hey Guys,
just finished a top end rebuild on my '94 xt600e.
One thing strange (maybe) was when trying to line up the timing marks on the cam sprocket using the TDC mark on flywheel / crankcase, it wouldn't. The marks were slightly forward of where they should be, but if I took it back a tooth the marks were slightly back from where they should be.
Unfortunately I wasn't the one to take it apart so have no idea if it was lined up slightly forward or back or spot on and I've just done something wrong. Maybe I'm just looking for a little more accuracy than's really there???
turn's over by hand well, good compression. nothing seemed wrong so I fired it up and seemed to run well, but I don't want to ride it / run it any longer untill someone tells me they had the same thing or where I F**ked up...someone...anyone??
cheers guys