HUBB Login


NOTES to Reviewers:

1. These menus will REPLACE the current Left Menus

2. The menus are designed for 'newbies' to the site who are overwhelmed by the content. They may also be useful in 'revealing' stuff to the old guys that didn't know it existed! We have used descriptive text as it seemed necessary, but any suggestions for shorter, snappier descriptions are always welcome!

3. There are 3 vertical columns under each menu, which we have used to distinguish 'Site Content' from 'HUBB Forum Content' from 'Resources (i.e. DVDs) and Links'.

4. Events, Store and About HU also have 3 vertical columns to keep the style consistent, but the headings are different for what hopefully are obvious reasons.

5. HUBB Content has been included in the center of each relevant section, and clearly signposted so readers know when they are going to the HUBB vs. other site content. There is no longer a HUBB tab, but there will be a HUBB Login/Register/HUBB home link prominently on the top right of each page.

6. Whilst the DVDs have previously been highlighted on the Home Page and then only in the Store page, in the new design their content is explicitly described under Resources and Links in each relevant section, with links to Trailers and the Store page.

7. Icons and graphics are generic from the template and are NOT to be considered the final icons or graphics. Also colours, fonts etc. will be very different in the final version.

If you can't view the megamenus (we know they don't work on iPads, for example), you can see them as .jpgs here. But please let us know if you can't view them and what computer and browser version you are using. Thanks!

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To Menu 2

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