This is part of the fifth section of our around the
world trip.
Complete Trip Overview & Map
Coming from Azerbaijan
or read our previous visit to Georgia
16/5/99 Back over the border into Georgia near Qazax, again
no problems and with a short stop in Tblisi to collect spares, headed out
along the Georgian Military Highway towards Russia. The new belt and sprocket
took 9 days to arrive from Australia, customs wanted their share but released
the goods without charge as they were parts for a travelling motorcycle and
would be leaving the country. It amazed me that all this could be arranged
on a Sunday and within 30 minutes of locating the goods.
17/5/99 The Georgian Military Highway deteriorates into a series of muddy puddles and collapsing tunnels as it nears the Krestovy Pass, snow lies along the roadside and trucks gouge larger pot holes.
Move with us to Russia
Story and photos copyright Peter and Kay Forwood, 1996-