Travel Through Germany on a Harley-Davidson

By Peter & Kay Forwood

Germany on a Harley (5/8/11 - 6/8/11)
Distance 411 km (596594 km to 597005 km)

This is part of the seventeenth section of our around the world trip.
Complete Trip Overview & Map

Coming from the Netherlands or read our previous visit to Germany  

5/8/11 It was 4pm when we finally arrived at Bernd and Patti's in Hammer, Germany. We have visited them at their new home before but it was a more special time now. It was to be Bernd's 70th birthday in a couple of weeks and since we were leaving Europe, possibly for the last time, we wanted to personally wish him all the best for the future. Bernd has, what is believed to be the largest collection of motorcycle travel books in the world, about 1300 dating from 1910, and has catalogued them on his web page. He also keeps, and updates continually, the world's largest history of international motorcycle travels, summaries of trips to all continents, from 1890 through till today, a passion and life's work. Time is running out for us in Europe, just a few days left, and this our last visit with friends. As always Bernd and Patti looked after us welcomingly and enthusiastically with Patti cooking some lovely wholesome meals. Discussion, as always with Bernd, was lively. His research on early motorcycle travellers occupying muchDinner on Bernd and Patti's porch on a lovely evening of his thoughts, as a great deal of its history is already a generation removed and documents are with children and grandchildren, often more concerned with their own lives, than that of a long dead relative.

6/8/11 A relaxed breakfast, Patti and us researching Eco houses on the internet, possibilities for our block of land, and discussions with Bernd of his and Patti's plannings for a motorcycle trip to South America, a continent not yet visited by them. Another decent riding day towards Calais, 350km, where by mid afternoon we were entrenched in our Formula 1 hotel in Dunkirk.

7/8/11 The last of the Euro spent on petrol we left mainland Europe and caught the ferry to Dover early morning.     

Move with us to the United Kingdom



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Story and photos copyright Peter and Kay Forwood, 1996-
All Rights Reserved.

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