This is part of the fourth section of our around
the world trip.
Complete Trip Overview &
Coming from The United Kingdom or
our previous
visit to Germany
1/11/98 350 km and we are in
Germany and at the home of
Patricia and Bernd Tesch. Bernd is famous for his annual “Treffen” for
distance motorcycle travellers. However his own travels are extensive
started in 1961 and in 1962 hitch-hiked 8000 km around Africa over six
with just 256 German Marks. In 1979, Africa on an XT500 for 13,500 km
in 1981 on a BMW which he still rides today. A total of 111,000 km has
spent in his favourite desert areas of Africa. Bernd's profession
is also collecting and writing books on motorcycle travellers, having
over almost 30 years the largest collection in the world, some 274,
original editions signed by the authors. His other pastime (when he is
entertaining motorcycle travellers) is collecting information on who
been where by motorcycle. Records on some 99 world around motorcycle
with magazine and newspaper articles are carefully filed away in his
archive and hundreds more motorcycle travellers are detailed on his
as he is, he and Patricia still have time to spend
with the odd Australian traveller wishing to call and exchange travel
stories. Made most welcome, the three of us enjoyed Bernd's enthusiasm
for the outdoors. He lives at the edge of a forest and we dragged in
enough wood for a large fire, which we enjoyed till 2 am with some of
his friends and much of his beer.
2/11/98 A late start with breakfast and more travel
tales around a rekindled fire, exchange of information and updating
records on
the computer and photos, it was time to leave – an intense 24 hours of
great hospitality.
the temperature falling to 6 degrees and it getting dark, we arrived at
Waldbrol. Jorn, our previous host here, is in India taking his first
EURASIA tour. Six westerners riding India and Nepal on Indian Enfields
for four weeks and having a great time. Judith, his partner, welcomed
us and
again we updated each other on our travel experiences and plans.
3/11/98 Relaxing after a few hectic days but it still didn't stop some friends coming over for pizza and a beer.
4/11/98 A last farewell as we don't expect to be back in
western Germany again then it's 550 km to just outside Munich. Doris
Wiedemann, our host for the night, is one of the few solo female
motorcycle travellers. She has travelled the USA for 6 months,
Australia for 6 months and her last trip through Africa north to south
down the eastern route also for 6 months in 1997/98. After a long cold
day, it was a warm reception again more travel stories and picking each
other's brains. Us, hers for Africa, and she, ours for Asia, as we both
hope to be in these destinations shortly. Doris’ BMW RS1000 has guided
her for 100,000 km and she hopes for more.
5/11/98 Off to see another motorcycle traveller's
machine in the BMW Museum in Munich. Helge Pedersen rode his machine to
fame in
the 80’s when he covered 350,000 km over 10 years and 77 countries
(including the Darian Gap in Central America, being the first from
south to north)
on the one motorcycle. Helge is still riding (another BMW) and doing
shows of his trip. The motorcycle is as it was, mud, stickers and
We also visited Dachau, a more sobering place, and the first political
later religious detention centre set up by Hitler in the 1930’s.
All the atrocities of that era were carried out here,
torture, medical experiments, starvation rations, suicide and
executions. An inscription inside reads “If we forget the past we are
destined to repeat it.” Lets hope we don't forget. Dinner in the
evening was with Doris and her father at a very traditional Bavarian
restaurant. In an old converted barn (hay shed) we enjoyed pork hocks
and dark ale with the locals, some keeping alive the traditional dress.
6/11/98 Another sad farewell before a cold (down to
-1 degree) ride into Austria over the Brenner Pass and into Italy. A
gloriously sunny day with the newly snow capped mountains and the
autumn colours of
the trees contrasting perfectly, Verona, our destination to book return
tickets for Australia.
Move with us to Italy
or go to our next visit to Germany
Story and photos copyright Peter and Kay Forwood, 1996-