This is part of the twelfth section of our around
the world trip.
Complete Trip Overview &
Coming from Montenegro or read about our previous visit when it was Yugoslavia
1/11/06 The former state of Yugoslavia was divided into five
smaller countries in the 1990's. A couple of years ago Yugoslavia
changed its name to Serbia and Montenegro, with Montenegro recently
voting to become an
independent country. Following ethnic fighting between Serbians and
in 1999 a UN-NATO protectorate was set up to govern the Kosovo section
Serbia. Since then it has been run virtually as a separate country with
the Kosovars seeking independence and the Serbians wanting to retain
territory. The last couple of years has seen a more stable situation
building and reconstruction occurring. Like so many of the successful
security situations the media does not cover them as much as it
the more unsuccessful ones. We received an UNMIK (UN Interim
Mission in Kosovo) stamp in our passports on entering and needed to
motorcycle insurance, 20 Euro, as no other insurance is valid in the
There were the expected bombed out houses where ethnic
cleansing and retaliation has occurred. There are police road blocks
and a KFOR presence but we saw nothing but relaxed officers, certainly
much more relaxed than on our recent visit in Algeria. Kosovo uses the
Euro for its currency and prices here are almost half what we have been
paying recently for food and accommodation. On the outskirts of
we took a room in the Hotel Aviano for 30 Euro with breakfast. A
room with heating, ensuite and satellite TV. During the evening the
young crowd moved through the bar and restaurant dressed in the latest
fashions from Europe. Clothing in this region is more important than
the type of motorcar or house owned. To dress well is the priority.
2/11/06 Yesterday was the first day we felt winter rapidly
closing in. As if the first of November was the start. Frosts in the
hills and snow roadside on the mountain pass. Today we awoke to light
rain which turned to sleet and snow before breakfast and decided our
staying another night
here. It is still a long way to Eastern Turkey with high mountains in
region before we get to warmer Iran. The hotel is incredibly friendly,
most people are reserved. This is the part of the world where the tall, straight backed,
strong jawed male lives. Almost everyone fits that
description. With it comes the individual independence of the region
unfortunately a strong will.
3/11/06 The snow falling had cleared to a weak sunny morning
but all
around town was covered with the heavy dusting. We had decided to try
get our Iranian visa at their embassy in Skopje, Macedonia, this
morning and
needed to leave early. There were patches of ice on the road,
particularly on bridges and over culverts or where water had flowed
across the road and was now frozen. It was a slow cautious 100 km's,
downhill, with the roadside snow gradually disappearing. UNMIK just
waved us through the border as
we left.
Move with us to Macedonia or go to our
next visit to Serbia