This is part of the fourteenth section of our around
the world trip.
Complete Trip Overview & Map
Coming from Taiwan
19/4/08 Due to our late anticipated arrival, 9.30pm and the distance
Incheon Airport is from the city, well over an hour, we had booked accommodation
over the internet. The delayed departure from Taiwan meant the airport
bus, nearest to our accommodation had finished running for the day. Taking
an alternative bus, and with our accommodation closing at 1.00am we were
racing against sleeping our first night on the streets of Seoul. By 12.20am
we were lost, two taxi drivers simply waved us away, not bothering to attempt
to understand us, there were many fares about in the bustling Saturday night
city however approaching a couple of students, just getting into their car,
they offered to take us to the backpackers. Seoul has a difficult system
of addresses. Based on regions, districts and sub regions, the house last
built getting the highest number, but the onboard navigation system, essential
for finding any address, had us at the
hotel before closing. Already we had been through the efficiency, abruptness,
generosity and high tech, this region is famous, or infamous for.
20/4/08 It was a late start for us, not that it mattered, the backpacker
breakfast room doesn't start till 9.00 am and the streets were bare on
this Sunday morning till much later, a late night, late morning city, shops
don't open till 10.00 am. With the motorcycle not arriving for a week we
plan to take the opportunity to research options, or possibilities of getting
it into North Korea. Hopefully all possibilities will be exhausted in the
next few days so we don't let a possible visit to North Korea overshadow
our trip to the South. The chances though look extremely unlikely. We have
been in contact with a few people in South Korea for help, but tensions between
the two countries, following recent elections in South Korea, is not helping.
People can cross the borders between the two countries at two places, either
to visit Kumgangsan (Diamond Mountain) or Kaesong Industrial Park. Kumgangsan
is a place of pilgrimage and since it was opened up for visits a few years
ago a couple of million South Koreans have
toured this region. Tour buses cross the border, cars and motorcycles
are not permitted, and a special request by Harley-Davidson Korea to do a
ride there this spring was rejected. Kaesong Industrial Park is a joint venture
between the two countries for better economic ties. Using southern technology
and cheap northern labour about seventy companies, all South Korean at this
stage, have businesses operating across the border. Vehicles and people regularly
cross, with special permission, carrying supplies and manufactured goods.
We thought this would be our best chance of gaining access for the motorcycle.
Not permitted to ride across the border, if we could truck it, use it as a
promotional tool for one of the companies in a photo publicity exercise, ride
it a few hundred metres, or more, then truck it back to the south. With this
in mind we were at the Harley-Davidson dealer to make an appointment to see
the owner with the hope he would know someone, or the HOG club would have
connections with a company operating in the Kaesong Industrial Park, who
would be willing to assist our venture. North Korea has become critical in
our attempt to have the first motorcycle visit all the countries of the world.
The other remaining countries,
just six, would seem to have little difficulty with a visit, and the record
could likely be completed by the end of this year.
21/4/08 With a free day we started sightseeing. The first place was
Gyeongbokgung, the country's royal palace until it was destroyed by fire
in the 16th century. Restored some three hundred years later and under reconstruction
once again it's an enormous site of a vast number of buildings, a couple
of small lakes and gardens. The place started to busy up as young school
groups descended but there was sufficient room to relax and take in the enormity
of the structures and picture its past glory. We attacked a Korean restaurant
for lunch, not knowing what was written on the menu, selected two items
by price only, Kay getting whole smoked fish, and me raw fish covered with
caviar in a salad. Better almost than the main meals was the assortment
of side dishes accompanying them. Salads, kimchi, seaweed, sprouts, sausage,
soup, rice etc. Eaten in a small side street restaurant each meal was a great
deal at $US 5.00. The rest of the day just taking in the culture. Much of
this city is underground, either a design in case of military attack, as
a means of staying out of
the harsh winters, or now to get away from the air pollutants that blow
in from China at this time of the year, sometimes almost obliterating the
skyline. The subway, its connecting passages, under road passes all make
up the labyrinth.
22/4/08 The image of getting away from things used to be throwing
away your watch, time meant nothing, no commitments, no appointments, no
schedules. Whilst it is a bit impractical to dispose of a timepiece in a
faster moving world we have managed to travel, at least till now, without
the use of the modern equivalent, a mobile phone. More and more we are constricted
towards finding out information from web pages or by telephone as face to
face contact in business is disappearing from the western world. Pablo, the
owner of Harley-Davidson Korea, welcomed us to South Korea, was not optimistic
with getting the motorcycle into North Korea, but would help with his staff
to look at possibilities. Six years ago he and a small group of Harley riders
managed special permission to ferry their motorcycles to the Kumgang area,
but since then, this has not been possible. We were invited as guests to
attend the 10th South Korean Harley Owners Group Rally, in ten days time,
and the club's director
Mr Won-Ki Chang, welcomed us as honorary South Korean Chapter members,
along with contact details of other HOG chapter directors throughout South
Korea in case we had any difficulties whilst travelling here. Harley-Davidson
has officially been in this country for about ten years but before that motorcycles
were "illegally" imported, so called "grey" bikes. Many biker clubs started
around these imports and more have started since. Although motorcycles are
still not allowed on freeways the big bike popularity has grown. In a country
where image is incredibly important, where dark windscreened black cars
frequent the roads, and people are judged by their wealth and position,
Harleys have become part of that position. Yun-Soo, from the Hells 501 club,
has been in email contact with us for the last year, and waiting for our
arrival in South Korea, and along with James Bond (many locals take on western
names, nicknames), from Route 777 club, invited us to a traditional Korean
lunch. Sitting crossed legged on the floor we enjoyed beer laced with soju
(vodka like), bulgogi (beef) cooked on a gas fire at the table, accompanied
by an assortment of side dishes including kimchi (spiced pickled cabbage).
Yun-Soo led us
delicately through the requirements of polite Korean dining, etiquette
of age (extremely important), and the importance of one's position in this
23/4/08 One palace was not sufficient for a king in Korea and so a
spare was built, to be used during renovations, rebuilding or in times of
war. Over 40 hectares the grounds of Changdeokgung, or secret garden as some
call the old palace, is now restored. On a return to winter's day we joined
a guided tour of the vast complex. Yun-Soo had arranged an interview with
a motorcycle newspaper, and in a relaxed tea shop we were interviewed and
photographed regarding our trip. We had started to rest into the evening when
a phone call from Mr Terry, at Korean Harley-Davidson, advised us they had
managed to convince Hyundai-Asan, (the tourist arm of the company), to assist
us get our motorcycle into North Korea. Hyundai-Asan runs the Kumgang Tourist
Complex in North Korea. A meeting has been arranged with the company for
tomorrow. Elated we await tomorrow's meeting.
24/4/08 Shamanism has been in Korea for a long time and still forms
part of people
spirituality. Small tent like booths dot some busy streets where cards
are read and fortunes told. We visited Inwangsan, Korea's most famous shamanist
shrine, small, but with many offerings of food and drink, chanting and drum
beating. Five whole pigs, prepared and ready for cooking, lay waiting outside
and vast quantities of quality food surrounded the small altar. Believers
dotted the granite hillside, their own shrines in crevices and small rocky
overhangs. Our afternoon meeting with Hyundai-Asan went well. Assisted by
Mr Terry from H-D, we discussed logistics and timing with two of Hyundai's
marketing people. Tentative arrangements are, the motorcycle will be trucked
across the border, we will join the normal tourist bus, staying one night
in the Kumgang Complex. We get to ride a short distance, perhaps further
if higher approval is received, get to join in the normal tourist events,
if we wish, and a media representative will be present to record the event.
It is all planned to happen at the end of the 10 Annual HOG rally to help
with logistics, the 5th and 6th of May.
25/4/08 Granite is a commodity that is plentifully used here. Cut
rough for subway steps, smooth for lining the outside of buildings or polished
for inside floors.
It has been used for centuries as foundations for the ruler's palaces.
This evening we enjoyed a great dinner, sitting on the floor, as guests of
the Hells 501 motorcycle club. We were accepted as honorary members, receiving
their flag and stickers for our motorcycle from their president and were
invited to ride with them during our visit to South Korea. More local food,
an enormous variety of dishes and tremendous company.
26/4/08 The space for each of us is getting smaller. In South Korea
each person has an area of 40 metres by 50 metres, not much more than an
olympic swimming pool with a surrounding walkway. That's to live, drive or
ride, grow food, for recreation etc. Bangladesh, has two people for the same
area. As we travelled by the slow train towards Busan, in the south, five
and a half hours away, we passed golf driving ranges, not golf courses, we
passed man made fishing ponds, not open flowing rivers to fish, and in Seoul
cars are stacked on ferris wheel contraptions to minimise ground space. To
keep all of our population in a shrinking environment we are rapidly moving
towards becoming contained, as animals in a zoo, our cage getting smaller
for every new person born. Freedom to roam,
has been replaced by community rules, with ready food and safety. Zoo animals
live longer, eat better than their wild relatives, but pace their cages, neurological
disorders, is this the future for people? Busan is South Korea's second largest
city and one of the world's largest ports, 3.5 million people live here.
Our hotel overlooks the enormous infrastructure of rail, shipping and container
facilities, a port that never stops, loading and unloading ships around the
clock. Our motorcycle is somewhere here, arriving today.
27/4/08 Sunday, the small back streets are quiet, frequented by mostly
Russian sailors, a few of their Russian "girlfriends" are companions. Shop
signs are in Russian, eateries and chemists. We did little but wait for the
motorcycle, watch the enormous number of ships arriving and departing, and
be horrified at the visible air pollution cutting visibility to a couple
of kilometres.
28/4/08 We were at KMTC Air-Sea Service's office this morning. Quickly
they agreed to store our crate for the month we will be touring Korea, and
will arrange for onward shipping to Papua New Guinea on Kyowa Line, which
will take break bulk cargo. The stumbling block came with customs. With
the high cost of land in the Busan region, warehouses are an hour or more
by road from the city. As our motorcycle arrived as personal effects, and
in a shared container, it was necessary to first take the container to the
company warehouse, unstuff it, then take it to the customs warehouse, to
clear customs, also an hour from the city, but in a different direction.
Personal effects must be cleared personally and from this customs warehouse,
taking a few days. Again KMTC assisted, and by late morning, it was thought
they would bring the motorcycle in its crate to the port, where other vehicles
arrive by ferry from Japan, where we can get approval to ride in the country
and buy insurance. It all sounded great till we discovered they don't recognise
an AIT/FIA carnet, only an ATA carnet issued by chambers of commerce, not
the automobile association carnets. We had also been informed by a rider
that carburetted vehicles are not permitted to be imported, hopefully that
will be overlooked with a temporary import.
29/4/08 Mr Seo, from KMTC, had our motorcycle at the vehicle ferry
customs office in Busan by 11am and assisted with paperwork and acted as
interpreter. More
discussion on whether our carnet could be recognised, but still a no.
We busied ourselves uncrating and reassembling the motorcycle over lunch
time. The final result was we had to pay a warranty insurance, a customs
charge, seems a bit like a bond insurance like we paid to obtain the carnet,
$US 240.00 for motorcycles over 1100cc's and $US 160.00 for smaller motorcycles.
It doesn't matter for how long the import or the value of the import, the
fees are the same. This is apparently a new system for vehicles arriving
without an ATA carnet. Insurance was also required, based on the length of
stay, $US 140.00, one month for us. It is also necessary to have an international
drivers licence. Customs was incredibly helpful, even agreeing to store
our crate for a month, so it would not need to be trucked back to the warehouse,
out of town. With the correct carnet or paying the insurance bond it would
normally only take less than an hour to clear a vehicle. We rode into the
186th country, and back to our hotel. In the evening the Buddhist birthday
celebrations started in the square outside the train station. Elaborately
dressed women, dignitaries and monks attended.
30/4/08 South Korea is the most wired society we have visited, I
mean internet not
stressed people, although there is plenty of education and work pressure
about. Our hotel, $US 40.00 a night, comes with a full computer, as well as
wi/fi internet, plus many other interesting features, like spa bath, and spa
shower with jets blasting from the wall. The TV has the compulsory one or
two semi risqué channels, sex channels, plenty of heavy breathing but
no sighting of the business. Most of the hotels in our bracket are discreet,
although most of the clients we have seen are looking for a night's sleep,
perhaps the others are discreet. They are entered via a drive-through privacy
curtain, the rooms are spacious and comfortable. We said goodbye to Busan
for a month, heading out early morning, getting lost almost instantly. Road
signs are quite good, some English, but as motorcycles are not allowed on
freeways, and most signs on minor roads are only local, it was difficult to
get a start on our direction. Using the morning sun, the coast, a couple of
rivers, and we were onto the 2 heading west, the 5 heading north, the 25
towards Seoul, before stopping at a roadside eatery for lunch, where we gave
the motorcycle a wash and change of engine oil, both of which were a bit
overdue. The 3 had us heading closer to Seoul but not wanting to
arrive tired and late we took a small hotel mid afternoon, being asked,
till tomorrow? and the TV played people undressing.
1/5/08 Another early morning, quite cold, start, easily entering
Seoul on this Mayday holiday. Again the ride enjoyable, past many government
planted gardens flowering in early spring. Public gardens are a big part
of the culture, often composed of elaborate stone carvings, tortured pines
and now flowering azaleas. A short visit to the H-D shop. Plans for the North
Korean visit are moving smoothly. The truck carrying our motorcycle across
the border will collect it at the HOG rally, a ramp and ropes organised,
and Hyundai Asan has a pretty full program for our two day visit. Back at
the same hotel for clothes washing, always on the schedule, and getting ready
for the rally.
2/5/08 Local motorcycle politics is difficult to avoid. Sometimes
power plays between different factions of motorcycle clubs, or between clubs,
or between a company and individuals gets between us and enjoyment. Unknowingly
we sometimes get caught up in old grievances or current disputes. We decided
to leave for the HOG rally from the H-D shop, an early ride, joining the
Harley company representatives and about 20 other riders, mostly ex-pat
Americans. It was a slow start out of town, heavy traffic, riding as one
group, moving between the dozens of traffic lights together, and took an
hour to clear city congestion, but then the road opened up, speeds increased
and motorcycles cooled. Other groups from all over the city, different clubs,
break aways, theme clubs, all moved down the roads towards the rally. A
stop, where H-D sets up a free labour repair shop each Sunday, roadside,
another stop for lunch, a lovely twisty ride over a mountain and we were
at the rally site. A disciplined formation ride without incident. Registering
the 700 rally participants was, Korean style, efficient, and by early evening
we were sitting around groups of outdoor barbecues listening to music, cooking
sliced meats, wrapped in lettuce and sesame seed leaves with spices, and
over soju and beer, relaxed with a mix of riders from many countries.
3/5/08 Harley-Davidson sells variety. Hardly two motorcycles in the
parking lot look the same, each changed, painted, chromed, added to, to
reflect the owner's personality, and in Korea there are many extreme alternative
personalities, alter ego's, like Mr Swat. Drives a big yellow Hummer, dresses
to match a heavily armoured Swat member, along with the machine gun, not real,
hand grenades etc. There were a couple of pseudo Elvis's, who occupied last
night's stage along with anyone else who wanted to sing a few numbers, even
much of the audience massed the stage joining in and dancing, a great relaxed
bunch. The most popular theme motorcycle is Police. In many countries it
would be illegal, the motorcycle, sirens, red and blue lights, right down
to the helmet and look alike badge design. Like often in Asia, they have
taken a Western idea and adapted, and improved on it. We had a relaxed morning,
choosing to take photos and watch rather than join in the mountain ride.
Afternoon was bike games, slalom of witches hats the most popular, dozens
of prizes, lucky balloon draw. The riders here are good, concentrate and
aim for perfection in their appearance and skills. We have been hanging around
with the group of westerners, mostly military or military contractors, about
a dozen guys of varying ages, they have welcomed us into their midst. We have
also been incredibly welcomed by the Koreans, invited to visit and stay with
people after the
rally on our tour south. The evening entertainment, outdoor dance show,
band, very elaborate, ending with massive fireworks, directly overhead. The
Koreans certainly know how to have a good time.
4/5/08 About 400 Harleys left the resort, with fake (Harley riding
road shepherds) and real police stopping traffic and guiding us through red
lights for the the 50km ride to the demilitarised zones (DMZ) observation
area. Here the motorcycles were ushered into their own parking lot, with precision
organisation we have now become accustomed to in South Korea. We had increasingly
passed heavily defended areas, all the beaches are barb wired, and roadside
concrete blocks designed to be dynamited onto the road and block access in
the event of an invasion. We had zoomed through the last military barrier
and from the observation platform could look across the DMZ, a 2km strip
on either side of the actual border and onto North Korea. On this holiday
long weekend thousands of South Korean travellers were also here to look
across this unusual border. By mid afternoon we had packed, and the truck
to take the motorcycle
into North Korea had arrived at the
rally site. All of the Harley-Davidson staff turned up, a placard wishing
us good luck was produced, photos were taken, media interviews, and the motorcycle
was loaded and driven away. Hopefully we see it again in North Korea. The
final day of the rally, a special dinner and show had been organised. The
food had already been excellent, but tonight it excelled, sushi, prawns,
mussels, squid, and a dozen other dishes laid out. We were invited to sit
with distinguished guests, a general, the mayor, Harley-Davidson representatives
etc., and asked to give a short speech, something we are usually not comfortable
with, having spent most of the rally with new friends, ex-pats. For us the
evening ended early, a 4.30 am rise the reason.
5/5/08 A Harley-Davidson van was waiting to drive us the 50 km's to
the Hwajinpo-Asan Resting Place, the Mt. Kumgang registration centre.
Move with us to North Korea or go to
our next visit to South