This is part of the Sixth section of our around the
world trip.
Complete Trip Overview & Map
Coming from South Africa
4/4/00 A drowned border crossing heading into evening, luckily
a quick five minutes either side. Drenched, we arrived at a van park on dusk,
still raining we settled for an on site van having seen nothing of the countryside
other than through rain spotted glasses and windscreen.
5/4/00 It rained all night. It rained all day. A great day to rest after a few days of riding, drinking and eating.
6/4/00 It rained most of the night and into morning. We were tired of the BBC, had done the budget twice, planned the rest of the trip, Kay finished her book and sewing and still we were going crazy in our 2x3 metre caravan coffin. To try and see some of Swaziland we rode out into the cold rain only to return and hour later wet through having seen nothing but raindrops and fog. It did finally clear in the afternoon. A small country, it didn't take long to look around. Modern like South Africa, new highways and shopping centres. Tourism is a big earner particularly the game parks, which are now flooded.
7/4/00 Rode out of Swaziland at the Mahamba border crossing.
Forestry big here, great scenery of rolling hills on the plateau but unfortunately
no photos as the camera packed it in yesterday.
Move with us to South Africa
Story and photos copyright Peter and Kay Forwood, 1996-