Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   New 4wd For Sale / Wanted Forum added - anything else? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/4-wheel-overland-travel/new-4wd-sale-wanted-forum-34040)

Walkabout 24 Mar 2008 23:45


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 181365)
Do we have to have vehicle specific sections yet? There seem to be comments amongst some of the bikers to move away from that as a lot of info can be common to more than one make, I can see that'd be even more likely in a 4 wheeled vehicle area.

Of course the big thing that needs to be encouraged is people titling their posts well. If you get a decent title it makes searching so much quicker. Could it be a thing a mod could do?

And if we're on about moderators (and you do a thankless task I know, I am one but not on here), could they sometimes merge topics? We've got about five running on China at the moment, all concurrent, if they were merged into one, it'd be a lot easier. I think sometimes people post rather than search (which is understandable as searching often turns up too much information). Perhaps if there's a post which relates directly to another one running they could be merged?

Absolutely spot on!
How many threads are there in the bike tech forums about the right tyres, or the correct oil or basic suspension set up to name a few overlaps.

Merging: it would help - apart from China, there are 2 currently running about the recent kidnapping in the Sahara (not counting the one in the bar).

Grant Johnson 25 Mar 2008 00:14

RE: merging threads - perhaps a suggestion in the website feedback forum when you think threads need to be merged - not everyone notices all of it. And I especially do not - tooooo many other things to do.

If suggesting PLEASE:

1. why?
2. WHICH threadS complete with full url!
"two threads on china" means I have to look - and look - and look .... ;)


Re everything else - I'm listening! :) keep working on it and we'll get there!

lorraine 25 Mar 2008 02:01

Well Walkabout, that's the main problem. In some countries, there are less than FIVE official campsites, and you can drive for DAYS never finding anything! It really is a huge problem. Or, I found it so driving through Central America, Colombia and Panama. VERY stressful. Which is why, pseudo garbage dumps began looking rather appealing.... :-(


Pumbaa 25 Mar 2008 12:24

Bush mechanics
Another useful section might be "Bush Mechanics". Not just for 4 wheels, but also for bikes.

For example, you lost your sump plug somehow and need to fix it. Did you fix it,...and how did you fix it without a spare plug? Cut a piece of wood to shape, fold a bit of material over to 'seal' and bang it in with a hammer...

Little things that you might read now, which could save you a lot of trouble while on the road when in a pickle!!!:eek2:

lorraine 25 Mar 2008 13:22

Oh, I LOVE that idea. My solar shower went kaput, so I've made one out of a inner-tube tire, using the old nozzle. Doesn't heat as well, (unless you boil the water... :-( but it DOES work.


Chris Scott 27 Mar 2008 20:57

It might be easier to attract more info on 2WD overland vehicles, and how to in a dedicated 2WD section. Maybe that can be the low-budget, low-tech alternative for those who don't need land cruisers or rovers to roam the world.

I think this is the best idea so far - 4x4 are covered many times over on the web, but not 2WDs.


graysworld 29 Mar 2008 10:34

my thoughts
Firstly thanks for a great forum where I for one have found good info.

I don't think we need vehicle specific forums. Search and you will find. also there is stuff that is worth reading even if you have a different make. If it is getting too big then that is a reason for doing it though.

The for sale/wanted is a good idea.

Putting a title does make searching easier.

I agree that it should be for vehicle travel and not 4wd specific.

I am a private website critic (ha Ha) and the simpler the better I feel, minimum clicks to a destination. Also not everyone is good with computers and not everyone who uses the site speaks English as there first language.

Information is for sharing whether it is technical or a campsite. I realize that we run the risk of getting places ruined, but if we go to these places lets be the ones who look after them, pick up some rubbish etc. I have many times camped somewhere only to find the perfect spot a couple of hundred metres further up the road the next day. Considering we are not all in the same place at the same time I am sure it will be ok.


Walkabout 29 Mar 2008 14:50

"Huge problem" so this website can assist

Originally Posted by lorraine (Post 181417)
Well Walkabout, that's the main problem. In some countries, there are less than FIVE official campsites, and you can drive for DAYS never finding anything! It really is a huge problem. Or, I found it so driving through Central America, Colombia and Panama. VERY stressful. Which is why, pseudo garbage dumps began looking rather appealing.... :-(


Still a bit off the main thread about the 4 wheel question, but the campsite information would be even more relevant and potentially important if it has a rarity value within a particular country.
Basic campsite info for, say, Europe, can be found quite easily via the web or guidebooks (but there could still be value in a section similar to that for recommended accommodation - places that 2/4 wheel travellers have found to be good/better/best for camping facilities).

Camping guides for riding/driving in those countries that have few facilities for suchlike should be of great value, so start with them?

stanoverlander 29 Mar 2008 15:41

I agree with keeping it simple but with a few mods.

The tech would good broken up as suggested as to have a section on vehicle preparation is i think the main thing that is missing- how about vehicle prep as a main subject but broken into 2wd / 4wd / truck ?

Whichever way its done there is always a cross over of interest and like someone said its about thread title..

Alexlebrit 29 Mar 2008 16:08

How about a section just dealing with

4 wheels or more?

And really not bothering about how many of them are driven?

I think it's great when things aren't too split up to be honest, as people have said, the more clicks you have to make before you get to what you actually want, the less likely you'll bother. And of course for people on the road those useless clicks can cost money.

So I'd suggest something like this:

4 Wheels or More Wheels:
Vehicles - vehicle specific advice.
Accessories - touring and camping equipment advice
Travelling - advice specific to touring with 4 wheels or more.
For sale/wanted.
So really only one more section, and hopefully that'd mean people can find things easier without undue clicking.

And then that should hopefully cover most people, without making too many distinctions between a Landie, a 2CV, or one of these.

Which is our current favourite in the silly vehicle to drive to China poll.

Mind you, out of all of us who works there way through the different sections and who just clicks on "New posts since last visit"?

onlyMark 30 Mar 2008 10:13

Talk of 2 wheels, 4 wheels, 2wd, 4wd is all well and good but where do I fit in when I want to do the same as these two girls http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5...g%20vieng.jpg?

Alexlebrit 30 Mar 2008 10:36

Lunatic Fringe?

JulianVoelcker 30 Mar 2008 13:58

The biggest problem with splitting the forums at this late stage is that there is a ton of extremely useful information in the existing 4wd forums that is easliy searchable, etc.

If you start splitting the fourms up further and don't split the existing information your are faced with the decision of where to put it - trying to split the existing info will be just too big a job.

I would be more inclined to keep the existing structure as it is and then consider what additional forums we need on the 4wd side of things.

Walkabout 30 Mar 2008 17:02

Room for one and all?

Originally Posted by onlyMark (Post 182301)
Talk of 2 wheels, 4 wheels, 2wd, 4wd is all well and good but where do I fit in when I want to do the same as these two girls http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5...g%20vieng.jpg?

That will be the 3 wheel, 1 wheel drive section that would have a space specifically for sidecars, including 2 wheel drive Urals.

With such a forum title it would be able to accommodate "Trikes": this particular one seems to be "in far away places" but it is very clean!

In reality, there have been a number of cases of discussion of sidecar rigs within the various bike threads.

onlyMark 30 Mar 2008 20:18

And when I have a motorized monocyle, 1 wheel, 1 wheel drive?
Photos of Unicycles You Sit Inside - Motorized Monocycle (pictures, images, etc.)

P.S. where do you put the top box?

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