Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   4 wheel Overland Travel (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/4-wheel-overland-travel/)
-   -   Royal Geog Soc Overland Workshop May 23 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/4-wheel-overland-travel/royal-geog-soc-overland-workshop-42454)

Runner 28 Apr 2009 15:40

Royal Geog Soc Overland Workshop May 23
Dear All

There has been so much interest in overlanding amongst folk that the Royal Geographical Society are supporting an Overland Travel Workshop near York (UK) on Sat May 23rd.

Format is a day-long series of talks on various topics with ten typical overland trucks to look round (TLCs and LRs mainly), a medical workshop is being run and there is a range (about 15) of trade stands in attendance.

The basic idea is to bring together those who want to make a trip with those who have made a trip, add those who can sell kit to help make it happen, and get them all talking to each other.

Sorry bikers - at this stage its 4x4-oriented. Bikes welcome however!

Admission is £5 per 4x4. Camping (basic facilities) on site - PM me for details if you want to come!


Runner (Sam Watson, Yorks and NE RGS)

nickt 3 May 2009 07:42

Looks like a great complement to the Overland Expo, held in Arizona last week. As an FRGS, I wish I could be there to contribute, good luck with it.

Please post after the event, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to know who it goes.


Runner 4 May 2009 19:09

RGS event
Thanks. It should be good - there's quite a few folk coming, and six talks, plus a good few trade stands and 140 pints of specially-made real ale to drink... its just a faff to organise it! :)
Hoping there will be another next year - hope you can make it :)

nickt 4 May 2009 19:50

I hope so too! Do you have any plans to be at Explore 2009 in November?

The beer idea is killer :)


jeff_watts 5 May 2009 08:11

only? 140 pints???
so most who go will be tee total???


Runner 9 May 2009 12:13

hehehe well funding is on a shoestring and 140 pints is all there was space for in the kitty! I am getting hold of a few slabs of Tusker and Kilimanjaro too though :) (If my supplier can find the Kili in the UK!)

wrt Explore 09 - yes if I can get off work!

Griffdowg 11 May 2009 16:42

Sadly I wont be making this. Somebody just happens to be getting married on that day :(

Friends of ours we travelled with in Morocco are doing a talk on their trip to West Africa though. Should be worth a listen if your going :thumbup1:


Cassie2 20 May 2009 10:04

Overland Workshop near York
Hello, new to this site and unable to pm for more info unless have 8 threads. Can you provide some more details re: workshop - location and times etc.
No guarantee we can get there but would be great to have info meantime.
Many thanks
Andrew, Anne, Jess and AJ

jonnie_bee 21 May 2009 16:23

Hi Cassie.
Have sent you a PM with details.

Griffdowg 25 May 2009 22:42

How did it go then Jonnie? Good to see your rig again on the M1 :thumbup1:

Beers again soon,


Trumpton 29 May 2009 21:48

hi all, well............how did it go then???

unfortunately we were unable to make it, although we tried to reschedle prior arangements!!!

Would have loved to chat with others about our recent (& next) Gilf trip.

Hope the beer lasted!!!


Runner 15 Jun 2009 16:09

RGS Overland Workshop
Phew - finally get time to reply. The Workshop was great - 63 folk booked as coming, over 200 turned up (stretching the food budget!). All talks and workshops were very well received and there was a huge groundswell of feeling for another such workshop next year - but bigger and longer. So that's what we are planning for now! The beer sort of lasted - we ran out but the local pub didnt :)

Thanks to everyone for your support :)


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