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Baron Bolton 18 Apr 2008 11:01

Vehicle insurance for USA
Apologies for the slightly questionable relevance of this post, but I figured this was the best resource for my question.

With almost a year until I depart on my RTW bike trip, I needed something to keep me out of trouble, so a friend and I are going to America for a bit, to buy a camper van.

Can anyone please give me any pointers, about getting vehicle insurance once we've bought the van?

Are any of the insurance companies over here likely to get involved, can I buy there, as a non-resident?

Any advice thankfully received.

quastdog 18 Apr 2008 14:55

Try Progressive - online vehicle insurer
Auto Insurance - Car Insurance Quotes from Progressive. Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance.

Baron Bolton 18 Apr 2008 21:13

had a go...
Cheers, but after half an Hr on the phone to a lovely young lady at progressive, she came to the conclusion I was a migratory risk, and therefore uninsurable.

Any other ideas?

Phil Flanagan 19 Apr 2008 23:21

try this , , , , ,
Hi baron

We are currently in US in British registered 4x4 camper check www.travel.uklinux.net for pictures and info.

How much you thinking to spend on a vehicle ? I may sell or even rent out my truck as we are now based in Santa Fe for few months and then in late August flying to Thailand for 6 months.

As mine is UK registered it could be very easy for you to buy. Depends how much you're thinking to spend.
We've been travelling in our truck for 2 years, fully capable machine, will go anywhere, but nowhere quickly !

Anyhow, back to your question re insurance.

You should have no problem getting US insurance but when you apply they will require you to have an address here in the states. Any address will do, friend, hostel, hotel, couchsurf host etc etc.
Progressive insurance has an online site where you can complete all relevant details and they insure online and email you immediately cover note for you to print.

Few other points . .. USA is BIG real BIG ! distances are huge here, but that said there are some fantastic sites to see.
If you are thinking of going to National Parks then get the annual subscription (2 people for $80) or they charge you $25 dollars per park.
Fuel here is leaping up almost by the week, currently Diesel retails at about $4.25 per gallon (that's 3.75 litres) or Petrol runs at about $3.60 ish. (still even though here they complain about increases it's way cheaper than UK !)
All else is approximately half to two thirds of UK prices, eg here in Santa Fe (upmarket) decent meal costs about $15 to $20 (street food will run at about $5 for reasonable snack/small lunch).

Take Care


DLbiten 20 Apr 2008 02:14

Migratory risk what are you going to with that van? Light it a fighter and jump the grand canyon? Id give them another call, It will be easer to get insurance when you can use a address. Insurance is handled state by state there for the need a zip code and address. The insurance will cover you all over the USA and in Canadia most of the time but not in Mexico at all (well some do for near the boarder but dont count on it, if there out of paying they will find it).

Some big insurance places.
GEICO Car Insurance. Get an auto insurance quote and save today. Free online motorcycle quotes as well. - geico.com
AIG insurance products and services in United States offering auto insurance, life insurance, commercial insurance, retirement services, and more...
State Farm - Home
Allstate - Auto Insurance Quote, Anonymous Online Car Insurance Ballpark Estimate

Fuel is cheap in the states but if someone farts in mid east the price will go up. One reason it cheap is its not taxed near as much. We dont have public health care bring your own. The food in USA is cheap (low tax and all) and is genetically modified but are cows are not mad. Want a real shock look at home prices its vary cheap. Want another try getting a job here we dont pay near as much. The recession may be full swing while your hear so the euro and BPS will be like gold. And the politics (if your in to it) will be fun and educational for you to see with the coming election.

Here is the park pass linky https://pwrcms.nps.gov/pwr/fees_passes.htm

Baron Bolton 1 Jun 2008 23:12

Thank you
Cheers DLbiten, we went with Geico, and they were excellent. Ended up costing us about £15 for the time we were there, as we got a refund for ending the policy so quickly (short trip).

We bought a beautiful 1960's camper, and it's now on the Atlantic somewhere (hopefully on a boat) on it's way over here.

And thank you very much for the offer Phil, extremely kind of you. We did find the place a lot lot bigger than we'd anticipated, California must be bigger than the whole uk!?

People also very friendly and keen to help, changed my opinion on Americans all together. Lovely bunch from what I saw.

stothard17 9 Jun 2008 23:51

Gabriel Its Ben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kev Baldwin 12 Jun 2008 10:19

A pal of mine has just got insurance for his US trip through this outfit.
The Sunrise Group
They offer a simliar deal to the above where if you cut the trip short, they'll refund you for any 'unused' cover.

Statdawg 16 Jun 2008 05:43

Overseas Visitors :thumbup1:

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