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-   -   Australia on a 250cc???!!! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/australia-new-zealand/australia-on-a-250cc-37345)

nvt88 25 Aug 2008 03:47

Australia on a 250cc???!!!
Hey guys,
I'm planning a trip round Australia, probably next year March or something when it's a bit colder. I want to go everywhere and motorbike seems by far the best choice to do it.. But I'm only a pretty short and light (5'4)
I'll be buying a bike before I set off in Oz, but looking at the million and one different bikes I haven't choosen a specific model yet. But I'm def looking at a smaller lighter bike (around 250cc) as I think anything too much bigger if going to be a bit to big and heavy for me to handle.

So the question is can I do Australia on a 250cc??? I don't want to stick to just the main roads, although I'm not planning to go off roading all around the dessert, I know there's some sandy roads up to Cape York etc. Plus I'll have to have gear loaded on with me. I won't have heaps of gear, but still need basics.
I'll be travelling with someone and he'll be on a 650cc bike, so can take the heavier stuff. But I don't want to shoot myself in the foot and be stuck with him so still need to know I can carry it myself if I need to. Plus ride it and handle it everywhere by myself if I need to.

So pro's con's? Am I best to go for a bigger bike? I'll put this in the which bike forum too, but though maybe it was an idea to ask in this part too?

Cheers guys! :thumbup1:

Frank Warner 25 Aug 2008 04:08

I've toured on a 175, a 250 or three, and several larger bikes. You can tour on a 250. With the obvoius advantages of weight, economy. The disadvantages of reduced crusing speed (could be an advantage depending on your view), comfort at speed?, reduced luggage ability (see weight above for advantge to this).

Best you you both have the same bike. And best if you both go for the smaller bike. Lots of people found this out the hard way. No reason why the two of you should not find it out again .. there you go. :)

Good luck.

Have you read the stuff on the left? In particular
http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tripplan/bike .. covers most of your question...

PocketHead 25 Aug 2008 04:29

250cc would be fine maybe look into some different sized sprockets though

clintnz 26 Aug 2008 02:17

250's are fine for touring. The only thing I find a real hassle on 'em is the lack of passing power on the highway, cruising speed is around the legal limit anyway. You'll want to focus on travelling really light though.

IMHO the 2 best contenders for a short person's dirt capable 250 are the Kawasaki KL250 Super Sherpa (my girlfriend has one of these) & the 2008- Yamaha XT250. They're both available in NZ & Oz.

There are a few good threads in the thumpers forum over on advrider.com on small dirt bikes outfitted for touring.


loxsmith 20 Sep 2008 11:23

We just did Cape York on CT110's so anything is possible. You just need a little more time and don't make any definate plans to be anywhere on a certain date as things change by the minute.
My only other suggestion is to buy a bike that has been a big seller here so that parts are more readily available. No matter where you are in Australia parts can normally be delivered within about a week, as Mail planes are the life blood in the Outback.

If you are heading to the Cape send me a PM and I can tell you of some great people to stay with and places to see

Good luck and just get over here and do it now!


Flyingdoctor 20 Sep 2008 14:18

Ok I'm biased as an XT250 Serow rider but I'd go with a 250 trail bike Yamaha or Kawasaki. They're light, very economical and well proven as RTW tourers. A little trip around OZ should be no probs!

I've loaded all my camping gear onto it and done 300 mile days. They'll cruise at 60mph all day, which is enough for touring.

Check out Lois... Lois on the Loose

and Makiko... Help out this amazing individual if you have the opportunity - ADVrider

For some inspiraion.

DaveSmith 20 Sep 2008 17:58

I circled Australia on my Ducati 250. Not a problem (well, except for it breaking everyday and leaving a trail of oil around the island). Plenty of room (I even brought a banjo). Although 2 up would be a pain in the ass.

Edited to add: I'm barely 5'6" and I like being able to touch the ground easily. Vintage bikes are for shorter folks. I know that people have also circumnavigated Oz on Ducati Monsters. That should've been fun going through the bull dust (the secret is go 40 and hope). If I had a bigger bike, I would've gone faster and missed a lot. It becomes a ride, not an isolated break to think.


mcguyver 20 Sep 2008 19:53

No problem at all touring on a 250 apart from some of the comprimises mentioned above. However if I would you I would consider something like the BMW F650gs. Low to the ground, reliable and very easy to ride and very capable off road.

There are often well set up ones for sale on bikesales.com

Bazza 9 Oct 2008 02:09

anything is possible, if you dont believe me try and get a copy of this DVD, African Odyssey - A simple adventure

i haven't laughed as much since i read Lois on the Loose! or the time i found out that Ewan and Charlie had a £5,000,000 budget on LWD

AussieNat 10 Oct 2008 09:47

Youll have no trouble at all.
In fact you have a lot more fun, I can guarentee it.
Also if you pack light and plan to do some offroading you'll be able to go places no one else dares to tread.

Do it.


stormsearcher 25 Dec 2008 00:19

i have travelled around on many bikes.mostly 1000cc(7 bikes in 4 years)/had a 3aj 600 as well.
my current bike the yamaha wr250r.travelled 10,000kms in 13 days in the outback.fast(will clock 160kmph on a good day)6 speed,FI and liquid cooled.and highly economical. plus u can ride anywhere.
whats the bike i would use to travel australia in? the wr250r. they are bringing out a long rtange tank(15lts) easily 400-500kms range ,upto 550 if ridden nicely./best suspension/. in my opinion the best bike to tour.

check out my trip.
outback trip-wr250r - ADVrider

FUTURE 29 Dec 2008 21:22

In the 80s I did most of my touring of the Eastern side of Australia on a GSX250. Went as far as Tweed Heads and at least 3 rallies in Victoria. This was for weekend rallies. I live in Sydney. It is a fun way to see Australia. :thumbup1: Less chance of being booked for speeding. :nono:

gixxer.rob 30 Dec 2008 13:59

A 250 would be just fine, I reckon. As others have said, the only real downside is highway cruise speeds and how much luggage you can carry.

I rode from Melb to Cape York and back on a XTZ 660 Tenere. At times I found it a bit top heavy / handful in the sand, really good on corrugations as you just go faster till you skip over the top of them, the rest of the Telegraph track was fine. Frasier Island would be a lot more fun too on a 250. It may just be a little bum numbing on the hightway thats all.

Have fun !!

Ruud A 1 Jan 2009 21:42

[quote=Bazza;210191]anything is possible, if you dont believe me try and get a copy of this DVD, African Odyssey - A simple adventure

Ha...just ordered a copy, the teaser on the site did it for me. Must admit I'm quite curious but it seems like good fun!

Australia on a 250?? I'd do it in a heartbeat!

Denis 14 Jan 2009 02:49

250 is fine, I have heard people doing it on a scoter. It all depends where you want to go.

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