Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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skip 24 Oct 2007 19:10

Australian Registration Document
Can any one tell me do you have an Australian motorcycle registration document, like we do in the UK or something similar. I bought my bike back in April, i have the pink vehicle transfer/ vehicle dealers form and another pink one with Form 4 Vehicle particulars stamped on it. I went to the licencing services office in Perth and paid the transfer of vehical fee, yet i still have no real proof that i own the bike. I want to take the bike out of Australia into Timor and on up to Indonesia and overland back to the UK.
If you do not have Australian registration paper is there any way of making one to show at borders and customs, as the few bits of hand writen paper that i have i think will only lead to a lot of hassel when trying move from country to country.Do the Australian RAC offer Carnets to none Australian even if there bike is from Australia? Any help please Skip

SKILLO 25 Oct 2007 00:01

Hi Skip,

I am not too familiar with WAus registration as I live in Queensland and each State does things a little different. But it sounds like you currently have the temporary paperwork, the final official documents will be sent to the Aus address you nominated as your residence! Remember that one? Hope it was real and you know the actual residents, that way you can get them to send it all on to you. The yearly registartion renewal account is also sent to this address when due.

The Aus Auto Assoc (AAA not RAC) would not issue me a carnet for a bike bought in Europe, they said I should contact the UK RAC. The RAC said I would need a UK residential address and they could not offer me their insurance to cover the bond as I wasn't a UK citizen, also bank guarentee not possible for same reason, that only left cash deposit to RAC... all too much dicking about for my liking.

I ended up just shipping my Aus registered bike to the UK..... but you may have better luck.


skip 25 Oct 2007 20:25

Hi Skillo
Any iders on how long it normally takes for paper work to come through, 6 months seems a bit of a long time. cheers skip

SKILLO 26 Oct 2007 00:30

Hi Skip,

Yeh, that's way too long. Normally a few weeks, maybe a month here in Qld, can't imagine it would be much different in WA. I would contact the WA Transport Department (that's always a lesson in keeping your calm) to find out what's happened.


skip 27 Oct 2007 18:20

Hi John
I'm back in the UK till Christmas so there's nothing i can do till then. Thanks for the info Skip

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