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-   -   Brisbane: A Crash Course for Motorcyclists, 4th & 5th August (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/australia-new-zealand/brisbane-crash-course-motorcyclists-4th-65210)

John-DownUnder 11 Jul 2012 14:52

Brisbane: A Crash Course for Motorcyclists, 4th & 5th August
Accident Scene Management Australia (ASMA) is running their "Crash Course for the Motorcyclist" for the first time in Queensland. Open to anyone, this one-day course will be run by 2 ASMA instructors and will train up to about 15 (max 20) participants per course. ASMA is a not-for-profit organisation. These 2 courses will be run at the Redlands Multi-Sports Club at Birkdale. Cost is $165 for the day (a discount is available to Ulysses Club members, as this is being supported by that Club).

ASMA presented at the Ulysses Club's Road Safety Forum during their Mildura AGM in March. Attendees were shown 2 demos on helmet removal:- a one-person and a two-person methods. These were performed by Phil Lemin and narrated by Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo. Vicki developed a course in North America that is now the benchmark of Motorcycle Trauma training in the USA.

Here is the 1-person helmet removal demo, with permission to post the clip - Click on this photo to see the video clip:

Note: As this was a high definition clip, you can use the YouTube option ('cog' icon in bottom right corner) to "Change Quality" to various settings.


Clearly there is a lot more to this first aid course than helmet removal, with a lot of skill involved that isn't apparent in the imagery. The course is a complete first aid course, tailored to motorcyclists and has an excellent reputation from previous participants.

From ASMA:

The Crash Course for the Motorcyclist

This course is specifically designed to provide motorcyclists with first aid skills, but also to go beyond normal first aid and put skills into a motorcycling context. The basic course requires 8 hours and encompasses:
  • Examining scene safety
  • Spinal immobilisation - Why and how
  • Assessing the scene - Mechanisms of injury
  • Treating the injured - Airway control skills, Breathing (this is considerably more than what a first aid course covers)
  • Practical - helmet removal, jaw thrust to eliminate moving the head
  • Treating - Controlling bleeding, shock, spinal immobilisation, head/neck chest and abdomen, soft tissue injuries, fractures, first aid, summary.
This course can provide motorcyclists with considerable skills which people always say they wish they had for when things go pear shaped. Of the people who have completed this training in the USA almost 30% use the new skills.

This is a considerably higher number than for traditional first aid courses. Almost 76% of people also state they ride more aware as a result of what they learn during the course.

Students do a pre reading workbook which covers all the topics for the Australian First Aid Certificate and we do the motorcycle specific material on the day. These workbooks are posted out prior to the course. If students do not wish to do the First Aid certificate, they can enrol in the course and are not required to do the workbook and written exam.

Participants can claim this course against their income tax if they need a First Aid certification for their work. Of course you don't have to do the certification (involving a workbook and a test) if you simply want to attend, but it is he same cost either way.

To enrol for one of these courses, go to Welcome page then go to "Course Information" on the top line of the home page; Next click on "Queensland" on the right side.

For more info, contact ASMA at contact@asma.org.au or ph 0428 951 535.

John Meara, Carindale.

PS: I have no connection with ASMA except that as a Motorcycle Safety rep, I have a strong interest in this stuff and really believe such courses make a real difference (unlike much of the talk-fest stuff that occurs in road safety). So I am spreading the word. My wife and I have paid to attend the Sunday course.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 22:48.
