Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Need new tyres and oil change in Darwin for our Africa Twin (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/australia-new-zealand/need-new-tyres-oil-change-65438)

RTWbyBIKE.com 24 Jul 2012 13:22

Need new tyres and oil change in Darwin for our Africa Twin
Hi there,

does anybody know where in Darwin I can get a new rear tyre from my Africa Twin? I would need an Anakee II 140 80R 17? Any Idea for a tyre dealer there? I would need an oil change too, icl. Filter - any good garage there around?

Does anyone knows as well a good and afordable place to stay as well? After 35.000 km South East Asia Australia will be quite a change for us. Not only the temperature I guess but we are looking forward to explore this huuuuuuuge continent!

We are crossing over to East Timor tomorrow morning and will clean the bike and everything very well! YES we know the reqirements and that they are very strict etc....

GRTS from the boarder to Timor Leste

cheers Kerstin and Sascha

Keith1954 24 Jul 2012 13:57

Guten Tag, Kerstin und Sascha .. :clap:

I got a set of Conti Escapes from Precision Motorcycles in Darwin NT back in May last year (2011). I had heard mixed reports about this particular dealership /workshop beforehand, but I actually found them to be as good as gold.

If you want to know what I paid, then let me know and I'll dig-out the invoice; I'm sure that it's still hanging around in my paperwork somewhere.

All the best .. from sunny England!


piralo 24 Jul 2012 14:53

ölwechsel lieber selber machen. im shop zu teuer. öl selber auch teuer 60-90$ für 3-4 liter.

tyre gibts im bikehsop. es gibt einen honda dealer. und einen yamaha, suzuki, kawasaki etc dealer. beide haben tyre auf stock. liegen auch nicht weit etfernt von einander. da kannst du mal schauen.

RTWbyBIKE.com 24 Jul 2012 15:12


Originally Posted by piralo (Post 386995)
ölwechsel lieber selber machen. im shop zu teuer. öl selber auch teuer 60-90$ für 3-4 liter.

tyre gibts im bikehsop. es gibt einen honda dealer. und einen yamaha, suzuki, kawasaki etc dealer. beide haben tyre auf stock. liegen auch nicht weit etfernt von einander. da kannst du mal schauen.

ohne Werkstatt wird das schwierig mal ganz zu schweigen wohin dann mit dem oel...

das ich reifen vom reifenhaendler bekomme hab ich mir auch schon gedacht....


piralo 24 Jul 2012 15:35

wir haben ölwechsel an der tankstelle gemacht, das altöl in ne alte wanne laufen lassen und bei der tankstellen, servicewerkstatt abgegeben.

- ihr seid doch kreativ. da fällt euch schon was ein wo man den öl wechsel selber machen kann ohne werkstatt

RTWbyBIKE.com 24 Jul 2012 15:48


Originally Posted by piralo (Post 387000)
wir haben ölwechsel an der tankstelle gemacht, das altöl in ne alte wanne laufen lassen und bei der tankstellen, servicewerkstatt abgegeben.

- ihr seid doch kreativ. da fällt euch schon was ein wo man den öl wechsel selber machen kann ohne werkstatt

Ingo... sach doch das du´s bist... ^^ja ja, habt ja auch nach Jakarta verschifft... :oops2: :rofl: :innocent: bierbier

sag mal B´scheid wenn dein online resumé fertig ist...

sharemyoyster 25 Jul 2012 01:32

Hi Kerstin and Sascha
Drop Tim a line at Cyclone Motorcycles in Darwin. He will get the tire in for you and sort you out with everything else when you get there. He's a really helpful guy and loves to help out travellers.

Email: tim@cyclonemc.com.au
Website: Cyclone Motorcycles Home Page

Tell Tim that I referred you his way.

Good luck with everything, I'll maybe see you coming down as I'm going up.

Cheers, Dave.

RTWbyBIKE.com 25 Jul 2012 12:45


Originally Posted by sharemyoyster (Post 387043)
Drop Tim a line at Cyclone Motorcycles in Darwin. He will get the tire in for you and sort you out with everything else when you get there. He's a really helpful guy and loves to help out travellers.

Email: tim@cyclonemc.com.au
Website: Cyclone Motorcycles Home Page

Tell Tim that I referred you his way.

Good luck with everything, I'll maybe see you coming down as I'm going up.

Cheers, Dave.

THX DAve dropped them a mail...

cheers Sascha, maybe c u on the road....

Squily 9 Aug 2012 12:39

Australian route
Long story- was infomred by A-wind on ADV that you guys have arived in Darwin. Tried to post on your blog Round the World by Bike | Round the World by Bike but with no succes so here goes:

I'm down the bottom end of WA- Esperance. Ride Africa Twin myself. If you guys need any assistance/support whilst in Aus for teh AT- give a shout here or on ADV (or send me a PM and I'll sned you my contact details)- not much support in Aus for these bikes through the normal channels.

Also- if your route goes by here- I have a well-equipped workshop at home if you wanted to do any maintenance or repairs and theres plenty of room to stay here at our house if you wish to do so.

Welcome to Aus and good luck


RTWbyBIKE.com 2 Jan 2013 23:10


Originally Posted by Squily (Post 388718)
Long story- was infomred by A-wind on ADV that you guys have arived in Darwin. Tried to post on your blog Round the World by Bike | Round the World by Bike but with no succes so here goes:

I'm down the bottom end of WA- Esperance. Ride Africa Twin myself. If you guys need any assistance/support whilst in Aus for teh AT- give a shout here or on ADV (or send me a PM and I'll sned you my contact details)- not much support in Aus for these bikes through the normal channels.

Also- if your route goes by here- I have a well-equipped workshop at home if you wanted to do any maintenance or repairs and theres plenty of room to stay here at our house if you wish to do so.

Welcome to Aus and good luck


Hi Squily,

I tried to send you some messages but I dont know if they wend out. I looked here in the outbox and can not see them there. Did you got anything form me?

cheers Mate...

anonymous1 3 Jan 2013 00:14

Tyres & Service
G'day Guys,

Contact Us | Macca's Motorcylces Darwin

Phone: 0408 856209
Email: info@maccasmotorcycles.com.au
P.O. Box 39882 Winnellie, NT 0821
Location: 7 Sweet St Winnellie, Darwin, NT 0820

Try these guys for tyres and if you need space for a service I have a big fully equiped workshop and accommodation if required. Beers will be involved ;-)

Cheers Dave

RTWbyBIKE.com 3 Jan 2013 09:51


Originally Posted by Drwnite (Post 406169)
G'day Guys,

Contact Us | Macca's Motorcylces Darwin

Phone: 0408 856209
Email: info@maccasmotorcycles.com.au
P.O. Box 39882 Winnellie, NT 0821
Location: 7 Sweet St Winnellie, Darwin, NT 0820

Try these guys for tyres and if you need space for a service I have a big fully equiped workshop and accommodation if required. Beers will be involved ;-)

Cheers Dave

Great Thank you! The only thing is we are now close to Perth and heading South, direction Tasi...But maybe on the way back when we have to go to East Timor again, but who knows where we go... bier is always good...

cheers mate!

anonymous1 3 Jan 2013 11:19

Ha Ha diddnt even think to look at the date :oops2:

Have fun guys, I hope the house is sold and I'm long gone by then !

Cheers Dave

Xander 4 Jan 2013 03:08


Originally Posted by RTWbyBIKE.com (Post 406159)
Hi Squily,

I tried to send you some messages but I dont know if they wend out. I looked here in the outbox and can not see them there. Did you got anything form me?

cheers Mate...

Hi There is a good HUBB comunity around perth. Let us know when you arrive and maybe we can arrange a get together and beers

RTWbyBIKE.com 4 Jan 2013 11:03


Originally Posted by Xander (Post 406312)
Hi There is a good HUBB comunity around perth. Let us know when you arrive and maybe we can arrange a get together and beers

Hey another AT in DownUnder! Someone said that there are not more than 25 here, but I doubt it... must be, including all travvlers, at least 50 in AU...

beer is always good. We will be in about 14 days in Perth... So lets have one or two! Would be great to meet and exchange some stories, information... I see on your post that you imported the AT, maybe we have to do the same ;)

cheers Kerstin and Sascha

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