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Cuppa500 23 Apr 2008 13:20

Riding in the Kimberley
In four weeks time we leave our home in Victoria for an 18 month trip around Australia in our bus towing a pair of bikes, a Honda SL230 & a Suzuki DR-Z250. The area I am most looking forward to exploring by bike is the Kimberley. I would love to hear anyone who has stories & info about riding up the Dampier Peninsular to Cape Leveque, riding the Gibb river road, & riding into & around the Bungle Bungles.

Vaufi 23 Apr 2008 17:46

Absolutely top riding :funmeteryes:

The Gibb River road and the Bungles are not too bad, but I didn't dare to travel up to Mitchel Falls with my heavily laden Beemer. My riding companion did the detour to Mitchel Falls though on his 1150 GS. So, on your much lighter bikes it should be no problem at all.

skip 5 May 2008 08:06

Hi Cuppa
I rode The Gibb River road last year and it was clear all the way to the Pentycost River here it was a little deep i had to give my gear to a couple in a 4x4, there are some big rocks that you can't see so its best to wait for a 4x4 to cross so you can see the best route at the deepest point the water was way over my saddle, i just kept the throttle wide open and went for it. And yes straight through no problems, but it did take all afternoon to dry my clothes.
A little bit latter a local Ranger turned up, he was just checking as the day before a couple of large Crocks had been seen in the river. Have a great trip around Oz. Skip

Frank Warner 6 May 2008 00:17

Pentycost River was about 300 mm deep in August .. umm 2004?

River depth depends on the season .. and how many cyclones have hit the area that year.

timok 13 Jul 2008 13:20

Cape Leveque is an easy ride, and a wonderful place.

Gibb River road is very easy (Pentecost shallow). Road up to Mitchell Falls is rougher, but certainly doable. The major obstacle is the King Edward River Crossing - last year is was very deep (up to the top of the weheels of my landcruiser). If you can cross, there is a great camp ground about 1km after the campground, with some superb Aboriginal rock paintings.

seekeronsaltspringisland 9 Oct 2008 06:58

how deep?
so what the deep of the Gibb river ford crossing in summer? please use inches as it seem to me 300 mm is 30 cm about 12 inches. I stll hoping on getting down there as early as next year. the ural bike can only ford about a foot of water from what I heard.

PocketHead 9 Oct 2008 07:30

damn that sounds good, i plan to do something similar one day but with a van, surfboards on the roof and towing a couple of ktm 200 strokes.

Frank Warner 9 Oct 2008 23:41


Originally Posted by seekeronsaltspringisland (Post 210197)
so what the deep of the Gibb river ford crossing in summer?

Depends on how much rain fell during that years wet season!

Pentecost crossing has a rocky bottom .. large round rocks ... say 10 inches diameter ..

timok description may be valid .. water across the top of the 4WD tyre (umm 30 inches?) .. on one side .. the other side might be much shallower ... on a bike you can sometimes pick a different line that is easier for you .. one track compared to two track vehicles..

And you'll have to get use to metrics here in OZ .. yes 300 mmm is about a foot .. and 4.5 litres of fuel is about a birtish gallon.. and 50 mph is about 80 km/h ..

Chris D (Newcastle NSW) 10 Oct 2008 07:48

Gibb RR and Bungles

Hope your trip goes well. Don't forget the Kimberley region is bigger than Victoria, there are a thousand places to go. Just have two brief comments about GRR and the Bungles.

The tar road from Broome to Wyndham runs parallel in a sort of a fashion with GRR, if you are not taking the bus along the GRR there is a long way back to pick it up, unless you have someone drive it separately along the tar that is. If the road is in fair comndition the bus would make it so long as the speed is kept down, just a lot of corrugations in the main, check closer to the time.

In winter the Bungles get very cold at night. I understand campfires are still not permitted so make sure you take warm clothes and sleeping gear in. The bus could probably go into the NP, check here also before you go in.


AussieNat 10 Oct 2008 09:18

Great trip.
We were in the Kimberley May this year.
BungleBungles will be no problem. You may even be able to drive your bus in part of the way.
Gibb river was partly closed when we passed through so skipped it. I think if its been dry then you shouldnt have any troubles.
Cape Leveque is a good ride but remember its about 200km out there, through some sandy parts. You will need a range of about 500kms to do it stress free.

Beautiful part of the world.


Cuppa500 31 Dec 2008 13:07

Hi all,
We're now about 6 months into our trip & having a ball. Currently on the Eyre Peninsula about to head west. Expecting to be in the Kimberly late June, early July. With some experience behind us & your thoughts & suggestions I am confident we will love the Kimberly.
Safe travels to all in 2009.

If interested - photos/blog - The Bloomfield Track
Entry 12 - Daintree, Cooktown & Music


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