Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Shipping from Sydney to Anchorage Alaska (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/australia-new-zealand/shipping-from-sydney-anchorage-alaska-82538)

Lanjager 29 Jun 2015 23:55

Shipping from Sydney to Anchorage Alaska
Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone has done a self organised shipment from Sydney to Alaska?
(i.e. not sent via a motorcycle shipping company, but via an agent)

I have tried contacting shipping agents directly who have said "sorry we don't do private shipments"

Whether the shipping Agents are getting kickbacks from the motorcycle shipping companies I don't know - probably.

I have private shipped via a Agent to Russia before with no issues. Not sure why the USA would be any different

any links/contacts/info appreciated...


RogerM 30 Jun 2015 05:22

There are no Australian owned shipping companies that operate ships outside the Coastal, NZ, PNG and East Timor runs. The rest are owned by overseas companies who have contracts with the agents here who make their money from selling the transport legs, packing, container hire, etc.

The route you want is not on the regular cargo ship runs either, most likely you would have to go via Singapore then Korea or Thailand or Japan, then probably to Los Angeles, trans ship again/repack in a container for a ship going to Anchorage.

The RoRo ships do regular runs back to Singapore from Australia, reload vehicles ex Europe and deliver them to the SE Asian countries, they load up in Japan and then head over to the Americas. The container ships do a similar route.

With all that faffing around I'd let an agent handle the lot and let them earn their 15%.

Lanjager 30 Jun 2015 05:46

No problem using an Agent, but I don't want to use a "motorcycle shipping company" who just charge you for dealing with the Agent. Having dealt with an Agent directly before when we shipped to Russia, have no problem doing this again.

A lot of the Agents I have contacted have said that they won't do private shipments, meaning - "call a motorcycle shipping company and then I will speak to them instead of you"

RogerM 30 Jun 2015 20:28

Its a growing trend amongst the transport industries to only offer business to business services. Probably due to experience of turning upto collect items only to find a 500kg crate and no method of getting it on a truck.

Have you tried the international removalists?

I think its more about the route than just not doing that kind of thing. Someone could spend a couple of days on prepping a quote like this - maybe offer to pay $300 to prepare the quote and then you might have a few takers.

Your other choice is to get a quote to LA and then ride to Alaska?

Lanjager 30 Jun 2015 23:53


Your other choice is to get a quote to LA and then ride to Alaska?
There is always that option I guess... it's a 5,500km diversion though... only to ride back again...

RTWbyBIKE.com 2 Jul 2015 12:00

Check the database here on the HUBB for shipments from Sydney to wherever in the world, we have flown the bike from Sydney to Germany and it turned out to be cheaper as to use a vessel...

try: "Justin Campbell" <justin.campbell@airmenzies.com>

or try:

Paul King

Tel: 1300 799 362
Mob: +61 (0)400 443 122
Home Skype: talkcargo.pk
Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Perth

Daze55556 8 Aug 2015 11:11

I'm in the process of getting quotes to ship my bike from Melbourne to Chile. So far the quotes have been wildy different, from $1500 to $4500 plus fees at the destination end.

Probably the best guy I have dealt with so far is David Miller from a company called Paccon. He is a rider and is quite happy to have a chat on the phone, as with all these guys it seems you have to send them a reminder email or two for them to get back to you!

David Miller
Paccon Logistics
+61 408 465 234

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