Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Two UK travellers in Oz would like riding buddies (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/australia-new-zealand/two-uk-travellers-oz-would-36089)

PatHorne 24 Jun 2008 12:21

Number 9 so i can now pm

swaino 25 Jun 2008 10:52

Riding in the south
Don't get to caught up with planning for hot weather at that time of year, it could just as easily be freezing cold and wet. More likely it will be perfect riding weather and if it does get hot then you ride more in the mornings when it is cooler.

Enjoy your trip what ever the weather

PatHorne 25 Jun 2008 11:03


Originally Posted by swaino (Post 195800)
Don't get to caught up with planning for hot weather at that time of year, it could just as easily be freezing cold and wet. More likely it will be perfect riding weather and if it does get hot then you ride more in the mornings when it is cooler.

Enjoy your trip what ever the weather

good point - thank you

TravellingStrom 25 Jun 2008 22:50

Hi, have fun when you are here, you will have a blast.

On the choice of riding gear, I personally would buy a pair of mesh style pants to go with the jacket. I have had draggin jeans and they get so hot in high 30s temps. When I bought my mesh pants it was so much more cooler :) Same goes for your jacket, make it mesh, they usually come with inbuilt protection, so no worries there.

Your main concern after that should be hydration. I used a camelback but it used to wreck my shoulders and neck muscles. I now have the 3lt bladder placed in my tankbag and use it constantly. An alternative to this is to tie your camelback to the tank and loop around handlebars.

Happy travelling


PatHorne 26 Jun 2008 07:18


Originally Posted by TravellingStrom (Post 195883)
Hi, have fun when you are here, you will have a blast.

On the choice of riding gear, I personally would buy a pair of mesh style pants to go with the jacket. I have had draggin jeans and they get so hot in high 30s temps. When I bought my mesh pants it was so much more cooler :) Same goes for your jacket, make it mesh, they usually come with inbuilt protection, so no worries there.

Your main concern after that should be hydration. I used a camelback but it used to wreck my shoulders and neck muscles. I now have the 3lt bladder placed in my tankbag and use it constantly. An alternative to this is to tie your camelback to the tank and loop around handlebars.

Happy travelling


what do you mean when you say 'mesh' gear - please can you give me a link to the sort of thing?

Thank you

TravellingStrom 26 Jun 2008 09:27

Hi Pat

I mean that the actual jacket and pants have areas of mesh cloth to allow air flow, in amongst non mesh material, here is a link to the type of jacket I mean

Dri Rider Air Mesh Jacket

and pants

Do a bit of a google for airmesh pants and jackets, you should find all you need to know. Basically they allow full air flow but have armour protection, most with CE armour. They also have waterproof and thermal liners that zip in/out.

They are designed for road and offroad and offer a bit more protection than motox gear


RickMcD 2 Jul 2008 17:19

Bike Round Oz Folks.

Originally Posted by PatHorne (Post 195650)
Hi thank you all for your advice.
This trip has been booked for 18 months now - we are using 'bikes round Oz'
who have booked all the accom's and bikes.
We just have to ride and navigate.
Hope to meet some of you Oz Riders on the way!

Pat. I am also renting a DR650 from the Bike Round Oz folks for my tour of Australia. It looks like I will be leaving the same day you arrive (Dec 21st). I have been talking with a fellow named Mark. You? He has been more than helpful. Looking forward to meeting him. Decided to do that vice shipping my DL650 over. Price seemed more than reasonable. I arrive on Aug 30th and plan to go all the way around (counter clockwise). I have 4 months so will adjust. A friend is meeting me in Darwin on Oct 8/10th to finish the ride back to Melbourne. I am bringing a Corbin seat for the DR that I won't need at home. Maybe you might want it (especially since two up). What is your route etc.? I am doing the self guided tour thing vice specific stops since with only 4 months I will have to ride a bit longer each day than they plan for their tours. Stay in touch as we progress. It will be here soon! :=)
Rick McDermed direct email rick dott mcd att verizon dott net

PatHorne 2 Jul 2008 20:53

Hi Rick

Yes we have been talking with mark as well.

Your corbin seat sounds a must! will it fit the dr650?

We are on a bike each not two up.
plan melbourne to perth following the coast - ruth has the map so i'll get her to put more details up. Shame you're not around when we are - it would be nice to meet up.

Yes stay in touch i'd love to know how you get on.



MikeS 3 Jul 2008 05:53

Check what tank you have, my Corbin is for the IMS 20L tank and there is a different Corbin model that fits the standard tank. I'm guessing if you're going round Australia, you've already upgraded to a larger tank anyway as the original is only 13L.

BTW, I ordered mine from the US as they were about double the price in Australia, same with the larger tank.


Originally Posted by PatHorne (Post 197012)
Your corbin seat sounds a must! will it fit the dr650?

peter-reebok 12 Jul 2008 06:38

The thing to remember about Australia is that we ARE a friendly country.

treat people with respect and a smile, and they will fall over themselves in the rush to help you.

Any where in OZ, dont hesitate to ask for help, we are willing to assist.

olyflyer 2 Sep 2008 02:23

Let me know when you in West Oz as I'll see if I can go for a ride with you and show you some cool places over here.

bunyip01 2 Sep 2008 05:27

Have bed and shed.....
In Perth. Feel welcome. Hey, did any one mention....it's gunna be Really HOT.....
Cheers, Bootlace.

eldrom 5 Sep 2008 12:39

Note,the stops on the Nullabor will refuse to supply water,as they only have rainwater tanks,you will need to buy (very expensive)bottled stuff,don't think it's changed since two yrs ago.

John Burridge 8 Sep 2008 20:25

Our trip
Hi Pat,

We are flying to Perth and riding to Sydney via Adelaide & Melbourne starting on the 2nd Dec. Although going the other way to you we will keep a look out for you and maybe see you somewhere en route.

John & Anne

RickMcD 11 Sep 2008 01:45

Going up the East Coast!

Originally Posted by PatHorne (Post 197012)
Hi Rick

Yes stay in touch i'd love to know how you get on.



Pat. Made it to Melbourne, got the bike and headed out. Rainy and cold in Melbourne so headed north. Made it to the coast at Port Macquery (sp). Have been "riding the beach" so far. Am now in Mooloolaba. Next will be Rainbow beach then Hervy Bay (sp) for a trip out to Fraser Island. Have to be in Darwin on Oct 4th to meet a friend (who also rented from Mark) who will finish ride with me around to Perth Albany then Alice/Uluru then back to Melbourne. You can look in on the trip so far here www.horizonsunlimited.com/tstories/rickmcd

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