Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Bike Rental on Argentina (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bike-swap-or-rent/bike-rental-on-argentina-61166)

Hache 8 Jan 2012 01:51

Bike Rental on Argentina
Why spend big bucks shipping your bike just for some weeks traveling?

I have 2 road proven KLR's ( 03 and 07, very cared, full of equipment) ready to travel all around Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

Yes send me a PM for more data.
I'm not a big enterprise, just a biker looking for some money, not a big business


BCK_973 9 Jan 2012 18:19

Can you send me a few pictures?Have 2 german friends who plan a 4 weeks trip in march?
Also costs and bikes have local plates?

carloshalifax 5 Jun 2012 19:58

do you still rent these bikes? thanks

Jsbraga 17 Oct 2012 02:57

I am interested for 2 weeks in Patagonia. We can arrange the pick up depending on where the bike is at the time.

shaferj14 22 Nov 2012 16:10

Possible interest.
I might be interested for a few weeks in Mid December, 2012.
Can you email me some more info and a few pics?

pierrotsurlaroute 30 Dec 2012 14:57

Hi Hache,

I would be interrested to rent one of your bike for few week for an argentina and chile road trip in Febuary. If you still rent your bike , could you email me more info at oeilduzig@gmail.com


transistorized 8 Mar 2013 04:10

Hi, I am interested in renting one of your KLRs for March 28th - April 24th. Please contact me via PM. Thanks

jozhuag1 7 May 2014 07:32

Hi, a friend and i intend to come ovrthe south america by the end of may 2014, we are seriously interested, cus shipping and swaping seem cumbersome, so please let know if its available, you can email me on jozhuag1@rediffmail.com, thanks

gerald k. 10 Aug 2014 08:37

intrested for youre KLR
Hi Hache,

how are you and youre biks ? do you still rent your KLR´s ?
I want to come to argentina in the end of december for 5 or 6 weks.
Please write me : geraldkungel@hotmail.de

Martin Pujol 3 Nov 2014 18:49

Hi There
Do you still rent those bikes? I would be interested to rent one for the next two months or so.

ruudjuhs 17 Nov 2014 13:13


We are heading to santiago on the 27 off december and looking for a bike.

we are in south america for 3 months. And love to do a litte on a bike.

please contact me if ure intrested. ruudvanerp@gmail.com

shmoore2000 19 Jan 2015 15:28

Still renting?
Are you still renting?

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