Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Bike Swap or Rent (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bike-swap-or-rent/)
-   -   Bike swap Melbourne/London 09 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bike-swap-or-rent/bike-swap-melbourne-london-09-a-39199)

gillian 28 Nov 2008 06:19

Bike swap Melbourne/London 09
I will be in the UK from May 09 for about 5 months. Would love a bike to ride. My gorgeous R850R is here waiting for a responsible rider as a possible exchange. Gillian

welovebikes 3 Jan 2009 01:57

Hi Gillian
Hi Gillian

Lovely idea, but to many family commitments to return to Aus just yet. Can give you an option that may help and have done this with a couple of Aussies in the past. One was even from Melbourne, called Guy who had a 95 Honda Transalp 650 for his trip round Ireland and the UK. I'll send you a pic, just in case you recognise him.

I can give you all the advice you need about biking in the UK and Europe, then you can buy a bike from me at a little over trade price, ride it around and then we sell it towards the end of your trip and share the profit. If that sounds like a good plan, check out www.welovebikes.co.uk to give you a good idea of what's available and let me know what you fancy.

Hope this helps and you are welcome to visit us when you are over, as we live in a nice part of the Cotswolds, with plenty of nice walks and warm beer!

Hope this helps.



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