Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Bike Swap or Rent (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bike-swap-or-rent/)
-   -   Looking for swap/rental for Alps region (or nearby) for KLR in NW USA (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bike-swap-or-rent/looking-swap-rental-alps-region-44063)

pdx_rider 15 Jul 2009 04:30

Looking for swap/rental for Alps region (or nearby) for KLR in NW USA
Depending on finances, looking to rent or do a bike swap this October for approximately 2-3 weeks. If not in October, then next spring/summer. I've looked into motorcycle rentals online and 500-600 euros a week is just more than I can afford and am willing to pay when car rentals are 200 euros/week.

So, I figured I'd give this a shot to see if any like-minded riders are out there. I might be able to afford a sell/buy-back if the price is low, but renting from someone or swapping would be preferrable.

I'm not really too picky about the bike. Looks mean nothing to me, but reliability and some ability to carry my things via panniers or some other method is paramount since I'll be carrying my clothes and belongings.

Let me know if you have an option! I'd love to hear from anyone in the area with a ride to rent, or any advice.

Posting pictures of my 2001 KLR as of July, 14, 2009, if anyone is interested in a swap. I'm located in Portland, Oregon.




pdx_rider 28 Jul 2009 05:03

Bought one
Ended up buying a used bike in Germany, so no need anymore!


klopdx 6 Sep 2009 02:11

Love the OR sticker on the pannier
I'm a fellow KLR rider here in Portland and just saw your post/pics.

hmadams 6 Sep 2009 03:34


Originally Posted by pdx_rider (Post 251342)
Ended up buying a used bike in Germany, so no need anymore!


How did that experience turn out? I have thought of doing the same thing and keeping bike stored in Germany. Any problems buying in Germany?

pdx_rider 6 Sep 2009 05:42


Originally Posted by hmadams (Post 255946)
How did that experience turn out? I have thought of doing the same thing and keeping bike stored in Germany. Any problems buying in Germany?

Well, here is my saga

Bought used bike in Germany, what now? - ADVrider

Wasn't what I expected, but I think it will turn out ok.

pdx_rider 6 Sep 2009 05:51


Originally Posted by klopdx (Post 255941)
I'm a fellow KLR rider here in Portland and just saw your post/pics.

Greetings brother! Cool to meet another KLR rider in Portland.

Vaufi 6 Sep 2009 12:00

Don't forget to take a letter of authorisation along when travelling if the bike isn't registered on your name.

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