Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Bikes sell / want, Europe (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bikes-sell-want-europe/)
-   -   UK Citizen buying a vehicle in Austria for export (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bikes-sell-want-europe/uk-citizen-buying-vehicle-austria-104677)

dirtyone30 6 Sep 2023 11:59

UK Citizen buying a vehicle in Austria for export

Can anyone help me with the process for buying a vehicle in Austria?
The plan is to buy a vehicle, drive in Europe then home to the UK where I will register it on UK plates etc...

I presume I need export plates etc. but not sure.


Tomkat 6 Sep 2023 12:15

Why go through all the hassle of this and pay tax when you import it to the UK, when you could just buy one in UK?

dirtyone30 6 Sep 2023 12:33


Originally Posted by Tomkat (Post 638195)
Why go through all the hassle of this and pay tax when you import it to the UK, when you could just buy one in UK?

Lots of reasons, main one being I like a challenge/adventure and secondly the vehicle in question is not readily available in the UK.

AnTyx 7 Sep 2023 20:52

https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/en/the...te.061900.html < Looks fairly straightforward, up to 21 days, insurance bought on the spot.

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