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MartijnP 26 May 2005 15:53

1100GS river crossing tips?

I have seen comments on biking through rivers. But I am still puzzled. Could anyone tell me:
- The maximum water height in a 'normal riding situation'?
- Alterations that I could do to reach a higher maximum height? An when should I opt for a different route or solution?
- What I really should watch out for?

Thanks a lot!


Margus 26 May 2005 18:59

Maximum height can be till the airbox intake pipe (the black pipe above left hand cylinder). Be sure it's slightly lower than that, because while moving in deep water the wave you bring with you can be higher and water go into airbox. Crossing deeper water than intake pipe you need pipe extension - some additional plastic pipe to put on to intake pipe and direct it to higher level - i.e. fix it to the upper tank.

Don't know how the alternator parts will act and if there will be any shortcircuits, but people have done deeper than alternator level of waters with 1100/1150s.

What to watch out: make sure it's NOT THE SALTY WATER you're crossing!

Otherwise, if you do not clean the bike throughoutly with neutral water afterwards, you'll have to replace most of cabling and electricity stuff sooner or later, coz they just corrode BADLY after the contact with salt water.

Be sure you have the final drive's upper plastic cap fixed and tight - some water can enter to the FD if not.

And if not sure if the water entered the engine or not - check from the oilsight glass after riding some kilometres, if some bigger amount of water got inside, then the engine oil should have a colour like a typical coffee with milk you drink! http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif Then you need to replace the oil and oilfilter.

Have fun, Margus

[This message has been edited by Margus (edited 26 May 2005).]

LuckyStriker 26 May 2005 20:26

Bugger! I typed up this long post while Margus posted a shorter one that basically mentioned everything that I wanted to say! http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/frown.gif Anyway – I didn’t spend half and hour typing for nothing – here is my advice:

I love crossing water! I own a 1200GS but I believe my strategy will be the same for your bike. I’m not sure exactly what info you want so I will tell you everything I know. (This is a long post, sorry)

- The maximum water height in a 'normal riding situation?

What’s normal? The air intake is usually just above the Cylinder heads. Don’t let water splash over the heads – it’s the wisest precaution.
That said… different speeds have different effects on the water. At certain speeds the water forms a v-shaped wave that allow me to traverse very deep rivers.
Sometimes the wave actually causes the water to wall up and I have to stop before it runs into the intake.

- Alterations that I could do to reach a higher maximum height? And when should I opt for a different route or solution?

You could always build a snorkel. A pipe that seals over the air intake can be run handlebar height. This works very well when crossing deep water but it’s a temporary solution. Don’t leave the snorkel on because it tends to hamper the flow of air.
Always look for a way NOT to cross through a river. If there isn’t one always walk through first (you are going to get wet anyway). Find the shallowest point to cross. Don’t be a cowboy – It might feel really good to throw caution to the wind and blast through a deep river but believe me, a ruined engine will make a grown man cry.
Solution? Once you are satisfied that your bike can make it, set off at the appropriate speed with your finger on the kill switch. It you fall you must stop the engine immediately before water gets inside.
If you fall you must unfortunately push the bike out. Stick your dry fingers into the airbox and feel for water. If there is (or you think there is) you must remove both sparkplugs and press the starter. If water shoots out the side you have more work to do… If not, ride away happy but stop every now and again to check that your oil does not turn milky white.
If you found water inside you must get a lift to a workshop op try the following:
Drain oil within 24hours (water will cause inside of engine to rust). Spray a few drops of oil into chamber through spark plug hole. Pour in cheap oil and press the starter button (no sparkplugs). Drain oil. Repeat several times until oil runs clear. Pour in good oil and insert sparkplugs. Start engine (this may take a while – don’t loose hope and don’t break the starter motor!) Engine will stutter to life with great billowing smoke. Congratulations! Don’t worry about the smoke… its just residual oil and moisture in the exhaust, it will go away. Ride to the nearest workshop and get a new air filter and oil filter. Have your dealer examine your bike if you are in the Netherlands or hope for the best if you are in the outer darkness.

- What I really should watch out for?

Crocodiles, Piranhas, Anacondas, Sharks!
When I walk through the water I start at the bike’s front wheel and walk in a straight line to my planned exit point. I shuffle my feet to feel where the rocks are and if there are any submerged ridges or holes that could through me off. I like to ride through rivers standing up (fast) because I hate getting my bottom wet but sometimes when the water seems tricky I sit down (slow) and use my feet to keep me upright. Practise in ponds or rainwater pools near your home (avoid swimming pools) until you are confident.

Don’t worry too much about the exhaust pipe being under water. If you keep the revs up the pressure will keep the water out, besides, if you travel at a good speed the wake will be below the exhaust.

Don’t be lazy and ignore the walking-through-the-water-first bit. I was lazy once when a saw a tiny little stream that I had to cross. I went in and the front wheel disappeared into a hole. I fell fast and nearly drowned in knee-deep water. My GS greedily sucked up water and broke down. It took me the whole day to find help and lots of money to get it working again. All because I decided not to do a little walk in the water!

Hope this helped Martijn – sorry again for the long post http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

P.S. There is also an issue with waterproofing the speedo cable seal that goes into the gearbox as well as the final drive seals that keeps the shaft oil in. Long periods in cold water can apparently cause these seals to leak but I know very little about those issues.

MartijnP 28 May 2005 18:43

Wow, thanks guys. This is a lot of useful info. I will do the snorkel thing and if I will run into trouble, I will cut the engine off and detect any damages and/or water intake. Really helpful http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif


Chris Scott 29 May 2005 23:58

Not an answer, which was been well covered - but an invitation to watch some vid action including big GSs getting splashy:

(In the end we decided to turn back with the 1150 - it wasn't that deep but was not worth the risk - the guy had a long way to go!)

Chris S

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