Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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travelHK 8 Feb 2010 17:30

1150 GS ADV Snorkle
Any of you guys thought about making a snorkle for the air box, its right upfront and I will be riding a lot in Africa so I was wondering if this will help to prevent the sand to enter into the box, as far as water I was not too worry since I will hopefully not cross deep river two up loaded for my next RTW.

Vaufi 9 Feb 2010 11:45

Since the 1150 only has one entry to the airfilter this is quite easy. Take a piece of garden hose whith a circumference similar to the snorkel of the airbox, wrap some insulation around (we used a simple plastic bag). When not in use just remove it.

See the pics:



travelHK 9 Feb 2010 15:41

1150 Gs Adv
I agree its very to do one , how is the bike working with this set up

Vaufi 10 Feb 2010 09:40

Since the tube was sort of the same size as the air-intake and we only fitted it when going through rivers when you don't go fast anyway, there was no difference to the normal performance. fter crossing the puddles we removed the outfit.

Those pics are from the Gibb River road by the way. There and the track to the Bungle Bungles offer nice river fords, although in August/Sept. the water wasn't really deep anywhere. Even the Pentecost river didn't really require the snorkel :cool4:

rider1150gsadv 21 Feb 2010 21:26

Don't forget about the FD breather tube. I made an extension from automotive vaccuum tubing and bring it up underneath the seat.
I have used vaccuum hose tubing for the airintake and it works well.

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