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Threewheelbonnie 17 Sep 2010 17:12


Originally Posted by Warthog (Post 305746)
Good grief...

The "BMW Marketing is evil" theme... again. :yawn:
So why is BMW marketing "evil-extra" and all the others only "evil-light", or even just "mildly mischievous"?

Perhaps someone, anyone, can point out to me a marketing campaign, ethos, whatever, from any brand, or any product market, that doesn't have utter B-S at its roots? They all peddle the same idea: our product will make you something you are not.

I've never found one that doesn't...

Evil is the wrong word, I'd go for unsubtle and overwhelming but oddly sucessful. Marketing is saying "You meet the nicest people on a Honda", "Dare to be different with a Ural", "Live the Dream" etc. "The Ultimate Riding Machine" is a lie otherwise their last TT win wouldn't have been in 1939, their dealers wouldn't have the catch phrase "they all do that SSssssir" and so on. I get brands that have history, I get brands that deliver, I get how a certain brand has a certain attatchment in a certain country but I don't get how this brand is seen as premium.

Would Walmart be a premium brand if I simply agreed to pay twenty quid a tin for beans? No. Is Bentley a premium brand because they were winning at Le Mans when fighter aircraft were slower than cars and the Queen has owned a few? Is Ferrari premium because they've won a lot of F1 titles over 50 years and they only make a few hundred of each model? Yes. Is a mass produced, averagly well constructed car or bike from a company that goes bust every 25 years premium? I'd say it's overpriced, other say overpriced = premium.

I'm on BMW number 5, would never buy one that hadn't done 20000 miles and laugh at their adverts. I'd buy the bike without the badges. Marketing 101 fail.

That said, can BMW sell rather than give away hats with their logo, yes.


Warthog 17 Sep 2010 17:42


Originally Posted by Threewheelbonnie (Post 305793)
Evil is the wrong word, I'd go for unsubtle and overwhelming but oddly sucessful. Marketing is saying "You meet the nicest people on a Honda", "Dare to be different with a Ural", "Live the Dream" etc.

As far as Ural is concerned I think "Dare" would be enough.

My comments weren't aimed at you, personally. You just happened to be the last to have mentioned the "M" word.

But my point remains.
You give examples and explanations of how marketing works and what it's for. I am aware of all this, if not the minutiae of how the effect is acheived. However, based on your post I think we agree that, by and large, marketing (whatever the origin) is all poo-poo when compared to the end product. BMW, Ural, Honda, all of them.

So why do we even bring it up in that most "hallowed" BMW debate if the criticisms of BMW's marketing are not specific to BMW's marketing?

Dodger 18 Sep 2010 20:18

BMW advertising stinks !

TurboCharger 26 Nov 2010 15:50


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 303347)
Can we please drop all this childish behaviour now !!


And while you're at it how about moving this thread from BMW Tech to Bitching Women, OOOPS doh I mean 'Which Bike' :rofl:

francismaxey 26 Nov 2010 18:53

GSA the perfect bike
I've just got back from 9 weeks riding to Ciaro and back on a GSA1200.

The bike was perfect. It coped with with everything. I didn't feel uncomfortable with dropping it. It handeld missing roads and was mechanically sound.

It's easy to ride, I'm a shorty, your bum hardens up and I'll ride it round the world.


Threewheelbonnie 26 Nov 2010 19:23

Perfect depends on the riders preference
In the last 12 months I've put 15000 Km on a 15 year old MZ that I bought on E-bay for £520. It's had nothing (not even put air in the tyres or adjusted the chain) except petrol and oil (due a new back tyre and an G/Box oil change when I can be bothered, I might even clean the spark plug). Goes anywhere, does anything, can be picked up one handed. :thumbup1:

Just saying :rofl:


electric_monk 26 Nov 2010 22:50


Originally Posted by Threewheelbonnie (Post 313961)
It's had nothing (not even put air in the tyres or adjusted the chain)

You lazy, lazy man....:biggrin::biggrin:

T.REX63 27 Nov 2010 21:52


Originally Posted by francismaxey (Post 313959)
I've just got back from 9 weeks riding to Ciaro and back on a GSA1200.

The bike was perfect. It coped with with everything. I didn't feel uncomfortable with dropping it. It handeld missing roads and was mechanically sound.

It's easy to ride, I'm a shorty, your bum hardens up and I'll ride it round the world.



MichaelBell 11 Apr 2012 21:05

GS?? No thanks, I don't like to follow the crowd..

motoreiter 12 Apr 2012 09:48


Originally Posted by MichaelBell (Post 374969)
GS?? No thanks, I don't like to follow the crowd..

Thanks for reviving such an old thread to point that out. There are probably much more recent BMW-bashing threads that you could have "contributed" to...

Sleepy 12 Apr 2012 22:09


Originally Posted by motoreiter (Post 375049)
Thanks for reviving such an old thread to point that out. There are probably much more recent BMW-bashing threads that you could have "contributed" to...

Ignore.... just another Gorm.

Threewheelbonnie 13 Apr 2012 07:05


Originally Posted by motoreiter (Post 375049)
Thanks for reviving such an old thread to point that out. There are probably much more recent BMW-bashing threads that you could have "contributed" to...

Really? I was getting the impression the R12 was in that steady production state at the momement where the early niggles are close to sorted? You know the one, it's usually just before they switch to the next version. :oops2::rofl:

The MZ BTW is now over 40000 km but has finally developed an electrical problem. Should have kept riding it over the winter rather than using the outfit :(


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