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Endurodude 3 Mar 2012 20:49

800GS - new suspension
I've a F800GS, and want to upgrade my suspension front and rear. I need some advice, as I'm not sure what's what. :helpsmilie:

I'm after some progressive suspension, and have been looking at Hyperpro. I want something that might handle off road a little better than the stock (as I travel further a field, I don't want to worry about whether the bike will cope - I just want to explore!), and something that will react better on road as well, although this is of secondary concern. I like the fact that I can adjust my current set up (rear) when adding extra weight (panniers), and I'd like to still have this flexibility.

I'm not looking to spend a fortune (I want to keep things sensible), but want something that's good.

I've read other posts that mention particular brands as being good, but need some help finding what, within a particular brand, would be a good choice. If you're kind enough to respond, please be specific! I'd really appreciate it.

I'm unsure as to where to even start to look, so I need some help!

colebatch 4 Mar 2012 11:13

To be honest, the forks are crap. I know Hyperpro is looking at making different cartridges to fit the forks and make the front end handle a lot better at a relatively low cost. That will be a lot cheaper than a full high performance option of a fork transplant.

The rear end is easier, you have Hyperpro, WP, Ohlins, Wilburs making good quality, high performance rear shocks. Of those 4, Ohlins will be lighter than the others, but more likely to have issues relating to durability as a result (they are built for racing not adventure). If you want cheaper shocks, sacrificing quality, durability and handling, Hagon and YSS are options.

As far as the fork cartridges go, I know that Hyperpro is looking at making them. You might want to give them an email as the more people that are interested in them, the more likely they are to make them, and the sooner they are likely to make them. bas (attt) hyperpro (dott) com.

There are not really models of shocks ... each shock from the top end companies is a fully adjustable schock ... they custom build them to your weight, riding style, ride height, luggage weight etc. Its not really an off the shelf product with different models


Originally Posted by Endurodude (Post 369876)
I've a F800GS, and want to upgrade my suspension front and rear. I need some advice, as I'm not sure what's what. :helpsmilie:

I'm after some progressive suspension, and have been looking at Hyperpro. I want something that might handle off road a little better than the stock (as I travel further a field, I don't want to worry about whether the bike will cope - I just want to explore!), and something that will react better on road as well, although this is of secondary concern. I like the fact that I can adjust my current set up (rear) when adding extra weight (panniers), and I'd like to still have this flexibility.

I'm not looking to spend a fortune (I want to keep things sensible), but want something that's good.

I've read other posts that mention particular brands as being good, but need some help finding what, within a particular brand, would be a good choice. If you're kind enough to respond, please be specific! I'd really appreciate it.

I'm unsure as to where to even start to look, so I need some help!

skamikazee 12 Mar 2012 13:09

I installed Bitubo fork cartridges preset to my weight and riding style, and they make a huge diference.
I can't adjust bound and rebound, but can adjust the pre-tension on them, witch is enough to make a deterrence according do the terrain i'm riding (Mountain road, degraded tarmac, dirt road, soft sand) just a couple of turns with a wrench i'm off.
The best money i spent on this bike.

They're pretty cheap compared to the Ohlins

casperghst42 16 Mar 2012 10:08

I talked to Hyperpro at the Motorburs in Utrecht end of Feb. and they are as far as I know not interested in making anything but the progressive springs, and the rear units/springs.

I got my springs replaced yesterday, and even though I've not had a go at it yet, the front feels more planted. And it does not dive massively when breaking.



Originally Posted by colebatch (Post 369913)
To be honest, the forks are crap. I know Hyperpro is looking at making different cartridges to fit the forks and make the front end handle a lot better at a relatively low cost. That will be a lot cheaper than a full high performance option of a fork transplant.

The rear end is easier, you have Hyperpro, WP, Ohlins, Wilburs making good quality, high performance rear shocks. Of those 4, Ohlins will be lighter than the others, but more likely to have issues relating to durability as a result (they are built for racing not adventure). If you want cheaper shocks, sacrificing quality, durability and handling, Hagon and YSS are options.

As far as the fork cartridges go, I know that Hyperpro is looking at making them. You might want to give them an email as the more people that are interested in them, the more likely they are to make them, and the sooner they are likely to make them. bas (attt) hyperpro (dott) com.

There are not really models of shocks ... each shock from the top end companies is a fully adjustable schock ... they custom build them to your weight, riding style, ride height, luggage weight etc. Its not really an off the shelf product with different models

Maddin 17 Mar 2012 23:17


some people are placing a better Shiver45 into the 800GS F800GS - RXV Shiver'ed Fork Conversion - ADVrider

Its not a simple conversion, but what I read not that complicated.


jackass dave 21 Mar 2012 00:06

not quite on the same subject (ish ) ,but i had a hagon shock (brand new ) ,on the pan european ,worst thing ive ever ridden with ,thank god i sold it ,with that shock on

colebatch 23 Mar 2012 22:36


Originally Posted by Maddin (Post 371769)

some people are placing a better Shiver45 into the 800GS F800GS - RXV Shiver'ed Fork Conversion - ADVrider

Its not a simple conversion, but what I read not that complicated.


Certainly a transplant from another Marzocchi 45mm shiver'd bike is the easiest ... as you can keep your front wheel, axle clamps, triple clamps etc. For better results try and go for 48mm WPs ... even getting a whole front end (wheel included) from a KTM 640 Adv, 950 or 990 Adv.


Originally Posted by jackass dave (Post 372162)
not quite on the same subject (ish ) ,but i had a hagon shock (brand new ) ,on the pan european ,worst thing ive ever ridden with ,thank god i sold it ,with that shock on

Agree. Personally wouldnt touch them with a barge pole. But in the past some people have got shirty with me for only listing quality components, so in this case I added in some cheap options as well. Personally I would take the Hyperpro. Its the most durable high performance shock out there, and I dont just say that because I know the guys in the company very well. They, in my opinion, build the most suitable shocks for adventure riding.


Originally Posted by casperghst42 (Post 371580)
I talked to Hyperpro at the Motorburs in Utrecht end of Feb. and they are as far as I know not interested in making anything but the progressive springs, and the rear units/springs.

I dont know who you spoke to at the bike show, but I am in regular contact with the guys who run the company ... so I know what they are thinking about in terms of new products. I get asked for feedback on ideas for products. So my info is probably different to what they tell people at bike shows. But as I said above, if you are interested, you should contact them. Because when they are thinking about a new product and many people contact them about it, then it will probably push them over the line and encourage them to develop such a product.

casperghst42 23 Mar 2012 22:52


Originally Posted by colebatch (Post 372585)
I dont know who you spoke to at the bike show, but I am in regular contact with the guys who run the company ... so I know what they are thinking about in terms of new products. I get asked for feedback on ideas for products. So my info is probably different to what they tell people at bike shows. But as I said above, if you are interested, you should contact them. Because when they are thinking about a new product and many people contact them about it, then it will probably push them over the line and encourage them to develop such a product.

I talked to John, and spend 2 hours with Paul the other week (new springs on my f8gs...), when I talked to John at Motorburs the explanation was that they do not want to produce a product which is so limited (front legs all come in different sizes), so that they can't make a general product. If that was a "go away don't want to talk to you", or to keep it a secret - I don't know, but that was what I was told. And while Paul was working on my bike we talked about all these things, and nothing came up.

I would be interested if they would produce either all new front legs, or just inner parts, but until they bring it to market it very difficult to say what it will be - you might have better information.

Until then there are the Ohlin, Bitubo, or something else and made it work...


colebatch 24 Mar 2012 05:41


Originally Posted by casperghst42 (Post 372589)
I talked to John, and spend 2 hours with Paul the other week (new springs on my f8gs...), when I talked to John at Motorburs the explanation was that they do not want to produce a product which is so limited (front legs all come in different sizes), so that they can't make a general product. If that was a "go away don't want to talk to you", or to keep it a secret - I don't know, but that was what I was told. And while Paul was working on my bike we talked about all these things, and nothing came up.

I would be interested if they would produce either all new front legs, or just inner parts, but until they bring it to market it very difficult to say what it will be - you might have better information.

Until then there are the Ohlin, Bitubo, or something else and made it work...


Well the guys I talk to regularly are Bas who runs the Alphen service centre (biggest service / sales centre globally) and Pieter who owns the company and runs the R&D in Werkendam. Their logic is quite different. Because many BMW bikes run 45mm Marzocchi fork derivatives, and yet have very low quality forks, developing inserts is easy and a solution that can fit many bikes at the same time. You can have very slightly different valving but the same machining and make it fit the F800, F650, HP2, X-challenge, X-Country, X moto etc. They all run 45mm Marzocchi forks, and they are all crap. They all need a single simple valving solution to make them work properly. Those forks are not different sizes, they are all the same size. I can list 20 other bikes out there that run the 45mm Marzocchi manufactured forks if you like, They are the same size as well. So not sure what you mean when you say the guys told you the forks are all individual sizes ?

The downside with any inserts is that they are limited by the forks themselves. In the case of the BMW marzocchis, a limiting factor is that usually one fork does rebound damping and one fork does compression damping. An insert cannot change that, and you will never be able to get full compression and rebound damping in both forks, so it will never be as good as full fork transplant, but will be a lot cheaper.

But the reality is there are many projects Hyperpro are working on, and unless there is pressure from consumers, projects can and do slip onto the backburner. So again I say, if you have an interest, contact them so they know there is pressing demand. Otherwise the product may very well not be developed.

casperghst42 28 Mar 2012 15:25


Originally Posted by colebatch (Post 372597)
Well the guys I talk to regularly are Bas who runs the Alphen service centre (biggest service / sales centre globally) and Pieter who owns the company and runs the R&D in Werkendam. Their logic is quite different. Because many BMW bikes run 45mm Marzocchi fork derivatives, and yet have very low quality forks, developing inserts is easy and a solution that can fit many bikes at the same time. You can have very slightly different valving but the same machining and make it fit the F800, F650, HP2, X-challenge, X-Country, X moto etc. They all run 45mm Marzocchi forks, and they are all crap. They all need a single simple valving solution to make them work properly. Those forks are not different sizes, they are all the same size. I can list 20 other bikes out there that run the 45mm Marzocchi manufactured forks if you like, They are the same size as well. So not sure what you mean when you say the guys told you the forks are all individual sizes ?

The downside with any inserts is that they are limited by the forks themselves. In the case of the BMW marzocchis, a limiting factor is that usually one fork does rebound damping and one fork does compression damping. An insert cannot change that, and you will never be able to get full compression and rebound damping in both forks, so it will never be as good as full fork transplant, but will be a lot cheaper.

But the reality is there are many projects Hyperpro are working on, and unless there is pressure from consumers, projects can and do slip onto the backburner. So again I say, if you have an interest, contact them so they know there is pressing demand. Otherwise the product may very well not be developed.

I was in Werkendam, but good to know that they are "secretly" looking at producing something which will make the F8GS better...

I might contact them later this year.



Endurodude 8 Sep 2012 19:50

I've just been re reading this thread, as I'm financially in a position to get this done now!

I'm definitely going for the fully adjustable rear from Hyperpro, but I'm still unsure whether whether to just go for the replacement Hperpro front fork springs OR to spend a little more and go for a full replacement? Does anyone know whether Hperpro's 'work' on aftermarket fork products has got anywhere? Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I'm not looking to hoon around off road, I just don't want to be limited in my exploring!

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