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mjod 18 Jul 2013 22:55

800gs Rattle front brake disks
I have a 2010 model with 100,000 Ks
I am mid way through my 2nd set of brake pads and there is minimal wear on the disks.
But the floating disks are so loose that they now have 3-4mm play. And are starting to cut a slot on the pin which holds the brake pads in position
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this maybe larger rivets or weld the disks in place. I am traveling in South America at the moment so replacing them is not an option.
Any suggestions ????

Warin 19 Jul 2013 02:17


Originally Posted by mjod (Post 429801)
But the floating disks are so loose that they now have 3-4mm play. And are starting to cut a slot on the pin which holds the brake pads in position

I think you meant "on the pin which holds the brake disk in position" ? And I'm taking it that way below.

The buttons (pins) are replaceable. And are rated as 'consumable'. They sit between the disk and the carrier, have one wave (spring) washer and an E clip. Get some replacements, they usually come with wave washers and E clip replacements too. Have them posted out to you at some place you'll be. You will want to replace them. They don't cost much. This is the way it is on my K model.

Until you can get some replacements, rotate them around a bit so the ware is evened out over the surface, hold them at that rotation with some silastic (RTV732 or any silastic product). You might even reduce the ware by putting some silastic in the joint area - rotate it so it is held as if the brake was applied. Why silastic? Because it is a good glue that will withstand the temperatures of the disk.

You could simply bolt them in place ... the disks are made to float so that when they heat up they don't distort, should not be a problem unless you are very aggressive with the brakes, overloaded down hill.. etc. You may need washers and spacers made up to do the job. R80G/S disks were riveted in place.If you go this way, do keep checking the nuts & bolts for tightness.

*Touring Ted* 19 Jul 2013 08:13

DO NOT weld them...

There will be too much heat distortion and your disc will be all over the place...

If you can replace the pins, do that !!

If not, find somewhere nice to hold up and get some new discs shipped in.

100,000km on a pair of discs is very good going..

tonylester 20 Jul 2013 00:02


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 429832)
find somewhere nice to hold up and get some new discs shipped in.

This is probably your only option. The float rings are pressed onto the disc and carrier and getting hold of the float rings will be much harder to get then new discs themselves, especially oversized ones. You will need a new brake pad pin aswell as your pad could get stuck on the groove and rub on the disc

outdooredjim 22 Jul 2013 01:46

I think some bmw's had issue on this, are not later ones just wide flange bolts that hold them in place :)

outdooredjim 22 Jul 2013 01:48


Originally Posted by mjod (Post 429801)
I have a 2010 model with 100,000 Ks
I am mid way through my 2nd set of brake pads and there is minimal wear on the disks.
But the floating disks are so loose that they now have 3-4mm play. And are starting to cut a slot on the pin which holds the brake pads in position
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this maybe larger rivets or weld the disks in place. I am traveling in South America at the moment so replacing them is not an option.
Any suggestions ????

ps, can I ask, what is your view on the bike overall ? all the best jim

*Touring Ted* 22 Jul 2013 10:09


Originally Posted by outdooredjim (Post 430100)
ps, can I ask, what is your view on the bike overall ? all the best jim

I'll get some pop corn for this one......lol

If I was to put it in one sentence...

"The most expensive 'built to a budget' adventure bike on the market"

mjod 17 Aug 2013 04:29

800gs rattle front brake disks
Hola All
Thanks for all your replies and advice.
So here is what has happened 2 weeks ago in Cali Colombia I was having some maintenance done on my brakes and the mechanic came up with the idea of re flattening the rivets ie re pressing them flat [layman's terms]. So that has taken all the rattle and movement out of the disks and now 2k later they are still dead tight. So hopefully that will get me home to Oz got about 4 months and 20k to go.
Warren I like the Idea of some silastic to take up the space between the disks rivets and carrier because in time it will get loose again is silicone the same product.
To jim and Ted I wont bore you to much I will just say that over all I am very happy with the bike, with Camping gear etc I am carrying about 50k and it doesn't matter whether I am on Highway or a rough muddy or sandy dirt road or track.Which is where I like to be, Sea leval or 5.5k meters this bike does it all with ease, and there is no other bike I would swap it for, in any condition its a pleasure to ride and !00k later It feels as good as the day I rode it out the shop door.
Hasta Luego

*Touring Ted* 17 Aug 2013 07:06


Originally Posted by mjod (Post 433047)
. So that has taken all the rattle and movement out of the disks and now 2k later they are still dead tight.

To jim and Ted I wont bore you to much I will just say that over all I am very happy with the bike

And that's the most important thing...

Enjoy your trip and ride safe bier

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