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MoroCycler 2 Nov 2004 16:44

I will like to know from all those who have had experience with panniers on a GS650 and top cases. Which are the best?


malmoerik 2 Nov 2004 19:43

I had the Touratech ones of aluminium. www.touratech.com. They're good because if you don't have a center stand you can use the box! And if you crash they are supposed to come off without too much damage, haven't tried that though.


Originally posted by hmoro:
I will like to know from all those who have had experience with panniers on a GS650 and top cases. Which are the best?


richardb 3 Nov 2004 19:25

i had touratech boxes, and crashed but they didn't come off - they did however protect the bike from damage. the 41 litre ones do make the bike very wide though.

Also used BMW top case, which I was reasonably pleased with but in the future would go with a waterproof bag

hope this helps


Mr. Ron 4 Nov 2004 06:19

Hello. I also use a water-proof bag, although my current one is quite beat after only one month on the road. I prefer to keep clothing and personals in the bag for staying at hotels, and leave all the other gear locked into the panniers on the bike. As far as the bag goes, i'll design a new one this winter and have a local guy i deal with build me a new one of water-proof cordura. My rubber one had to be patched many times.
Good luck!

liketoride2 4 Nov 2004 19:25

I have Touratech panniers on a 650 GS and Happy Trails on a KLR 650. Both are excellent but I prefer the Happy Trails because they seem a bit stronger, with thicker aluminum and stronger appearing welds. Also, I prefer the method Happy Trails uses to mount the panniers to the side racks. www.happy-trail.com

Hope this helps.


llanelli 7 Nov 2004 02:43

I have a Dakar and my girlfriend has a 650GS. I have Touratech panniers and have been very happy with them. My girlfriend has Yukon II 'semi-soft' panniers. They have been excellent, she has dropped the bike many times and they are still in excellent condition. They are only 27L but you always take too much anyway. They stood up really well in the wet too. They are much cheaper than Touratech too. They do a great bag for the back seat as well!!!

Andrew and Wendy

[This message has been edited by llanelli (edited 06 November 2004).]

pif 9 Nov 2004 05:11

The other day, I was riding about 60mph and lost one bag (touratech) on pavement. Turn around, just a scrap on the bag.... Otherwise, they "enjoyed" a couple crash, with a fully loaded gs, didn't phase them......

RudiD 9 Nov 2004 22:04

Just a quick plug for the Jesse panniers. I bought a pair over two years ago and have been very happy. They are water tight, very sturdy and also like a knock or two. Gives them character.
The only thing I (and so many other people) find at fault are the locks and closing mechanism. Oh, and the cost. But they appear unbreakable, watertight, light(ish) and have an excellent mounting system IMHO for the 650GS...

mcdarbyfeast 10 Nov 2004 00:49

I can only agree with everyone else regarding the Touratech panniers. I've had them on a few bikes and found them to be a good compromise between weight and strength. Having looked at the competition, some of which seem too heavily over-engineered, (weight, hinged lid's etc) I would go with the Touratech panniers again.

mcdarbyfeast 10 Nov 2004 00:56

To add to the above. If there is a week point, it would be the pannier frames. I've heard of a few frames cracking under severe conditions although, having dropped our fully loaded R100GS on them more than a couple of times, I've never had a problem.

Dex 5 Nov 2005 19:11

On the question of frames...

Im planning to make my own alliminium panniers, coping a friends homemade ones for his XT600 which "did Africa" & a crash - no problem.

Does any one have any info or better still plans for making a pannier frame for a 2005 Dakar??



Grant Johnson 6 Nov 2005 05:00

See http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tri...e/panniers.php for some ideas

ozhanu 6 Nov 2005 19:42

Hi, I am also planning to make my own panniers. However I am not sure about the thinkness of the aluminium. Original touratechs are 1.5mm aluminium, and there are some other panniers which are 2mm. if I use 2mm alu. the boxes might be heavier, but, if I use 1.5mm they might not be strong. I am not gonna do off-road, will stick to tarmac. still not sure. any advice??

btw, the bike is '97 F650st and place intent to go is middle east. i'll use standart 18mm touratech racks.

thanks in advance

ride safely
ozhan u.
'97 F650

Smellybiker 8 Nov 2005 05:29

The Touratech panniers a'int that good. The aluminium is'nt strong/thick enough and get vibration cracks around the mounting points.

The mounting system sucks, destroyed after a minor spill.

The Touratech racks ARE good. Quality steel, quality welding and they're really tough.

Last seen in S.America, missing presumed fed.

pierresas 8 Nov 2005 08:57

¡Olà Humberto!

I just posted a review of Touratech panniers versus Jesse Luggage on a more general thread:

Pierre - http://www.photobiker.com

[This message has been edited by pierresas (edited 08 November 2005).]

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