Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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sigoodacre 17 Oct 2004 05:19

BMW Basic mechanics
I am hoping to head down to S.America from Canada about July next year.
All i have the confidence for at the moment is to change the plugs, oils and brake pads on my 1100 GS.Are there any courses out there i can do to gain a bit more knowledge on this Bike ? Nothing too deep,just diagnosing and improvising with the basics.
Willing to pay any mechanics who could give me some input.I live in S.East England.

Many Thanks !

Margus 17 Oct 2004 14:37

Nothing hard to learn on basic maitenence side!

There's a lot of information in the internet and some books and manuals available too - easily can learn it to do it your own.

Good place to start:


sigoodacre 17 Oct 2004 17:40

Thanks for the website info Margus.Had a quick look.Found a few tips !


rickx 4 Oct 2005 20:25

I took a Haynes manual with me on my trip..

maria41 4 Oct 2005 20:36

Merton College near Wimbledon(website:www.merton.ac.uk)is the perfect place. I started a Motorcycle Mechanics evening course 2 weeks ago. They have a big range of evening classes on Motorcycle mechanics, electrics etc... The course I am doing is very good and I certainly recommend it. We've been working on small bikes (125 suzuki) but we also have been looking at a BMW engine and clutch so far.....

[This message has been edited by maria41 (edited 04 October 2005).]

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