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usl 22 Jan 2007 22:45

BMW parts-from Internet
Hi ;

Does anyone know any internet adress where i can purchase 1150 GS parts? Worldwide shipping ability prefered.. :)


ozhanu 22 Jan 2007 22:57

try these:

good luck

crisbie 23 Jan 2007 00:01

These guys are good, quick delivery from UK to Aus


Tony P 23 Jan 2007 00:21

Might sound too simple but try Ebay !
Especially the German site - things seem to go for less money there than in UK.

Smellybiker 23 Jan 2007 00:27


Originally Posted by crisbie
These guys are good, quick delivery from UK to Aus


Not so sure of that. I've used them twice and both times they sent parts for the wrong bike, despite having the model & VIN number.

They were very quick to offer a refund or replacement parts if I returned the shipment, but thats not really the point.

Stephano 23 Jan 2007 07:29


Originally Posted by usl
Does anyone know any internet adress where i can purchase 1150 GS parts? Worldwide shipping ability prefered?

"wide range of new parts and have broken thousands of BMWs giving access to a huge stock of used parts" & "ship parts nationally and worldwide through efficient despatch department"

"competitive pricing" & "customers worldwide"

I've been up to Motorworks myself and found them very friendly and helpful.

Gecko 23 Jan 2007 07:37

Take a look at WWW.SIEBENROCK.DE they do new and reconditioned parts. What parts are you looking for ? Maybe someone can help you through the Hubb or take a look at the for sale and wanted section over on WWW.UKGSER.COM (Uk GS forum) They have lots of stuff for sale. Contact "Steptoe" over there and he is ofetn selling parts. He's based in London. I get my brake pads and airfilters through him and he is a GS rider himself.

Vaufi 23 Jan 2007 09:02

Somewhat further away, but excellent service and fair prices:
in Perth/Oz.

oldbmw 23 Jan 2007 22:03

re - motobins
I have used them a few times.. everything has been correct, also they were prompt in answering emails when i had technical questions ( info was correct also ). To my mind anybody can screw up. it is how they handle the screwups that count.

Frank Warner 25 Jan 2007 00:06


Originally Posted by Happy Hacker
Not so sure of that. I've used them twice and both times they sent parts for the wrong bike, despite having the model & VIN number.

They were very quick to offer a refund or replacement parts if I returned the shipment, but thats not really the point.

I've used motobins many times over the years. I've had defective parts twice .. both times they replaced them without question .. and they did not want teh parts back.. So I supose it depends on if you are a 'good' customer then they'll take your word ?

As for geting the wrong parts - well I always look up the part on their web site and use their part number .. it does have adescription .. and sometimes a photo so you can confirm it is what you want. I think the key is not letting them do the looking for you ... I prefer to look myself anyway even when at a brick and motor store I like to see the parts diagram and numbers so I can chack .. "that would be the right side one , I want the left"

SQD8R 26 Jan 2007 12:42

Beemer Boneyard has an online catalog for used parts.


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