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IanJ 10 Dec 2007 02:58

Bosch Starter Motor Runs On
Greetings All

We are on the road at the moment and the Bosch starter motor in my 93 R100GSPD has started to run on when starting in the morning (i.e bike is cold)

I fitted my PD with a secondhand Bosch starter motor back in Australia. I had the starter refurbished at an auto electrician at that time. I´ve notice over the last couple of weeks that when I start the bike in the morning the starter seems to run on or similar for a second or two and it may be getting slighly worse. I´m not sure yet if the noise is caused by the starter continuing to try and drive the flywheel or if the flywheel is driving the starter gears? Which of these conditions is more likely?

Does anyone have any suggestions for diagnosing and fixing this problem before I start taking things apart?

I haven´t taken a starter apart before so my check list is as follows Does this sound reasonable to you

1) Yellow starter relay under the seat - I do have a spare one of these so I can swap it over to see if this is sticking.

2) Internal starter solenoid - This involves taking the starter apart I´m not sure what this involves. I can also connect 12v directly to the starter motor soleniod to see if this is releasing correctly

3) Starter Gears and release mechanism - again taking the starter apart and checking the gears and lube, Any tips or traps for players?

Does anyone know where I can find an exploded diagram and details of these starters. I have a bike wiring diagram and some pdfs of the maint manual but not details of the bosch starter.

Thanks for your help


Ian J

beddhist 10 Dec 2007 06:16

I think this is unlikely to be an electrical problem, but rather the mechanisms sticking, that moves the gear forth and back. I suggest you go and see an auto electrician.

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