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hunternielson 14 May 2003 17:32

Dakar Lights: Lows and Highs Together
Hey all,

I read somewhere that aftermarket headlights allow you to have the Low beams on while on high beam, filling in that dark gap from your front wheel to 10 m out.

Q: Any clever electrician types figured a way to rewire the stock Dakar wires to do the same? I could use as much light as possible out here.

AliBaba 14 May 2003 18:30

The easiest way is to mount a diode (Rated 5 A or more) directly to the connector to the bulb:

White -> Diode +
Yellow -> Diode -

The low Beam will loose approx 10% but will stay on when high beam is on. When you drive on lo beam everything is normal.
I would advise to insert a relay and use a powercable directly from the battery, this will also improve your high beam (and lo beam when high is on).

I'm not sure if the bulb will be overheated....

hunternielson 28 May 2003 21:57


Last night while riding, I switched from low to high, and realized that there was a moment there where the two bulbs stay lit together. I reproduced it by fiddling with the switch while I rode. Do you think it would be easier to get inside the switch on the handlebar and fix it there?

And yeah, I'm wondering if the bulbs would burn eachother out too.

Thanks for the help,

Grant Johnson 29 May 2003 02:12


you're adding a lot of heat that the system wasn't designed for by running the two together. You could burn out the bulb prematurely, or melt the housing, cook the wiring...

Some bikes may be ok, some not - only one way to find out - you volunteering to try it? http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

hunternielson 29 May 2003 12:44

Let's see...I'm a new rider, living in Zambia where there's absolutely zero mechanical support and every part has to be ordered from RSA...I'm in no position to play the guinea pig! Guess I'll make due with the light I have, or I could drive with the high beams on permanently... everyone else here does!

Thanks for the comments.

Grant Johnson 29 May 2003 12:53


that was kinda my point... http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

figured you'd see it that way - wisely!

Add a separate high beam light /driving light - but use a relay to power it, not direct off the current high beam wire, it will fry.

You mean they actually USE their lights - wow, in some places I've been in that area they're trying to save the battery, so don't use them at all - even at night, preferring to drive by moonlight... http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

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