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jcb51 3 May 2003 14:10

F650 does it age well ??
Hi everybody
I have an F650(1996) which I took fROM lA to Lima in 1998.I has done 43K and has been iddle for the last two and half years,as I now ride an R850R. Im going to Alice Spring(from Sydney) via broken hill womera and the oodandata track for a 12/15 day round trip via mt Isa.
While the bike is going to be service before I go,does anybody out there now of any problems with the bike having 43K?
Any advise will be welcomed.

Renato Braz 4 May 2003 21:49


I also ride an F650, but mine is only 20k, so I can´t help you... but I don´t trust the bike as much as I trusted my old transalp.

43k? check your clutch.

By the way, jorge is a Portuguese name!! Are you Portuguese?


Renato B.
(Sun blessed Portugal!!)

Nigel Marx 6 May 2003 04:09

Hi. My F650 has just passed the 120,000km mark. In that time it has has one water pump (55,000km), one clutch (65,000km), one cam chain (80,000). There are no funny noises, and she runs like a dream. I know it's history even though I have had it from 82,000km as it was previously owned by a bike hire company and I have the service records. I would get it serviced and buy a new waterpump to take as they have a limited life.


Nigel in NZ

--"How can I be lost if I don't care where I am?"--

p.s. I have a copy of the F650 parts CD-ROM up to about 1998 model if anyone wants a copy for the cost of disc plus postage.

picaresque 26 May 2003 22:08

I don't personally own an F650, but when I moved to Venezuela, I considered buying one here, but opted for an older airhead (BMW) because the seller wanted way too much for the 650. In my research, I came across a great website of 650 enthusiasts, which includes a superb technical section. Look at www.f650.com. Good Luck


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