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richardb 1 Jul 2005 00:33

f650 stalling
okay, I know its been covered before, but today my once trusty 2003 Dakar has started stalling. Basically it will idle for a little while, but the engine is running rough, then dies. I managed to get it home 30 miles or so by keeping the revs up when stopping, but it still cut out on me several times, usually when slowing down.

I've looked at the chain gang site and tried all the obvious stuff, like unplugging the computer, spark plug is good, it isn't the air filter...

Two things I noticed. One is my battery is, or sounds like it is, bubbling - yes like it was simmering. I have never noticed this before - is it normal, even with the engine off? Fluid level looks fine.

Second after it stalls I can hear a small high pitched whine coming from the cockpit unit. I disconnected the supply to the LEDs - but still got it, so it must be from the rev counter or the speedo which have separate electrical supply.

Can anyone shed any light? Or will I have to resort to my dealer?

Strang ethat this should happen just after my warranty ran out a couple of months ago!



richardb 1 Jul 2005 20:53

Looks like I have the answer to this now. Its a cracked inlet manifold. WIll cost me £45 for a piece of plastic tube that will take a week to come from Germany!


javkap 2 Jul 2005 03:16

Hi Richard
To many time whit out see you....
If you see this post: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb...ML/000600.html
Bob have the same problem but in Brazil in the middle of nowhere.
He find some in UK London some days a go.
A big hug

Smellybiker 4 Jul 2005 02:55

Yup, a cracked manifold will do that....as well as backfiring, burping, farting and lots of other nasty things.

I'm waiting for a box of spares to turn up in Brasil, fingers crossed for tomorrow.

You 'can' repair the manifold, but have to be very careful that the repair is a good'un otherwise you'll get debris in the head...which is 'very not good.

Get a thin peice of aluminium and pop-rivet it onto the inside of the manifold so that it supports the broken part. Use a washer on the outside of the manifold so that the rivet cant pull through. Once you've done that, wrap the outside of the manifold with duct tape to seal it.

That'll get you going again, but you really need to get a replacement. I would'nt trust it for too long.

You also need to check that battery. Its a known 'gottcha' on the Dakar that if the battery is tired/screwed then it wont start/idle/run.

Last seen in S.America, missing presumed fed.

[This message has been edited by Happy Hacker (edited 03 July 2005).]

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