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-   -   f650 wing mirror (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bmw-tech/f650-wing-mirror-8019)

richardb 12 May 2004 22:06

f650 wing mirror
2003 Dakar model.

My wing mirror has popped off the arm in a small tumble. Its a ball and socket joint, but I canĀ“t for the lif of me push it back on - the hole is just too small for the ball.

Anybody got any ideas?



Stephano 12 May 2004 23:06

Had the same problem once but just kept pushing!

Here's some light reading on F650 mirrors in general.

<a href="http://faq.f650.com/FAQs/MirrorsFAQ.htm" target="_blank">The Mirrors<span lang="EN-GB">
FAQ at F650.com</span></a>


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