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-   -   GS1150ADV, Best Alum.Panniers? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/bmw-tech/gs1150adv-best-alum-panniers-8190)

Dogo 11 May 2005 17:18

GS1150ADV, Best Alum.Panniers?
Hello fellow BMWer's,

Would be glad to have your opinions on which
Aluminium side and top panniers should I buy to my lovely ADV ?
I feel more atracted for those options from
Touratech but wouldn't mind to go for the BMW
originals ,if better served;
and by the way,is there any place where I could searh for a 2nd hand ones?

Thks in advance for your time,

In the wind soon,


Margus 11 May 2005 20:34

Touratech's are too thin for me (1.5mm aluminium=they'll collapse on a bit harder crash) Altough the practical design and purpose is one of the best on all aluminium boxes range available.

Try searching some info on those:

Bernd Tesch (the most bulletproof rack and the hardest cases (2.5mm) on the market): http://www.berndtesch.de/English/Racks.html & http://www.berndtesch.de/English/EIndex.html
Vern: http://www.projectvnd.com/
Al Jesse: http://www.jesseluggage.com/
Caja Sahel: http://www.littleireland.ie/cajasahel/

Hope this helps...


unhinged 11 May 2005 22:09

I'd choose something other than the BMW panniers. They came with my 2nd hand Adventure and I've managed to break one set of the plastic hinges already (40 GBP to replace) just by letting go of the lid! Also, the lock's plastic and easily prized open. They look smart in my opinion but I'd much prefer something I could padlock up whilst I'm travelling.

Maverick Bubble 12 May 2005 00:12

Trying to find second hand ones are as rare as rocking horse poo, when thry becomeavailable they sell very quick, but there are some for sale on ebay at the moment.

You can try this guy http//www.eibcltd.co.uk/
, i think he is quoting between £120 to £150 for the panniers and about the same for the rails.

Stephano 12 May 2005 02:18

The Touratechs are very strong and can survive a fairly heavy slow speed fall (I tested them twice at the HUBB meet last summer).

In a harder, higher speed fall the state of your panniers will be the least of your concerns.

Spanish Bob 18 May 2005 03:21

I would avoid BMW cases. They are far too flimsy.

I have ttech. They are very simple and quite well made. They are more flimsy compared to Say jesse or Tesch (although both of these have been tested by many many many riders (do not but something that hasn´t been unless you are very sure of the product).

I have seen a few cases of very well engineered cases and supports. The cases in fact were described as Bomb proof etc. Unfortunatley in a crash something has to give, better flatten your cases, bung your kit in a dry bag and have them hammered back into shape that have something like your sub frame give.

If I were to buy again I would still buy ttech, failing that Jesse or more likely Ortlieb/HG/Louis drybags.

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