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Macca 22 Mar 2001 01:04

R1150GS - ABS ?
Having decided on the bike I'm going to do my adventure on (R1150GS),in my quest for bike/trip preparation I came across a gem, a certain BMW motorcycle club (in Australia - "no names-no pack drill") has advised fitting the R1150GS with ABS for touring.

I may have misread the article, but this goes against my adventure philosphy of the 'KISS' (keep it simple stupid) principle, so to answer my own question, I do not intend to fit ABS unless fellow travellers know something more about the "Panzer" than I do (this is my first Beemer).

John Ferris 22 Mar 2001 03:05

In the US I don't remember ever seeing a R1150GS without ABS. Here in the US they came with ABS that you could turn off if you wanted to. If you had any other model BMW without ABS no dealer would install ABS because of liability. It was a factory only option.

Macca 22 Mar 2001 04:08

G'day John, what I've failed to tell is here in Australia the ABS is a customer option, hence you want it, you pay for it, where as I'd rather spend my cash on some Tourtech equipment if there is no real reason to have the ABS other than a "nice if you can get it" bit of kit.

jmoore 13 Apr 2001 11:30

I used to follow the KISS idea http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif Actually, I still do. However, once you have had ABS save your bacon, you will be a life-long supporter. If it craps out along the way, the brakes still work. I consider the $1500 or so it cost above the base price to be some of the best insurance I've paid. Just an opinion.


Macca 15 Apr 2001 18:07

I've spoken to a R1150GS owner who doesn't have the ABS fitted (Australian model) and by his recommendation/opinion that at first he didn't think the ABS was warranted, he considers himself a resonable rider http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/wink.gif however he did say he has "locked" up the wheels occasionally so changed his view.

Considering his view and the above I'm going for the ABS option, heck it's only money.


JASON_MATTHEWS 17 Apr 2001 19:19

Hi Macca,

I got an 1150GS last year with ABS, I wasn't too sure if it was worth it. After riding in the rain this past year and having used it - i can definately say if you can afford it, get it. If you need to you can always switch if off -say for offroad. It costs a lot but at least they upgrade the battery!!

andy 30 Apr 2001 13:51

I have recently bought a R1150GS in UK and specified and paid extra for the ABS, although that price does also include uprating the charging system. I have already 'tested' the ABS on the road so I know how good it is, and I have used it for real several times in my car and now wouldn't be without it.

IMPORTANT: When I did BMW's offroad riding course it was impressed upon me that I MUST switch my ABS off when riding on gravel. If I don't then I may find myself virtually unable to stop!


Macca 2 May 2001 12:43

Thanks guys for those helpful tips, see ya on the road.


peterchinphoto 21 Dec 2006 22:58

I know it's late but I recently bought a R1159GSA 2002 50,000k's and at 60.000ks the ABS stopped working I was told it would cost $2,600Au plus labour cost around $400 so consider the costs if something like this happens, I'm trying to have it fixed without replacing the bit that's broken (master slave???). I was told by a BMW car technician that they can fix the car's ABS by dismantling it and cleaning 'the points' but that's as far as I got:( so if anyone know how it done I would appreciate HELP!
But ABS is great - it saved my bacon at least twice.

Lone Rider 22 Dec 2006 01:40

If it's like the pre '03 US models, your bike doesn't have servo brakes, which would be a good thing.
My suggestion is to fix what's need to have the brakes operate safely and forget the ABS.

Somebody else posted before about US models and ABS. The 'Sport' 1150GS came w/o ABS and was imported for one or 2 years. It had the lower 6th gear (like the Adventure model) and came in a yellow color.

Sjoerd Bakker 22 Dec 2006 13:00

abs on 1150gs
Just a thought- what exactly on the abs is broken that stopped it working? On my 1100GS the ABS stopped working, went to the flashing dash light warning mode everytime at start-up because the battery was wearing out. New batterry problem solved. Even with ABS not working I still had normal "analogbraking".

oldbmw 22 Dec 2006 19:23


Originally Posted by jmoore
I used to follow the KISS idea http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif Actually, I still do. However, once you have had ABS save your bacon, you will be a life-long supporter. If it craps out along the way, the brakes still work. I consider the $1500 or so it cost above the base price to be some of the best insurance I've paid. Just an opinion.


True, that is what is supposed to happen, but it didn't for the 'long way round' team, they had to abandon their bike because when the ABS failed it left them with NO brakes. They then continued on a locally made two stroke until the factory could fly someone out to fix it. Personally I think ABS is probably a good thing on roads, but not so much use off road. That opinion is based on other peoples experiences and observation so not worth a lot. On the other hand, Many people do not like the linked braking system offered on some BMW's, for me it would be an advantage because in an emergency I would grab the front brake lever OK and probably stamp on the gearchange for the rear brake ( old habits die hard)

usl 23 Dec 2006 13:41

Hi ;

ABS ... i couldnt get used to it, so i "unplugged" it. But the only reason was that i couldnt cope with it ... a motorcycle hopping under me without my will, made me feel uneasy...

If i had the option that you have...i would definetly leave the ABS system at the shop and the money in my pocket.


spartacus 23 Dec 2006 13:47

good idea
soundss like a good idea

modre 28 Dec 2006 16:02

here's my $.02 on ABS.

I had an '02 RT...not a GS, it had the servo linked ABS...I did 4 years and 28K miles on it. So many others complained, but I thought the brakes were fine once you got used to them. I never had the occasion to slam them on on pavement then go into gravel in an emergency to "get" that sales promo hype the police rant on about.

I did hit a deer with them that cost me some of my lower back...I grew up on dirt bikes and can do lots of tricks...it's not that I'm in any way a novice on a motorcycle. been riding since I was 10 or so, and I'll be 55 next birthday. my perifery caught the deer profile image...my reflexes went into motion...I felt the brakes come on...and I went down hard just the same...from the dirt years, I may have slid the rear into a flat track maneuver and eased it down...but ABS takes a lot of skill out of your bag-o-tricks.

the single thing I intensely disliked about ABS is coming downhill to a stop with a stopped car before you when the road surface is a washboard from chronic braking action...if a tire jumps, the ABS kicks in and you LOSE ALL BRAKES for an instant (and that can be a dozen feet forward motion) until the computer gains mastery and decides on it's own to re-join the reality. I would much rather have a tire hop momentarily than have the brakes off on a coffee break in the lounge down the hall. After training yourself to use power assist brakes, in an emergency situation, the residual braking is an unexpected surprise, and tho possibly adequate, you may not have the time or space to make use of them after the reaction time.

I would not buy another ABS motorcycle. I'm sure they are fine for novices in an emergency...but if you have enough experience for all those reflexes and instincts to be trustworthy...not for me.

ABS is another overdesigned gadget meant to bring the unprepared up to an illusionary level of expertise...it may even save a statistical life...but I don't necessarily believe all progress is positive...I suspect college boys blow smoke, and fools buy anything with a credential attached. we may even develop that into a top heavy bureaucracy with rules, regulations, and penalties galore...backed by walls full of credentials as proof positive...but I'll just rely on my instincts and intellegence, and leave the "experts" to crash and burn in their folly...you only have to look at the water, air, and social excercise of tribal warfare while folks try their best to find a way off this planet for survival to see my point.

ABS and all technology that takes a breakdown out of the hands of the mechanic and puts it in the hands of a corporation with veto power over warranty claims. IMHO I believe the ring thru the nose diminishes the genius of man in a false trust...which is always the nature of the society. Why be chained to a $1000 brake module when a $3 cable did just as well for decades? The $1000 part may look good at dividend time at the polished shoe party...but it does me no good in mud up to my knees with the light failing in the real world.

...just my $.02.

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