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jv3 23 May 2005 22:10

R1200GS Drive Shaft Area Noise and Leaking Oil
I have a 04 R1200GS BMW and I have complained to my dealer about some oil that has dripped down on my rim when the bike is on it's side stand. About 2 table spoons of black colored oil in total over a period of 500K/300 miles. Apperantly they ordered all the seals to fix this problem but I must bring the bike in which is 400ks away. This so called leak has stopped but now I can hear a weird clicking noise coming from the drive shaft area. Any ideas out there??? is it still safe to ride??? Can I ever get my confidence back from a bike company who is suppose to have such a great product.

Mr. Ron 24 May 2005 05:35

Just a thought, but could it be the leak stopped because you ran out of oil? With the bike on it's centre stand and in neutral, turn the wheel by hand slowly and listen carefully. Also check to see if there is any lateral movement before you decide to ride it again. While in Mexico last October, i met a couple from Calgary on the same bikes. She blew her rear-end and could move the wheel laterally almost an inch. She called the dealership and they told her it was safe to ride to the nearest dealer! That was about 800miles to Tuscon. Don't know what happened or if she made it. Do a search, this appears to be a common problem on the new GS. I'm liking my '89 more and more http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

simmo 24 May 2005 19:43

BOPS is with you

goggstrotters 25 May 2005 07:07

Don't worry, they all do that sir !

LuckyStriker 25 May 2005 15:47

I disagree with the other posters. It is by no means a common problem.
It is very unfortunate that it happened to you but these things do happen from time to time. Machines will break, people will curse!

That clicking could be bare grinding metal or it could be your paranoia running away with you. My seal doesn’t leak but when I perform the same test (spin the wheel on the center stand) I can also hear feint sounds coming from the final drive.

Get that seal fixed when you can and enjoy your bike. Don’t get negative… Your bike is as good as they can make it.

Mr. Ron 27 May 2005 12:45

Hello Jv3, just wondering how you made out?

jv3 27 May 2005 20:17

The dealer asked for me to call roadside assistance which I did to have the bike hauled down to them. I'm still waiting for them to tell me what failed...hrrr

Walus 2 Jul 2005 23:56

My name is Adam http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/wink.gif

I am buying 1200 GS.... but... whta about this leaking oil...?!

jv3 12 Jul 2005 20:29

Hey guys, sorry for the late reply. The out come was they replaced my final drive. First they ordered all kinds of seal parts but when it came down to doing the oil leak & noise repair the dealer was still missing some special tools. This is when they decided to replace the whole unit.


simmo 12 Jul 2005 21:32

Ah those special tools!

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