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Kiwirider 10 Dec 2007 02:27

Removing wheels on an F650GS on the trail
Hi all

I have been taking off my wheels (practising puncture repairs on the trails)
(2005 F650GS)

Now I can get it the rear wheel off ok, but I really struggle to get it back on??
It is the wheel spacer on the brake side of the wheel, it doesn't just lift up, the brake calliper keeps hitting it and it falls off
Is there a trick that you know about?

Also the front wheel
What do you use to hold the front up when removing the front wheel on the trail?

Thanks in advance

juddadredd 10 Dec 2007 02:36


A question for me, simple fixes to both of these.

Prop the wheel up with your field toolkit, I have a set of Pliers and Wire Snips in a little 3 inch pack, I use that it also works when your working on the forks. If you put it an inch further away from you then it needs to be, all you do is pull it towards you with the wheel on top and it lines up for you, quick simple and fast.

With the rear wheel it helps if you take out the Brake Pads before you try to insert the wheel, and make sure that the piston is all the way back in for when you reinsert them, it makes the job much easier and stops it whacking the caliper or damaging the rear rotor.

The funny shaped spacer you can hold in place with a dab of silicone that way you wont ever lose it.

If you need clarification then just leave a note here.

Lee :)

Kiwirider 10 Dec 2007 02:53


Originally Posted by juddadredd (Post 162770)

Prop the wheel up with your field toolkit, I have a set of Pliers and Wire Snips in a little 3 inch pack, I use that it also works when your working on the forks. If you put it an inch further away from you then it needs to be, all you do is pull it towards you with the wheel on top and it lines up for you, quick simple and fast.

I am not sure I understand?
How do you stop the front falling (forks extending) when the wheel has removed?
Should I do this on the side stand rather than the centre stand
The front fender (mudguard) wants to sit on the wheel, if I remove the wheel will it fall over?


Originally Posted by juddadredd (Post 162770)
With the rear wheel it helps if you take out the Brake Pads before you try to insert the wheel, and make sure that the piston is all the way back in for when you reinsert them, it makes the job much easier and stops it whacking the caliper or damaging the rear rotor.

The funny shaped spacer you can hold in place with a dab of silicone that way you wont ever lose it.

Lee :)

I can line it all up and get it in place ok, but when I left the wheel up, the spacer (the one where the axle goes though) hits the bottom of the brake calliper, it is out by about 5-10mm?? It takes some real juggling to get it together

When you put the axle through it goes through the LHS swingarm, then through the brake calliper mount, then through the spacer and then through the wheel and out the other side


Lone Rider 10 Dec 2007 13:42

Pull the sliding brake further back before trying to mate it with the wheel. Sounds like it's too far forward.
If I'm reading your problem correctly, this is common on many bikes.

juddadredd 10 Dec 2007 13:56


I use the small tool box to keep the wheel at the same level it was when you take it off the bike, then when you need to put it back on all you do is place it a little further back and then pull the tool box forward with the wheel on top of it, which then lines up the wheel with the spindle.

I also use it to stop the front wheel and forks from falling and moving about when tightening the steering heads etc, simple and easy.

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