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SandiGS650 9 Oct 2005 14:50

Waterlogged F650GS - Help

Been swimming on my bike F650GS 03 model. Its waterlogged. Please help!!

I have taken out spark plug and it turns over. Coffed up some water. Its been standing over night. Turns over but no ignition. Good spark. Battery has been charged. Sprayed WD40 on electical parts. Still water in spare exhaust pipe that splutters out a bit.

Any ideas?!
Much appreciated
Sandi - on 0770 4600751

Namron 9 Oct 2005 21:37

If you got good spark, check for water in fuel tank, and in air filter


Namron '04 F650GSA, '03 Yamaha Venture, Calgary, Alberta Canada.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.

Grant Johnson 10 Oct 2005 05:44

water water everywhere...

like he said, water in fuel - drain the fuel tank and flush if lots of wate rin it with fresh fuel, check the air filter and air box for water, plus carb float bowls if carb version, and drain the exhaust thoroughly - pick up the front end and watch it drain! http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif If it's full of water, there's no way it will run.

Also change ALL oils immediately.

good luck, Grant

Frank Warner 10 Oct 2005 07:07

If it is an injected bike .. and you have had water in the fuel .. change tehfuel filter once the fuel is clean.

You do need to get rid of the water no matter what the fuel supply system. In particular from teh electrical switches and connectors, oils (including the fork oil), etc.

SandiGS650 12 Oct 2005 00:56

Thanks. Still struggling on...

The oil drain plug is really soft and rediculously tight so that got all the corners pulled off. Unable to do a proper drain of the oil, but how I've temporarily solved the problem is by filling up with cheap fresh oil, then running the engine, empty the oil out, add more oil - its taken ages and 20L of oil, but the bike runs now. I'll have to do all the rest wrt filters etc now too.

Thanks for the help. I guess its best to learn the hard way here at home rather than on the road.


Nigel Marx 12 Oct 2005 08:20

I did this to my F650 about 4 years ago, and it's still going OK. One thing I recommend you do is thoroughly lube the cables, including speedo and rev (unless it is electronic) as the only long term effect is on these parts. Mine too took about 4 or five oil changes to get rid of all the water in the crankcase. The biggest scare on mine was being washed down into deep water, with me down-stream and getting trapped between the bike and a big rock. The bike started to come up over me but I managed to wrench my foot out, leaving the big toenail in my boot. My advice is if you do get washed off, get around to the upstream side, but quick.
Nigel in NZ

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page"- St Augustine

SandiGS650 15 Oct 2005 23:57


Originally posted by Nigel Marx:
I did this to my F650 about 4 years ago, and it's still going OK. One thing I recommend you do is thoroughly lube the cables, including speedo and rev (unless it is electronic) as the only long term effect is on these parts. Mine too took about 4 or five oil changes to get rid of all the water in the crankcase. The biggest scare on mine was being washed down into deep water, with me down-stream and getting trapped between the bike and a big rock. The bike started to come up over me but I managed to wrench my foot out, leaving the big toenail in my boot. My advice is if you do get washed off, get around to the upstream side, but quick.
Nigel in NZ


Lucky for me I have really bad jumpsy disorder. I've dropped the bike on myself once and ever since - I keep hopping off - some times, for no real reason! I need to practice staying on.

I did notice rust on the chain today and the break cable being tight... so thanks for the lube advice. Will do.


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