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davepegg 28 Oct 2012 10:07

Ultimate Hearing earplugs
Has anyone used the above ? especially with the speakers fitted, they are pricey at £170, so are they that good ????????

stephen.stallebrass 28 Oct 2012 12:50

Yes, they're awesome! I've used my sound ears everyday for commuting, on my Mongolia-Siberia trip and they've even been through the washing machine... :thumbup1:

davepegg 28 Oct 2012 15:33

Appreciate quick response

Tiffany 28 Oct 2012 17:51

Ear, Ear
I've got Ultimate ear plugs and I think they're brilliant - had them for 18 months so far and still not managed to lose them:cool4: I can't imagine going back to the old disposable ear plugs at all.

dash 28 Oct 2012 21:34

I've worn a set more or less every time I've ridden a bike for the last four years - which means they aren't as good as they used to be, but I'll definitely be buying another set.

Endurodude 28 Oct 2012 21:42

I use them too, and they're great! They sent me the original moulds in case I needed another set. I read somewhere that when they take the moulds in the first place, it is better to wear your helmet then they mould correctly for the intended use. I don't know whether this is essential or not - I didn't do this, and mine work fine. Possibly worth a conversation with them, though.

I definitely wouldn't use disposable ones - these are great!

grizzly7 28 Oct 2012 23:10

Do you mean these?

ultimate ear | Ear Plugs | Hearing and Ear Protection London UK

I lost my green leopard ones, so got these. They're really good because-

I have small ear canals, so any sort of off the shelf in-ear speaker doesn't really work for me. Or the cheap foam plugs just to keep noise out.

They block sound really well, so protect your hearing rather than needing a higher volume to drown out all the racket. Quiet, discreet good sound, although they do an even higher quality speaker for hundreds more.

Because you run at a much lower volume, the likes of an Ipod battery lasts a lot longer.

I visited the Kent office to get them done. No helmet, and I can't really see what difference that would make? I made sure the "technician" knew I had small canals, as the gunk needs pushing a bit further in than normal to stay in for me. I've had four fittings, two for just plugs for work, two of the gunkers were good and two (at NEC bike shows) left a lot to be desired. I have been given the moulds as above, but the bike show pair were not too good and I've lost the others :( You can post them back for a bit of adjustment if too big, but I think they only sand them down?

I chose an additional connector about a foot from the plugs so if I got a wireless helmet thing I could plug into that, but until I do the connecter is a bit too heavy dangling around my neck unattached.

The green leopards had the speakers around my neck and a small tube going from there to the earplugs. If helmet on and off again damaged the tube then thats a cheap fix. Ultimate ear have the speakers in the plug, so wire damage may need a new set? Not sure about that though, and green leopard don't seem to be trading anymore?

Money well spent I think. :mchappy:

colebatch 29 Oct 2012 05:27

i have had two sets of the monitors the ones with speakers in them ... first set lasted about 4 years. The lost fit after about that long (apparently the size of the inside of your ears does change over time, so got a new set earlier this year.

If you listen to music while you ride, they are the benchmark, in terms of both blocking wind and engine noise AND providing tunes.

About 200 quid I paid for the options I chose (single speaker in each ear), but you can pay a lot more if really hifi sound is your thing. The single speaker jobs are fine but do lack bass. They do dual driver earphones and I believe even triples if a really even response across the audio spectrum is your thing.

From memory, the dual speaker units are more like 450 quid, and I never asked about the triples. You probably need to be a rock star to afford them.

For your reference, on my first set, I had wire damage, they replaced just the wires for 30 quid in the mail. About 1 week service.

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