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markosolo 20 Nov 2016 14:16

Main stream media
I'm off to Mexico for 6 months next year and if I listened to the msm I wouldn't go off of toll roads! Now, I'm all for safe riding, but is this just scaremongering?

Is Mexico safe? Latest up-to-date travel information | Travel News | Travel | Daily Express

Tony LEE 20 Nov 2016 16:21

If you listen to State Department or even your own government's travel warnings you wouldn't step outside your bedroom (although statistics will tell you that more people die in their beds than in all other locations). US forum I belong to has a separate Mexico section and every few days the trolls will roll in and tell us they wouldn't go to Mexico under any circumstances and of course those of us who have been just tell them good, that leaves it less crowded for us.
No question parts of Mexico are dangerous but parts of USA (or any country) can be just as or more dangerous. We boondocked (admittedly in a big motorhome)

close to half the time on Baja and the mainland and had no problems at all and nothing but help from police and army as well.

markosolo 20 Nov 2016 19:09

I know Tony, I get 'be careful in Mexico' when I live in London with weekly stabbings and a murder 10 doors away a couple of years ago.
I have a friend over in Mexico now and he says he's had nothing but a friendly welcome.

Agreed that if you listened to the msm you'd never go out of the house.

BikingBison 25 Nov 2016 04:38

Right now I'm riding through Mexico. Went down the Baja, shipped to Mazatlan, and heading now towards Yucatan. Nothing but friendly people until now! Warmhearted and always ready to help.

I use the toll roads because of the better road conditions and the faster way of traveling (sometimes makes sense...)

Come down and enjoy!

Sjoerd Bakker 25 Nov 2016 15:46

Why the "need " for a faster way of travel?
Except for avoiding certain over sized metropolitan areas toll roads are best avoided. The LIBRE roads are much more entertaining and show you lots more of the country.
As a motorcyclist don't you have any desire, or need, to travel the more sinuous routes through the scenic landscape and small towns that most LIBRE roads will reveal to you with surprising regularity ? . If not .... pity. You are suffering from "destinationism":( , a condition not compatible with true motorcycle touring :mchappy:

Fernandolx 26 Nov 2016 00:44


Originally Posted by Tony LEE (Post 551430)
If you listen to State Department or even your own government's travel warnings you wouldn't step outside your bedroom (although statistics will tell you that more people die in their beds than in all other locations).


Mexico is mainly safe. I'm in Baja 6 months a year, and currently visiting Yucatán.
Stay away from the big cities (or be extra cautious) and specially don't drive at night.

scharfg 27 Nov 2016 03:13

I agree with Sjoerd, we just got back in October. One rider's bike was acting up the first day we crossed over at Douglas AZ. He was going to head back to find a US mechanic, but then 3 MX riders saw us and came over and offered to help as they knew a good menchanic. So we followed them for an hour to Hermosillo and after about 4 hours of looking for the issue, the mechanic found the problem (broken wire going into the fuel controller). It was 11pm by the time he finished (they spent 20 minutes washing his bike!).

He wouldn't take $60US so we had to insist.

It turned into a street party, I bought the beer and they supplied the tequilla, they even took the rider out for dinner while the mechanic stayed behind to work on the bike.

It was one of the best experiences of the trip, we had warm friendly experiences where ever we went. They say Canadians are nice but we have nothing on the Mexicans! :D

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