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S-Mendus 3 Aug 2007 23:52

mexico-insurance required?

I am currently flying and having a bit of R and R before I cross into Mexico and continue South. Does anybody know if I need to buy insurance for mexico, and if so can i get it at the boarder or is there a cheaper alternative? I am crossing the boarder on the 1st Sept, so if anyone else is heading down Baja then, then please get in touch. e-mail phatmendus@hotmail.com



garrydymond 4 Aug 2007 00:32

Not required but if you want it you can get it at the border. Sanbourns seems to be a popular company.
If you plan on coming to Mexico City send me a PM

Lone Rider 4 Aug 2007 00:44

Not require, but suggested. Sanborns prices are high when compared to many online sources where you buy-and-print your policy.

Baja Bound Mexican Auto Insurance - Travel Safe in Mexico! is a source.
Also, MEXonline.com Mexican Auto Insurance & Legal Services Directory, has a list of companies.

Sjoerd Bakker 4 Aug 2007 14:28

Not required..... but ... the instant you get into an accident you will wish you had it. And by insurance it is generally meant third party liability insurance to provide for claims by others to cover damge suffered by them.You will be hard pressed to find insurance for collision repair, fire and theft on motorcycles at an affordable price- not written for bikes.
It is like buying a ticket in a lottery you hope never to win.Chances are good you will never call upon your insurance, but having it gives peace of mind . And if you do wind up talking to the cops at the business end of writing out accident rerports it will be worth it. These policies also usually include some form of bail bond assistance if you are really into the doodoo and provide a list of contacts for insurance reps in Mexico .
No insurance means you could be looking at some jail time while it all gets sorted out.

S-Mendus 4 Aug 2007 17:49

thanks for the advise. I am sure i will be splashing out for some insurance then. The best quote i seemed to get online was about $130 for 3 weeks. i hope thats about the going rate as I seem to be living on the breadline and would hate to pay an exsessive amount!

thanks again


Sjoerd Bakker 4 Aug 2007 19:26

Whooa there S-Mendus, if you are serious about wanting to save the dinero my suggestion would be to hold off on buying insurance on-line at the rate you mentioned. Better that you wait until the day you are actually at the border and shop around in person at some of the insurance sellers on the USA side . You should be able to do a lot better.
This past winter I made two trips into Mexico and got liability at lower cost than your example. In January I paid $75.16US for 21 days of cover for an automobile at a seller in San Ysidro California ( at the Tijuana entry, the actual name is not in my expense notes , but I can find it later) and I paid $113 US for cover for my bike from 15 March to 17 April at the Sanborns agent Bravo Insurance in Laredo Texas. In Laredo I did ask at another seller too but they were a lot more.
I know, rates may have increased in the last two months, but for the longer your stay the rate does go down per day.
I suspect that rates are higher over the net because they charge for the "convenience". . Better to not over plan a trip, just buy the insurance when you actually need it and you also have the benefit of having a more flexible schedule. There is no refund on such policies so if you buy it you are stuck to the start date or know that you are wasting policy time if you start late.Much to be saved if you take the time to shop in person during business hours. All the big and small border towns in the US will have one or another insurance seller. If you can head for the big cities where there is competition


strikingviking 8 Aug 2007 12:17

For you people who cross into Mexico several times a year--a six month policy is about $150USD and $165USD for one year. If you are involved in a collision and you have no insurance, the police will take you directly to jail to sort matters.

But that being said, I live in Mexico and frequently ride into Central America where insurance is not readily available for purchase and have never bought a policy. (Except Costa Rica) When outside your home country, ride extra-safe amigos. Ninety-nine percent of the time you won't encounter serious problems, but when things go wrong in the developing world, they going really wrong, quick. Ojala que le vaya bien

Sjoerd Bakker 8 Aug 2007 18:24

Good info there from strikingviking. I would have sprung for a whole year or half year policy for my two trips but the problem was that I was going to enter with different vehicles and the policy would be made out to only one of them.
Am I misinformed? Is it possible to buy one of these liability policies for a longer term and have it cover multiple vehicles ridden in on different trips ? Up to now it never dawned on me to ask that question when I was buying insurance. To think of the possible money I could have saved if this were possible!

strikingviking 10 Aug 2007 12:51


Originally Posted by Sjoerd Bakker (Post 146502)
Good info there from strikingviking. I would have sprung for a whole year or half year policy for my two trips but the problem was that I was going to enter with different vehicles and the policy would be made out to only one of them.
Am I misinformed? Is it possible to buy one of these liability policies for a longer term and have it cover multiple vehicles ridden in on different trips ? Up to now it never dawned on me to ask that question when I was buying insurance. To think of the possible money I could have saved if this were possible!

You can secure the one-year policy and substitute motorcycles as you sell/buy different ones, and I assume cars, as the liability charge is the same for either. I've done it before between bikes. Check your prices and you should find that AAA is competitive. As of a few years ago, they even had the best map of the South American continent.

BTW, there are only a few big underwriters for all Mexican insurance: General Electric etc. Those different named companies are just the agents.

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